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My cousin Laurence

April 1, 2013
by C Y JOE
Our friendship went far beyond just kinship.  Despite our growing up in very different circumstances, there was initially that bond of kinship, but beyond that there was this sharing of basic values of integrity, family, and all the many other attributes which equate to human decency.  

His warmth and good cheer will always be remembered.  The attached picture was taken in April, 2009 in Toronto at the exhibit of the Cradle of New Chinese Ink Painting.

Condolence from Mr Anthony HO 何 鎮 源 (in Toronto)

April 1, 2013

Father Deignan, Father Chow, 各 位 Laurence 的 親 友:

我 是 何 鎮 源, 現 居 多 倫 多。今 日 (1 Apr 2013) 未 能 和 你 們 一 起 送 別 我 六 拾 年 親 如 兄 弟 的 老 朋 友, 是 我 永 久 的 遣 憾。

我 和 Laurence 五 拾 年 代 在 羅 富 國 師 範 學 院 先 後 受 訓 , 他 是 我 的 師 兄。 我 們 先 後 到 九 龍 華 仁 書 院 教 書。 其 後 我 們 先 後 獲 英 國 文 化 委 員 會 獎 學 金 到 英 國 進 修 英 文 教 學 法 ,回 港 後 在 九 華 繼 續 任 教 。當 年 九 華 的教 員 室 是 一 間 大 房 ,內 放 拾 餘 張 工 作 檯 每 檯 兩 位 或 四 位 教 員 共 用,Laurence 與 我 同 檯 工 作 十 多 年 無 間。

Laurence 於 1972 離 職 往 政 府 工 作 ,展 開 他 新 的 成 功 一 頁。 我 與 Laurence 兄 弟 般 的 情 誼 保 持 如 昔。

Laurence 於 九 零 後 到 多 倫 多 定 居, 我 們 和 九 華 同 學 聚 會 多, 當 日 的 師 生 成 為 親 切 的 朋 友。

上 星 期 Laurence 去 世 的 消 息, 立 即 綱 絡 傳 出。各 地 的 朋 友 ,同 學 悼 念 譚 Sir 的 電 郵 紛 紛 傳 送 ,追 思 師 生 之 歲 月, 感 謝 老 師 的 教 誨, 為 老 師 在 藝 術 教 育 作 出 的 貢 獻 致 敬 ,全 是 肺 腑 之 言, 訴 之 於 文, 於 詩 歌。我 將 之 放 在 多 倫 多 舊 生 會 的 網 上, 作 為 永 久 的 懷 念。

多 謝 上 主 給 我 Laurence 這 位 兄 弟。

Margaret, Vincent, Simon, 請 節 哀 順 變。

願 主 與 你 們 同 在。

Anthony HO 何 鎮 源 (in Toronto)

Condolence to the Tam family from The Honourable Philip Siu Lun LEE 李紹麟, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba

April 1, 2013

Dear Members of the Tam Family, 

I am saddened to hear that another great teacher, Mr. Larence Tam,  has left this world.  Tam taught me physics in Form 3, and I will forever remember his teachings.  My earlier career as a scientist was greatly influenced by the fine teachers at Wah Yan College Kowloon.  I was fortunate enough to have reacquainted with Mr. Tam a few years ago in Toronto.  He kindly presented one of his books to me, and it is currently treasured in the library at Manitoba's Government House.  At this time, my thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Tam's family, friends, colleagues and students. He was a good teacher, a scholar and an artist. We shall all miss him.
The Honourable Philip S. Lee, C.M., O.M.,LL.D.
Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba

以下是在加拿大中部Manitoba省現任第二十四屆省督 李紹麟 先生所發出的哀悼。原文是英文,以下是中文翻譯﹕




Condolence from 梁培熾教授

April 1, 2013


「得接来函,心如石擊,對志成兄離世,悲痛异常,痛失良師畏友,至哀难言;并请转知 令慈,祈為节哀顺变。


此文章由住在加拿大多倫多的Miss Gertrude Chan發出,原稿為英文。

April 1, 2013

本人十分欣賞九龍華仁舊生對各位剛去世及已去世的舊老師的愛戴和尊敬。過去幾年Father Reid、江Sir、薜Sir等都相繼離開,現在到Laurence也離我們而去。他們都是我認識多年的好朋友,我和你們一樣,深感受到失落。




Gertrude Chan (in Toronto, Canada)

藝術評賞 – 舉隅:從文化角度認識香港藝術 - 2013年3月9日新書發佈會

April 1, 2013

《藝術評賞 – 舉隅:從文化角度認識香港藝術》
羅師校友、前香港藝術館總館長、水墨畫家及學者譚志成教授為教育局撰寫《藝術評賞 – 舉隅:從文化角度認識香港藝術》已出版, 2013年3月9日舉行新書發佈會。譚校友在病榻上仍致力為香港藝術教育、提升學生藝術欣賞作出貢獻,全場兩度起立鼓掌致敬,場面感動。

《藝術評賞 – 舉隅》藝評八位本地藝術家陳福善、楊善深、何秉聰、呂壽琨、韓志勳、王無邪、張義及林文傑的創作,闡述香港藝術百花齊放的創意和發展軌跡,以及本土藝術創作的文化內涵。2010年11 月譚校友曾在教院展覽六零年代華仁學生水墨舊作, 名為「新水墨運動的搖籃」,對以藝術推動全人教育的心願始終如一。

Click below URL link for details and more photos for the event:

譚志成中學教師的新水墨畫實驗 (from 文匯報 2010-12-15)

April 1, 2013

An extract from Wen Hui Po 文匯報 2010-12-15.  A very good description of Tam Sir's dedicated effort in promoting new way of Chinese Ink Painting teaching - the Cradle Project.

Click below for the full passage:

Condolence from Mr Norman SO Chung Ping

March 31, 2013

Much disturbed by the sad news.  Mr Tam had lived a full and meaningful life, helping his students and the general public to appreciate art, especially Chinese Ink Painting, in creative and innovative ways that opened the road to better art education.  It was an honour for me to work with him, and all of you too; and I hope the Ink Painting project will continue to thrive. 

May he rest in peace!

Norman So

"Fred's Café Garden" dedicated to Tam Sir (from Frederick FUNG Kwok Kit, WYK 1972)

March 31, 2013

(Below is condolence from Frederick FUNG Kwok Kit of WYK 1972.)

My deepest condolences to Tam Sir's Family.  I truly hope that Tam Sir's family can gather the strength and courage to endure during this difficult time. 

Tam Sir was really a forever missed gentleman, true artist, great teacher and educator.  While I was attending the University of Toronto(U of T), Mr. Tam was attending his Master of Museology at the Massey College, U of T, Canada.    We had dinners(very private and good quality time) together in Massey College and Chinatown from time to time.  After completing his Master of Museology and before we said goodbye to each other in Toronto, he said to me the following:
"There is no need to be sad for my leaving,  君子之交淡如水". 

These are the words that Tam Sir said to me prior to his return back from Toronto to Hong Kong in the 70's.
To me, Mr. Lawrence Tam was always very HUMBLE, OPEN, ARTISTIC, OPTIMISTIC, CARING and WILLING TO LISTEN.  I would like to share with you some of Tam Sir's emails that he sent me prior to his recent pass away:

As well, I am sure that Tam Sir had enjoyed my 2011 video "Fred’s Café Garden (II)" and wished that he could visit my garden if he were to return to Toronto one day.  I am saddened that it would not be possible now.  I would like to dedicate my video "Fred’s Café Garden (II)" to Mr. Lawrence Tam.  To view the video, please click on

God Bless Mr. Lawrence Tam and may God make Tam Sir rest in peace.
Frederick FUNG Kwok Kit (WYK 1972), now in Toronto

March 29, 2013

Toronto, Ontario is where Tam Sir and family have called it home for many years and with lots of fond memories. At WYK soccer field, 7 October 2007, where the Wah Yan One Family One Future Walkathon is about to kick off.

Happy Moments

March 29, 2013

Those teenage Chinese painting students of almost 40 years ago are now standing tall in their respective posts. His lifelong beloved partner is by his side. The “Cradle” exhibition is in full swing. No wonder Tam Sir is radiant with pride and joy!

March 25, 2013
by Kam Lau

In addition to Tam Sir’s groundbreaking contributions to art education, he was also one of the most creative, influential and prolific artists of his generation. Uploaded to the photo gallery of this site are 37 pages (01LT - 37LT) of his own paintings and drawings during his career, ranging from pencil drawings dating back to 1961, to watercolors in 1962/63, traditional Chinese ink paintings around 1966-1968 (including one with the incomparable calligraphic inscriptions by our late WYK Chinese teacher 劉繼業,) eventually developing into his own unique style of ink painting he was so well known for. 

Each of the 37 pages contains one or more images of his paintings or drawings, 71 paintings and drawings in all, each with its own caption indicating the year it was composed, and exhibitions where they have appeared in, and the present collector of the work. I think you will find this treasure trove of Tam Sir’s life work in creative art most captivating. Let us celebrate Tam Sir’s life and achievements with this collection.


March 25, 2013

The Most Dedicated Master of Contemporary Chinese Ink Painting and Professor of Chinese Art Education - we miss you and thank you for all the teaching, love and caring....

His last public appearance

March 25, 2013

Earlier this month, Tam Sir made his last public appearance at the launch of his book "Examples of Understanding Hong Kong Art through Culture" (舉隅:從文化角度認識香港藝術), another milestone of his life-long contribution to Hong Kong art appreciation and education. The fact that he managed to compile such a masterpiece from his sick bed is another example of his admirable passion and incredible energy! Salutes! 

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