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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Milo Rado. We will remember him forever.

Funeral service was held on March 17, 2021 from 10:10 am-12pm at the Saint Joseph's Church of Hong Kong. The service was hosted by Father Denis of Saint Apostles Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Hong Kong.

Eulogies by Murray McIntosh and Greg Haijar
https: // ...

Service was broadcast live.

Please send donations to the local swim clubs, heart and stroke foundations or churches.
July 2, 2023
July 2, 2023
You are always in our thoughts and are missed by so many.

This summer, we are having a memorial service for you in Toronto.

Serbian Orthodox Church St Sava
203 River Street
Toronto, On M5A 3P9

July 22, 2023 at 10:30am

Thank you for making an impact on our lives.
July 2, 2023
July 2, 2023
Tu est toujours dans nos pensées et dans notre cœur ❤️ tu nous manques
August 7, 2022
August 7, 2022
Thinking of you every day.

Today we gathered together to have a little prayer for you. You are still living in our hearts and all memories of you are cherished.

Pauline and Ana, Alex, Magali and Mirko, Vilie and Shela, Alex Riesch and Yulia
April 24, 2021
April 24, 2021
Cela n’aurait jamais dû se passer comme cela… tant de choses malheureuses n’auraient pas dû se passer comme elles se sont passées.

Et pourtant. Toutefois, personne ne pourra jamais oublier ton sourire, ton grand sens de l’humour, tes éclats de rire bien à toi, ton positivisme à toute épreuve, ton exceptionnelle intelligence, ta vivacité d’esprit inégalée, ton extraordinaire générosité d’âme, ton unique façon d’être, ton charisme indéfinissable, ta noblesse d’esprit, ta curiosité sans limite, et aussi ton côté pudique… tu en étais parfois même intimidant mais, à la fois, toujours plein d’humilité et de compréhension. Tu as toujours été étonnamment exceptionnel et touchant aussi, tu n’as jamais laissé personne indifférent. Ceci rend ton départ si soudain encore plus difficile à accepter.

Mais tu resteras à jamais présent, chez un nombre incroyablement élevé de personnes, que ce mémorial ne pourra jamais exhaustivement refléter.

Si j’avais pu imaginer, que de choses aurais-je eu encore à te dire qui ne pourront plus jamais être dites mais je suis certain que là où tu es, tu nous écoutes encore, avec ta bienveillance bien à toi.

Toute mon empathie et mon support vont vers Alex, et sa famille, et bien entendu aussi vers Pauline et Ana, que je n’ai pas rencontrées, mais qui ont dû connaître tant d’heures de bonheur auprès de toi. Tous ces moments que rien et personne, jamais, ne pourront vous enlever.

Cela n’aurait jamais dû se passer comme cela, Milo, mais tu es encore en chacun d’entre nous, pour toujours, et ton Ana, sans doute ta plus belle réussite et ta fierté, est bien là, parmi nous, emplie de ton amour. 

Repose en paix là où tu es, en espérant pouvoir t’y rejoindre le jour venu.

Xavier Cruzado
April 9, 2021
April 9, 2021

Les années passent mais les souvenirs restent… et ressurgissent lorsque j’ai appris que tu ne faisais plus parti de ce monde. Personnellement, je n’arrive pas à me résoudre de ta disparition soudaine.

Milo c’était, un homme d’un grand charisme, si bienveillant, si rigolo, si sportif, si intelligent et de ce fameux « je-ne-sais-quoi » qui fait tout son charme.

Je me rappelle de lui avoir demandé sa date de naissance.
Il me répond par je : «Sais tout»
Je lui réponds : « C’est sûrement la même date que Einstein non ?»
Il rigole et dit : « Ce n’est pas un piège »
Je le regarde sceptique et me donne finalement sa réponse. « C’est le sept août »

Vif de curiosité et de savoir, il montrait l’exemple, mais transmettre sa connaissance, c’était juste divin.

C’est grâce à toi que je suis devenue la femme forte que je suis à présent. Tu m’as redonné confiance en moi et je t’en serai éternellement reconnaissante. Merci à toi. Tu resteras à jamais gravé dans ma mémoire.

Ton absence n’est qu’un voyage qui nous mènera vers toi un jour…


Il n’y a pas de mots pour exprimer à quel point je suis affligée par la dure perte que tu vis actuellement. Beaucoup de force et courage à toi et ta famille. Je serai là si tu as besoin de moi.
Milo vit au plus profond de ton cœur et pour le revoir, il suffit de fermer tes yeux.

I extend my sincere condolences to Pauline and Ana.

March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
Nous avons été terrriblenent attristé par l'annonce du décès de Milo.
Tant de merveilleux souvenirs durant ces années de natation à Genève, les entrainements, les meetings , les camps de natation.... Milo ta gentillesse, ton sourire et ton sens de la perfection resteront dans nos mémoires.
Bon voyage Milo. Cher Alex nous t'adressons nos sincères condoléances et nos chaleureux messages.
Anne-France et Michel Abt
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
I was saddened by the news of Milo's passing. I met him through Pauline who is my oldest friend from our childhood. Milo was always friendly, calm and relaxed and he kept a cool head. Milo will be missed. My condolences and prayers to Pauline and Ana.
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
Plus de mot ... tu sais tout ...
A bientôt

Mes condoléances à la famille Courage à vous, Ana et Alex.
March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021
Que dire de Milo , si ce n’est que c’était un homme d’un grand charisme, très humble, doté d’un très bon sens de l’humour et d’une très grande intelligence. Toujours disponible et toujours prêt à aider. Tout en étant réservé, il était très attachant et aimait sa famille par dessous tout.
Merci pour le support que tu m’as accordé pendant que nous travaillions ensemble à la UBS et pour celui que tu as accordé à ma famille.
Tu vas nous manquer .....RIP my friend.

March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021
I could not believe the news - such a tragedy. Milo was BMO Risk executive when I was working there. The last two years of his term there when I was working on his initiatives was the only time when my work at BMO Risk was interesting and meaningful and it was the time when I learned most of what I know about Risk Management now. He was in a category of his own. I do not think I will ever meet anybody of such caliber. 
March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021
Dearest Milo swam with us at the Toronto Athletic Club for over 25 years. We were and are a very close knit group. We all loved Milo - he was our inspiration always; he pushed us, encouraged us and never let us give up! He was always the fastest but was so humble about it. Jay tried hard to keep up to him but could not. Milo was particularly kind to me as my MS developed and my swimming speed declined. He personally took it upon himself to make sure he pushed me and kept me motivated to never stop swimming. He loved it too when Clara came to swim We will miss him dearly - Pauline, Ana and Alex our hearts are with you. 
Love Vicky and Jay, Clara and Coco
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
I was the witness to their lovely Toronto wedding, so I consider them to be like family to me. Milo's humor and kindness were unforgettable traits that will make me miss him from the bottom of my heart. Stay strong Pauline and Ana... I'm grateful to have met him and glad that I have nothing but positive memories of him.
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
I was saddened to hear of Milo’s passing. I have known Milo personally and professionally for 20 years back when I was with National Bank and Milo was with BMO. Over the last few years, we have become good friends. I remember meeting him and Pauline for a sushi lunch a couple of years ago – I didn’t know then that would be our last get together! I truly valued his positive outlook as well as his honest and frank opinions. Although his life has been cut short and he will be greatly missed, he lived life well! My sincere condolences and prayers go out to Pauline and Ana.//Alston
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
Milo was a role model for me at the Toronto Athletic Club masters swim program for over 20 years. He swam all four strokes very well and in his early thirties was ranked in the top 5 globally for individual medley events. He helped the rest of us by setting interesting workouts, providing technical advice, offering encouragement and taking an interest in how we performed in swim meets. Often he would already be in the pool having swum 1,000 or 2,000 yards before the rest of us arrived. Then he would do a weight workout after we finished. Truly an inspiration!

Despite efforts by a few of us to entice Milo the compete in local meets, he virtually never did so. But in 2018 Mike Obal, Tom Scheibelhut and I had the honour of being part of a relay with Milo and being cheered on by Pauline and Ana. A memory I will long cherish.

Pauline and Ana, my deepest sympathies. We have all lost a wonderful, kind, smart man. 

March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
Milo swam with us at TAC for 25 years. He was super fast and super modest. If anyone complimented him on swimming breaststroke faster than any of us could swim front crawl, he would deflect the compliment by saying "But I cheated on the turn" as if that made all the difference.
I've thought about Milo every day since I heard the sad news. Milo, I'll miss your creative workouts and I'll miss swimming faster so you don't catch up with me after giving us a 1 length lead. Love you buddy.
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
I was just starting my career when we met, naïve and shy, with so much to learn. A beautiful mind, a visionary, humble and thoughtful, a giver to all, the grand and the small.
It was a privilege and honor to get to know and work with him.
All my thoughts to the family and close ones, what a tragedy!
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
1989 et j'arrive à Genève... et bien entendu à la piscine. 1964 la bonne année bien entendu et nous sympathisons, mais tu n'es pas seul... Ton double, ta copie, ton frère, Alex est là, il est toujours là où tu es (ou presque) :-)
Alors nageons... encore, toujours, mais pour aller plus vite il faut faire du fitness et calculer, re-calculer, faire calculer : l'ordinateur et son programme d'entrainement, la montre au 50 mémoires voient le jour.
Je n'y crois pas, moi l'informaticien au CERN, mêler forme physique et plaisir de nager ? Impossible ! ... et alors de longues discussions et de long entrainements se succèderons pour le démontrer, ou pas :-) De toutes les façons qui peut te suivre ? Le sommet est pour toi, uniquement.
Fonceur et jusqu'au-boutiste, calculateur et rigoureux, rigolo et professeur, sans faille. L'athlète intellectuel qui va parcourir la planète d'Est en Ouest jusqu'à y rencontrer une épouse puis une fille, la famille.
Aujourd'hui tu changes de monde -on dirait presque un jeu- et tu nous précèdes -toujours le 1er- dans ce que nous appelons l'au-delà.
Profites de ce nouveaux monde car nous ne t'oublierons pas, ici bas, et lorsque nous serons prêt, nous nous retrouverons.
Adieu mon ami.

Alex, Pauline, Ana, Magali, Mirko toute la famille REGGIO vous souhaite tout le courage nécessaire pour accompagner Milo dans son dernier voyage terrestre.
Toutes nos sincères condoléances en espérant vous revoir très bientôt.

Claire, André, Damien et Bruno
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
We met Milo almost 18 years ago, through my sister. Immediately we connected with him and Pauline as he was so cheerful, full of life, outgoing, honest, simply happy, humble yet down to earth human being. We shared many, many stories about life, Serbian culture, travels and he always had that spice of humor. We enjoyed getting together, and I remember him always with a big smile.
This tragic news left our family in shock, disbelief and sadness that we will never see him again. May his soul rest in peace and his memory be eternal.

With love Aleksandra, Andrej, Sanja and Dragan Petrovic
March 13, 2021
March 13, 2021
In Memoriam

Milo c’était ce regard noir profond, ce garçon brillant dans une silhouette svelte. Un sourire charmeur comme ses deux frères Vladimir et notre très cher Alex à qui j’adresse toutes nos pensées et condoléances ainsi qu’à toute sa famille en cette période de deuil.

Personnellement, je suis très affecté par sa disparition. Beaucoup de souvenirs remontent de cette enfance passée à Bernex avec sa famille, de toutes ces années aux Vernets, les concours et stages, l’après natation aussi.

Milo c’était, entre autres, les algorithmes pour savoir si sa forme serait de nager samedi plutôt que dimanche. Milo c’était ma première vision et pratique d’un ordinateur et ses éclats de rire à me voir patauger dans mes apprentissages. Milo c’était avec ses frères les champions de la descente des plaques de choc. Milo c’était un gars sérieux mais qui savait déconner.

J’associe Alexandre dans ma peine car je dois dire que nous étions souvent ensemble et je compatis profondément à l’épreuve qu’il vit actuellement.

Je sais que vous tous amis de natation, famille d’Eau, vous ressentez ce lien affectif qui nous unis et la tristesse d’avoir perdu l’un des nôtres.

Nous te saluons tendrement dans le cœur Milo et te souhaitons un doux voyage vers l’Au-delà.

Adieu et A Dieu mon ami
March 12, 2021
March 12, 2021
What a tragedy! 

Milo was a brightest individuality I have met during my professional career. Knowing him and working with him was a privilege, enlightening experience and enjoyment. 

Still could not believe he is not with us anymore.
March 12, 2021
March 12, 2021
J’ai fait votre connaissance Milo et alex en 1985 dans le cadre de la natation. J’ai gardé un excellent souvenir de mes 2 ‘petits’ suisses qui appréciaient énormément les plats réunionnais. Milo nous a fait rire lorsqu’il a eu la mononucléose il était complètement paniqué. Milo et ses colis de chocolat, Milo et sa beauté, Milo et sa gentillesse ... à 21 ans il savait déjà ce qu’il voulait faire de sa vie professionnelle !
Je suivais avec inquiétude ses problèmes de santé. Je ne connais pas Ana mais je savais qu’elle était sa vie!
Toutes mes amitiés à Alex et à sa famille.
March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
I remember Milo for his consistent curiosity and humility. Every time we met, I felt that I learned something from him. But he was also completely open to hearing other perspectives and would adjust his own opinions if he discovered something new.

He led by example, and had a greater effect on my personal decisions and development than he could have imagined.

Although we hadn’t talked for several years, I am deeply saddened by his passing. My condolences to his family.
March 10, 2021
March 10, 2021
A sad day and a sad news, Milo was one of the rare guys I looked up too at work, a mentor and a great boss. I am at lost for word. I extend my deepest sympathies to his family. May his soul rest in peace.
March 10, 2021
March 10, 2021
We are shocked and saddened by the passing of our dear friend Milo. He left us too soon, but we will always remember his charming smile, keen intellect and natural curiosity. He was a loyal friend who helped many people with their careers. Life isn’t fair but Milo would want us to keep smiling and carry on. Our sincere condolences go to Pauline and her family.
March 8, 2021
March 8, 2021
Dear Pauline,

On behalf of CIBC, I would like to offer my sincere condolences on the passing of Milo. Over his career at our bank, Milo was an important part of our team – known as much for his intellect, as his generous spirit.
Milo touched the lives of many and we will carry fond memories of him with us. On behalf of our team, our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.

March 8, 2021
March 8, 2021
I met Milo when he was first appointed as a senior executive. He immediately got attention as he did not fit the profile of the bank executive. He was an immigrant (and outside of the Commonwealth) and technically brilliant. A down to earth, fully approachable doer. And he wasn't apologizing for any of it. He didn't measure success with longevity in political environments, but as truth telling and tangible progress. He was passionate with his mind and his heart, creating meaning for himself and others. He showed us an alternative; decency, passion, brilliance, and success as he defined it himself could co-exist. He probably didn't know, but he inspired me and many others. Yes, it was a life cut way too short, but very well lived. His legacy will survive him
March 6, 2021
March 6, 2021
Pauline I am so sorry to hear today of Milo's passing. As you will recall he was the first person we hired into the Risk Management group at CIBC in 2008 after the financial crisis. I was blessed to see first hand every day his intellect, humility and understated sense of humour. Market Risk was definitely the hardest job in the company at that time - and he was a steady hand, a true overachiever with absolutely no fanfare. He has left a legacy at CIBC, and I am sure at the other banks he worked at, in the hands of the many colleagues he trained and influenced. We will remember him and miss him.
March 6, 2021
March 6, 2021
I had the honour of swimming with Milo as part of the Toronto Athletic Club masters program. Milo led many of the workouts. I will always be grateful for his genial encouragement and remember his ever present smile.

Despite his very busy schedule, he found the time to participate in a relay with me at a 2018 masters meet in Milton, Ontario. I was able to meet his family as Pauline and Ana accompanied him to the meet. For me this meet is a cherished memory. My deepest sympathies to Pauline and Ana.
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
Milo, ta disparition soudaine nous laisse Alain et moi sans voix. Les souvenirs remontent de bien loin (1985) dans notre chère île de la Réunion. Vous étiez 3 Suisses à venir nager, Alex, Patrick et toi. Nous gardions des contacts annuels depuis. Ma passion pour la numérologie, je sais que je te la dois. Merci à toi.
Que ton âme repose en paix, tu es juste passer de l'autre côté de la porte, beaucoup de force et courage à ton épouse et à ta fille. On se retrouvera un jour.

Alex, encore une épreuve pour toi, la disparition de ton autre frère. Il n'y a pas de mots assez fort pour te réconforter, nous savons ce que tu peux éprouver. Inutile de te dire que nous sommes de tout coeur avec toi et que tu peux compter sur nous, appelle quand tu veux quelque soit l'heure. Courage , je sais que ton épouse et ton fils seront là pour t'épauler. Bisous on t'aime Nathalie & Alain Tricat
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
Dearest Pauline, Ana, Saša, Mirko and Magali,

There are no words to express our sorrow for your loss. You are all in our prayers and our hearts. We are here for you, always.

Miloš was lucky to have such a wonderful brother (in Serbia first cousins are rightfully called brothers) and to grow up knowing him. Ana, Andrej and Marta are so grateful to Saša for coming to Toronto, since it made us get to know Milorad so much more. We had only a glimpse of him really but he left a lifelong impression on us. We will always remember his kindness, hospitality and generosity. He was a quiet genius, successful in everything he had done, one of the brightest people we know, all while staying so very humble.

We bid farewell to our dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle, but we know that his spirit is always with us, and that he is watching over you.

Much love to all of you,
Ana, Andrej, Marta & Miloš

March 4, 2021
March 4, 2021
It has been hard writing these lines. I couldn't find the exact words to describe our relationship and all the feelings involved in it.

But Today is my chance to say thank you for the way you brightened my life.

I met Milo at UBS in 1993 where he taught me a lot about statistics and finance. I immediately liked Milo's sense of humor and way of life. We quickly became friends. I will always remember his laugh. He had a heart as big as the sky, always there to help anyone.

Milo had to two passions: trading and swimming. I did not expect him to have another one, but then he found Pauline. I remembered how stressed he was to be able to arrive on time at his marriage flying from across the globe as all flights where grounded post 9/11. He managed to catch the first plane and join her. The wedding was beautiful.

Every time we met, he was so proud when he showed me the latest pictures of Ana as she grew up. With his new family, I think he found what makes the ride worthwhile.

I will always miss my dear friend. Thanks for having such an impact on my life.

Pauline, Ana, Alex and your family, as you go through this difficult time, remember that you are so loved.

Alexandre Riesch
March 4, 2021
March 4, 2021
Cher Alex,
Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous pour traverser cette période difficile. Tous nos sincères condoléances.
March 3, 2021
March 3, 2021
Our encounter of many moons ago on the beautiful island of La Digue, Seychelles, remains a blessing. Young, bright and full of life you taught me how to surf and love the water, no doubt to why my eldest is now a great swimmer today. Felicity cried when she learnt of your passing, knowing that you swam La Digue, Praslin, La Digue channel, a swim that has probably never been done before, sadly without a mere recognition. A challenge she hopes to undertake soon in your honor.

Sadly we hadn't gotten to meet your family,  but your love and pride shone so brightly for them through all your stories. Pauline, Ana, Alex and Mirko our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time but know our home is open should you want to visit.

Milo you were a great friend, how I miss your joy, laughter and stories, and yes you will be forever missed for you were one of a kind. 

May your soul rest in peace dear friend!
Till we meet again!
Lydvine, Neil, Felicity and Charlotte
March 3, 2021
March 3, 2021
Ohhhh my dear friend...what happened? Where are you?

I sent you an email and the next day was hoping to get a feedback/answer, since you were answering within max 1 to 2 days at least for the last 40 years.--
The third day, again I sent you answer!
Also not appearing on skype.
The sixth day again, with fears growing, I sent an receive a very sad news.

Oh my dear friend...what a sadness...I still do not believe it.

Even living far away one from the other, we were sharing our lifes nearly on a daily basis.

Oh my dear friend, how can I believe this?...we had fun together, worked together, travelled together, worked out together, swam together, surfed together and
especially shared our thoughts, ideas, way of life.

Last time I saw you in real was when you came to visit me, here in Brasil!
Do you remember me asking you "what would you like to do?" and you, as always, responded..."let's go for a swim".
So, there we were on the beach, under a big depression, both of us swimming to the reef and back.
The next day we went to the pool because offshore you could not measure properly the distance you swam.
On our way to the airport how could I have known that it will be the last time we would stay together and share our passion for water!

We were talking about our last project which would have been living in Thailand.
Oh my dear friend where is all this?

Pauline, Ana, Alex...I am so sorry for your loss!

Today we only have our memories and tears...
March 3, 2021
March 3, 2021
We will cherish memories of Milo forever. His kindness and generosity will be greatly missed. He was a wonderful friend who had a love for life, his family and friends.
May his soul rest in peace.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Rado family.
Kruno, Theresa, Luka and Nikola
March 2, 2021
March 2, 2021
I first met Milo through Greg Hajjar in 1999 at Merrill Lynch in New York where we both worked. Milo, had so much humility, kindness and genuine care for his friends. He was a truly special loving person. He Will very much be missed.

My thoughts and prayers are with Pauline, Ana, Alex and their family.
March 2, 2021
March 2, 2021
I met Milo over 25 years ago at UBS and had the pleasure of working with him at BMO. We ran together at lunch and shared so many stories. Milo was a great friend and is one of the kindest, most generous people i know, not to mention the fittest and smartest. When his daughter Ana came it forever changed his life and he was over the moon with joy.
Pauline, Ana, Alex, may your memories help get you through this very difficult time. I am so very sorry for your loss. Milo was loved and will always be remembered. 
March 2, 2021
March 2, 2021
Milo was a great story teller and had a great sense of humour. He would share stories of his travels around the world with charm and modesty and he would always entertain us around the dinner table. David and I will miss him dearly and hold the fond memories of the fun times we spent together.
Pauline, Ana and Alex - we are very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing Milo with us and the fun times we spent together. Stay strong and continue to keep his memory alive. We will miss him.
March 2, 2021
March 2, 2021
Milo was a great man and a wonderful friend. We will miss him dearly. His memory will live forever in our hearts. May God grant strength to Pauline, Ana, Alex, and the rest of the family in this difficult time.

Greg and Myrna
February 28, 2021
February 28, 2021
I know him but I don't know him.  I met him in person probably a handful of times. But his work, his life experiences that I understand from his wife, my great friend Pauline is profound and rich. Milo's way of getting athletic fitness physic, his smartness is forever being admired. His passing away is an extreme shock. I can only hope that he has moved on to an even more amazing place waiting for the rest of us to join him one day.

Take care Pauline and the family.

No one is actually dead until the ripples he causes in the world die away.

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Recent Tributes
July 2, 2023
July 2, 2023
You are always in our thoughts and are missed by so many.

This summer, we are having a memorial service for you in Toronto.

Serbian Orthodox Church St Sava
203 River Street
Toronto, On M5A 3P9

July 22, 2023 at 10:30am

Thank you for making an impact on our lives.
July 2, 2023
July 2, 2023
Tu est toujours dans nos pensées et dans notre cœur ❤️ tu nous manques
August 7, 2022
August 7, 2022
Thinking of you every day.

Today we gathered together to have a little prayer for you. You are still living in our hearts and all memories of you are cherished.

Pauline and Ana, Alex, Magali and Mirko, Vilie and Shela, Alex Riesch and Yulia
His Life
February 28, 2021

Milo was born in Sion, Switzerland on August 7, 1964. He passed away in Hong Kong on February 15, 2021, leaving behind his wife, Pauline and daughter, Ana.

Milo was a true global city hopper. He lived in Geneva, Singapore, New York, Toronto, Sydney and Hong Kong.  His passion for life especially trading and sports inspired every one around him. He dared to follow his heart and lived a life which could only be dreamed of by others. 

Milo was a gentle and loving husband, father, brother and friend.  He will be missed by friends and family around the world who are also proud to be part of his life.
Recent stories

Happy Anniversary!

September 16, 2021
Today is our otherwise 20th anniversary. We had never paid attention to this date as it was delayed by one day. Though we had gone through some dramatic events to be together, it could not be compared to the ordeals that he went through to board a plane to cross the Pacific Ocean immediately after the September 11 attack. I could only imagine that it was like Saigon or Kabul before the fall. He turned his stressful experience into a funny, exciting and memorable story to tell for the many years to come. He might not remember every detail of our Chinese wedding but he could easily tell all the juicy details how he out-witted other passengers to get on the first flight across the ocean. It was not a frustration that his business connections failed to help but it was a funny detail that even the CEO of Air Canada got stranded in a small town in Ontario. Life was fair to every one at that moment.

This is our Milo. His life was so full of chapters of funny, exciting and memorable stories that had shared with us. That is how we remember him and his beautiful life...forever!

Masters Swimming

March 4, 2021
Milo was our fastest swimmer, adjusted for age. He looked 35 but had a few PhDs in math so I knew he had to be older. After hammering out 4,000 yards before anyone showed up, he would push us with another hard set. 

I enjoyed talking to Milo about the Stock Markets. He had designed several proprietary algorithms which benefitted from volatility. He graciously answered my questions about what would be considered a competitive space. One time I asked him about capital structure volatility arbitrage. He said it was based on a paper by Robert Merton contending that, at certain points in the life cycle of a company, different levels of the capital structure would compete for the same assets. Pretty much what I had just read. Milo was a good swimmer, a great mind and a great friend to all of us at Toronto Athletic Club. 

To my friend Milo:  I missed you when you were in Hong Kong. You left us too early. I miss talking with you and swimming with you. A tremendous loss for all who knew you 
March 20, 2021
Mi más sentido pésame a la familia de mi mejor profesor en Genève. Gran persona, inteligente, de una sensibilidad extraordinaria, han pasado muchos años desde entonces, cuando le conocí año 92, 93 pero el lazo invisible que une las Almas gemelas hoy me hizo buscar en Google su nombre y me encuentro con la triste noticia, está claro, Milo querido, que me has hablado desde el cielo. Descansa en Paz. Mi respeto a la familia y mucho ánimo 

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