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His Life

The namesake son is born - October 1958

March 30, 2014

Leon Joseph arrived on October 11th, 1958 named for his dad Leonard and his grandfather Joseph. Truth be told that he saved me from wandering through life with those names. (Not that Bruce Anthony was a cake-walk.)

He shares a birthday 4 years part from his big sister Cindy Jean. I wonder if that was planned? Did she ever forgive him for stealing her birthday thunder? (I bet she has.)

He would have been the first born into the luxury of the Swiss Street mansion the family having moved from the legendary "Bass's Bay" home. The house with no running water and an thunder house for nature's calls.

The stories the girls tell of that era are fascinating. I was only a year old so my memory is pretty fuzzy (read blank like an empty page). But the growing Eigenberger family needed a larger house. And having running water would have been a huge plus.

Eventually Jeff was born and then we were the three boys sharing a single bedroom and living and laughing and did what all boys do. Mainly get into trouble. (It wasn't all that hard). And as often as possible blame Leon for it. (What? No. Okay, maybe.)