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Her Life

Megan's Birth

June 11, 2013

It was a beautiful sunny, Sunday in Charleston,WV. We were going to church just like any other Sunday. Enjoy a good praise and worship, along with preaching.

Amie, was in Childrens church. Have a wonderful time I am sure.

I got some news inwhich startled me, a good church friend had been in an auto
accident the evening before. I had decided as soon as I heard about it I wanted to go and see my friend. But, I had to figure out how to get out of the house. So, we went on home and had lunch Bologna, cheese and chips, if I am not mistaken. Of course I forgot my iced tea.  I am thinking all through lunch, how can I tell my husband,Paul, that I want to go to the hospital to visit my friend. I get up to go to bathroom and as SOON as I stand up to wash my hands, G U S H! my water broke,so I  got to go to the hospital, ONLY NOT to visit.

We arrived at hospital, got all squared away, and someone, picked up Amie, and we are off. At first the Doc. said it couldn't be my water, (he wasn't my REAL DOC) he was an ER Doc.  AWHAW, it was. I didn't like that doctor, and I made up my mind, I was not ahving this baby until Dr. Cunningham got into town.

Well, We made it! Doc. J. Cunningham, arrived and at 9:28 p.m. We had our
Beautiful little girl, we named Megan Allison after her great grandmothers.