I look at all these pictures ma, I realize how much I have to tell you. I miss you more now than I did when you left. I somehow messed up, you always loved family, I never knew, you were family and what it would represent. I miss your hugs and kisses, a nice big french girl with a "you'll never forget you've been loved hug" . I'm a momma's boy, always have been, Michelle seen it long before I could ever understand. Ive heard you become a man when your father passes, but what of mothers ? All is lost !! Not true ma, I feel you with me all the time. Michelle has fought the great fight with only power that my mother could summon, you were right she's a very special woman. Aunty Madeline joined you yesterday and I'm sure the cards are already out looking for that special foursome of euchre, don't ask Uncle Ernie I hear he cheats. I bring this up because I know that David is already playing bridge in his own foursome. I quickly just want to tell you I spoke to dad yesterday he's doing great thinks of you everyday like a young boyfriend, silly actually but no wonder with how you look in those early photos. Okay from your son I <3 you so much please feel free to call anytime I've got all the time in the world for you, which I never seemed to have before