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Not Just My Granny

June 10, 2012

There are NO WORDS to describe my Granny Mary... She was there from my beginning and into her end.. She was the person i could run too for anything in the world and not be told NO or HAVE 1 NEGATIVE thing to say!! I lived with my granny from age 5 til the day she was taking out if this world 20 days before my 14th birthday. She was my Best Friend, My Mom, My Dad, and Everything Else ComBined. If I didn't have her in my life I wouldn't be the person I am today!! Some people judge me before they actually know me and yes some things I shouldn't do or should've never started.. But I am STRONG WILLED and TRUTHFUL to my word!! It's been incredibly hard without her and I know if she was here today ALOT of things would be different.. I MISS HER AND LOVE HER MORE THAN ANY1 COULD IMAGINE!! I don't think my griefing will ever STOP!! She was EVERYTHING 2 ME!! 8 years later if i can still cry daily and still have that missing place in my heart.. I think about her more than once a day and she is in everything i do!!! I cant wait until the day i see her again!!

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