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July 21
I met Mark through Miranda in 2013 when they lived in Kodiak. Mark always had a good story to share and it was clear how devoted he was to his family. I got to see him and family a couple times in Dutch Harbor when I passed through for work. He always had an invitation to spend time together, sharing a meal or pushing Mae on the saucer swing at the park. He would talk about how fishing was that year (and was especially proud of anything Mae caught) and how he had been exploring the backcountry areas of Dutch. He and family stopped by my family's place near TC when we overlapped one summer in Michigan, and I got to introduce my son to him and his family. Mark had a generous spirit and a skill for strengthening connections between people, regardless of the distance and time between. I am so saddened he is no longer with us.


June 14
I met Mark in late July of 2021, shortly after arriving on the island. Mark was working part-time as maintenance at the Unalaska City school. We worked together at the school and drove school buses. Mark shared stories of his life and family. He was funny, gracious, and helpful. He was a buffer. Thank you, Mark. 
April 20
July 22, 2011, Mae was minutes old, and, Mark….beaming from ear to ear, handed me that new baby to hold.  I never saw him happier or prouder. And as new Grandparents, we instantly feel in love.  (Grandma Henning)
April 20
I remember how much in love Mark and Miranda were.  Rehearsal day for their wedding….Mark couldn’t get through his vows without tearing up.  It was so sweet.

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