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Her Life

Sister Duties

August 31, 2019
Oh boy did I enjoy being the Big Sister!!! Lolita kept me busy but it was all in God’s plan and I had no choice but to step my game up. When our dad decided to relocate, I can still hear his voice in my mind saying “you keep her safe and don’t let nothing happen to her”. UNDERSTOOD! Lolita didn’t take his decision to leave us behind very well. Were there scary moments? OH YEAH.  When Lolita was upset, so was I. When she got in trouble so did I. Her school battles became my battles despite the 2yrs age difference.
The scariest moment I faced one time was when Lolita told one of her classmates that she had a big sister that would beat up her big sister. I got that information from two of my classmates by surprise. I was on my way home from school when they approached me. Yeah, I ended up in a 2:1 fight. Was Lolita around? Nope. Why? I’m not sure. I believe she got out of school before me or Auntie Annie picked her up from school because we never walked home from school together. I did prove my sister right though. I took a few kicks and punches but neither of us had to worry about being bullied or anymore 2:1 fights. Lolita trusted me to do as she expected. Gotta love your little sister (s).

Lolita as a little lady.

August 30, 2019
As I can recall my little sister as a little girl, she was the spoiled one in the family. You all remember the song “Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets”? That’s how it was with my lil sister. Who could say “no”? Our dear Mommy, Shirley Ann Yarbrough passed away when Lolita was a toddler (2yrs old). Many family members has helped our dad in any way possible to assure Lolita and I remained around family since Mommy’s death. As Lolita got old enough to understand what happened to Mommy, it took a toll on her. No one could ever replace Mommy.