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This memorial website was created in memory of our beloved, Monsignor Giovanni Braschi, 77 years old, born on October 24, 1943, and passed away on February 26, 2021.  He dedicated his life to Saint Philomena and was:
Rector of the Sanctuary of Saint Philomena 
Custodian of the Sacred Body of Saint Philomena 
President and Spiritual Director of the Universal Archconfraternity of Saint Philomena
We will remember him forever and his good work will continue.
November 24, 2021
November 24, 2021
Please keep Blessed Monsignor Braschi’s love for Saint Philomena continue on this website. Thanks
August 19, 2021
August 19, 2021
Eternal rest grant unto monsignor Giovanni O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. Saint Philomena pray for him. Amen
From Lusaka-Zambia.
August 10, 2021
August 10, 2021
Thank you Monsignor Giovanni Braschi ~ Well Done !!!
March 28, 2021
March 28, 2021


March 26, 2021
Thank you dear Monsignor for accepting me into the International Confraternity of St. Philomena. I know and feel your holiness then, and now. You were truly the Knight of St. Philomena and the worthy son of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rememver all of us to the Sacred Heart of the Lord Jesus. Please pray for us, and for a worthy and holy successor to your work. Amen.   
March 26, 2021
March 26, 2021
Minha homenagem ao querido sacerdote D.Giovanni Brasch. Que ele esteja muito feliz no ceu junto a nossa amada santa Filomena. Agradeço a Deus por ter encontrado esta página de Santa Filomena. Agradeço a Deus por tudo o que D.Giovanni fez, de forma que eu, aqui no Brasil, tivesse a felicidade e oportunidade de ver o lindo santuário de Santa Filomena pelo Facebook. Deus os abençoe. Amo Santa Filomena.
March 21, 2021
March 21, 2021
Dear Father Giovanni, we are sure that you are now in heaven with your beloved Saint Philomena, altogether with our Mother Maria and Jesus, and that you are happy forever ...
Our Archconfraternity of St Philomena in Slovakia with 700 members is praying for your soul and eternal peace. Fr. Luboslav Hromjak, a delegate for Slovakia and Czech rep. had more masses with the intention for your soul, and Fr. Martin from Radio Maria Slovensko, too.
Please pray for us and our families.
Maria Galikova, Slovakia
March 13, 2021
March 13, 2021
Merci a monseigneur Braschi pour tous ce qu'il a fait pour la dévotion a notre grande Princesse du ciel.
March 10, 2021
March 10, 2021
We met Don Giovanni in 1997 at the Sanctuary of St. Philomena and he treated us as family. As a result we started a Chapter of the St. Philomena Archconfraternity in Detroit, Michigan. Through his efforts and the help of St. Philomena we have made numerous friends around the world who are all part of this Philomenian Family which he initiated. May God reward him for his extreme hospitality and generosity!
March 10, 2021
March 10, 2021

I am deeply saddened by the passing of Monsignor Braschi, as are the Archconfraternity members of Chapter 5,

here in the USA, home to he National Shrine of St. Philomena since 1948.

I have been a volunteer for St. Philomena for 26 years under the direction of my bishop and Monsignor Braschi.

He came to the National Shrine three times and I visited the International Shrine twice, to learn of our dear little Saints life,

death and burial and to a conference on her cause at the Catacombs of St. Priscilla in Rome. He will be greatly missed all over the world.

His tireless work will be carried on by those of us who have great devotion to St. Philomena and all she stands for. 

It was through the grace of God that my life was touched by Monsignor Don Giovanni Braschi! May he rest in peace.

Her devoted servant,

Susan Hilliard
Caretaker of the National Shrine of St. Philomena
Director of the Archconfraternity of St. Philomena, Chapter 5, USA
March 9, 2021
March 9, 2021
May the Lord grant eternal rest to Don Giovanni Braschi among the just in the Kingdom of Heaven along Saint and Martyr Philomena.
Eternal be his memory.

Don George D. Gage
Georgia, USA
March 6, 2021
March 6, 2021

Message to the soul of Msgr. Giovanni Braschi:





Estella Sayre
Spiritual Leader/Coordinator
Archconfraternity Center of St. Philomena of Guam and Las Vegas, Nevada
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
Caro Monsignore Don Giovanni,
in nome del centro slovacco della nostra Arciconfraternita di Santa Filomenta che Lei ha creato precisamente in centinario dalla fondazione del Arciconfraternita, nel luglio 2012 di cui sono primo rappresentante, vorrei ringraziarLa per tutto il suo cuore che ci ha dato. Per aver acceso in noi la scintilla della devozione di Santa Filomena in nostra terra slovacca che si espande fra i slovacchi e i cechi e non si spegnerà mai. Come Lei mi ha scritto un anno fa il 3 marzo 2020: “Non ti scoraggiare e sii forte, perché molti sacerdoti sono dissacranti e non hanno la sensibilità e l'amore dei Santi che sono i Mirabilia della Chiesa. Santa Filomena è una Stella che brilla nel Firmamento. Molti teologi, servitori della "dea" Ragione, credono con la loro scienza umana di offuscare la Potenza di Dio. Ricorda che Santa Filomena è come una fiamma nel cuore dei devoti: quando più la si vuole spegnere, più arde e si alimenta. Non ti scoraggiare, cerca con umiltà e con coraggio di promuovere la devozione a Santa Filomena nella tua Terra. Sono felice che la devozione alla Santa si espande come una macchia d'olio in tutta la Repubblica Slovacca. Alcuni ti posso considerare un pazzo, un fanatico; ma Santa Filomena ti renderà giustizia. Hostibus transit, Filumena manet in Aeternum.” Queste sue parole non dimenticherò mai. Speriamo che la sua profezia che Spišské Podhradie in Reppublica slovacca diventerà Mugnano del Cardinale dell’Europa centrale. Così sia. Grazie che la nostra nazione Lei ci ha privilegiato quando prima di morire ci ha donato il 10 settembre 2019 dono più prezioso la reliquia ex ossibus di Santa Filomena da Mugnano del Cardinale. Questo era il nostro ultimo incontro, la nostra Ultima cena presso l’Altare della Madonna delle grazie a Mugnano del Cardinale. Questo era il suo testamento per noi, il popolo piccolo ma il popolo dal cuore di Europa da dove si espanderà il culto di santa Filomena per tutta l’Europa che sta perdendo le sue radici cristiane. Santa Filomena, nostra patrona contro la tiepidezza della fede ci aiuti accendere il nuovo focolaio di fede in nostro popolo e in tutte le nazioni europee. Don Giovanni ci mancherano le sue parole di conforto ma siamo sicuri che Lei ci guiderà nel nostro futuro. Grazie a tutti voi che lo avete curato fino alla morte. Grazie cari fedeli di Mugnano del Cardinale e arrivederci. Se volete, spiritualmente potete essere riuniti con noi quando il 10 marzo alle ore 18.00 nel nostro incontro mensile nella Chiesa della Natività della Vergine Maria a Spišské Podhradie, dove si trova il nostro centro slovacco, ci sarà celebrata la Santa Messa per nostro amato Don Giovanni.
Padre Luboslav Hromjak con tutti 700 membri del centro slovacco dell’Arciconfraternita di santa Filomena.
P.S Chi vorrà contattarci e riunisci con noi il mio indirizzo si trova in sacrestia a Mugnano del Cardinale. Siete ben venuti fra di noi.
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
D. Giovanni was my brother in spirit. He helped and supported me in the most difficult moments of my life. I knew him for 20 years. I will always cherish and hold forever his love, care, selflessness, teachings. I visited the Sanctuary many times and I gladly spent all my days working and gathering my strength.
Rest in peace, D. Giovanni, in Saint Philomena's arms.
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
Thank you Monsignor Giovanni Braschi, for the kindness, that you have shown to me, and for the work that you have done, promoting the devotion to St. Philomena the wonderworker, throughout the world.

Eternal rest, grant unto Monsignor Giovanni Braschi, O Lord, and let perpetual light, shine upon him.

May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
Rest in Peace Don Giovanni with the beautiful and miraculous St. Filomena.
I was part of a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary in 1993. We stayed at the convent and enjoyed all our meals with you. I was recovering from a brutal physical attack, beating, and several stabbings. You were the start of my healing spiritually and mentally. I will always remember that wonderful time we spent with you and in the presence of St. Filomena. She performed miracles in my life and I will continue to pray to you and St. Filomena. I feel I lost a family member as we had spent so much time with you. Please pray for me and better health. God Bless you and all the miracles you and St. Filomena have performed. In God's grace, Amen.
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
May our holy Saint Philomena bless Father Braschi and give him peace and the holy life in eternaty in heaven, with Jesus and Maria and all Saints and Angels, Amen.
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
Don Giovanni,
Your work for Saint Philomena will forever be remembered. Thank you for you faithful and loving service for our dear Saint. May the Lord grant you your eternal reward. Grazie di cuore, Don Giovanni!
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
Muchas gracias por todo, hace años creo que 10; mi tía enfermó de cancer y alguien me dijo de Santa Filomena, no recuerdo cómo pero escribí al santuario y quién amablemente respondió mi correo pidiendo oraciones por mi tía fue Mons. Giovanni.
Él estuvo al pendiente y encomendó a mi tía aSanta Filomena, hoy mi tía está sana...
Siempre preguntaba por ella a pesar de que pasaban meses sin que yo escribiera, siempre tendrá un lugar especial en mi corazón, oro por usted y mi tía también lo hace.
Santa Filomena sea su abogada e intercesora y que Dios que es justo le reciba con los brazos abiertos en su casa.
Gracias por todo.
Requiescat in pace
March 4, 2021
March 4, 2021
Dear Ciovanni Braschi! We have come to you - to the Sanctuary - many times from the Sanctuary of St. Philomena in Poland- Gniechowice. You've always been welcoming. You will be missed. Rest in peace. Custodian of St. Philomena in Poland. Father Jaroslaw Wawak
March 4, 2021
March 4, 2021
Don Gianni , grazie per essere stato il guardiano fedele di questo bellissimo Santuario , pregate per noi e per il nostro paese .
March 4, 2021
March 4, 2021
Carissimo don Giovanni Braschi, non mi sembra vero che tu non sei più
tra noi!
Appena mi è giunta la notizia della tua dipartita sono entrato in una bolla, rifiutando di accettare questa triste realtà.
Ma solo adesso, dopo qualche ora dal tuo funerale, che il pensiero è ritornato e ritorna a te e mi si spezza il cuore per la tua assenza. Non potrò mai dimenticare i nostri 20 anni di grande collaborazione nel santuario, quando tra noi era ancora suor Bertilla.
Quante cose tu e lei mi avete insegnato, quanto affetto mi avete donato, quanta grazia crescere con voi.
Vi ho voluto bene come foste della mia stessa famiglia!
Ho sofferto terribilmente quando suor Bertilla morì, ma fiducioso sono andato avanti perché al santuario c'eri tu don Giovanni che avevi bisogno di tutti noi.
Ed ora è ancora più terribile pensarti non più fisicamente nel santuario. Le tue parole, il tuo buon cuore, i tuoi mille insegnamenti, il tuo sorriso, la tua preparazione su ciò che riguardava santa Filomena mancherà non solo alla tua famiglia, ma anche a me, alle suore Mari Chu e Paz, figlie di Maria madre della chiesa, che ti sono state accanto con grande attenzione, affetto, stima e servizio in questi 4 anni dal loro arrivo al santuario, alla direttrice dell' Arciconfraternità universale di santa Filomena, Marie Burns che ho sempre considerato una sorella maggiore, a tutta Mugnano, e a tutta la famiglia Filomeniana nel mondo, che tanto amavi e di cui ti onoravi.
Sono tanti i volti che versano lacrime per la tua scomparsa, ma siamo anche sicuri che ora sei accanto al Signore che hai servito nella tua vita sacerdotale, sostenuto dalla Madonna e dalla principessina del paradiso Filomena, come la chiamavi tu, "la santa piccirell (piccolina) e capricciosa".
Il tuo nome carissimo don Giovanni, resterà scritto a caratteri d'oro nel mio cuore, nella mia vita per la grazia di averti conosciuto, di aver collaborato con te e per aver imparato tanto da te.
Il tuo essere un lavoratore e ricercatore instancabile del culto universale alla santa, anche quando la tua salute era debole è stato davvero eroico!
Non dimenticherò mai tutto ciò che mi hai insegnato quando ci mettevamo seduti ed iniziavi a raccontarmi tantissime cose su santa Filomena, ma anche sulla storia della chiesa e sulla storia in generale.
Un pozzo di scienza!
Il mondo deve tanto a te don Giovanni, perché sei stato capace di diffondere la meravigliosa devozione di Santa Filomena in tutto il mondo con forza d'animo anche quando le tenebre attentavano alla nostra amata Santina. Sei sempre stato forte e deciso nel portare avanti il nome, la vita e la devozione della Vergine e martire Filomena, come ben dicevi sempre: "i santi sono i mirabilia di Dio e i martiri sono il fondamento della Chiesa".
Ora don Giovanni splendi anche tu sul nostro cammino, come guida sicura nel continuare la tua missione di far conoscere ed amare santa Filomena, testimone della Luce di Cristo, come ben hai raccontato in uno dei tanti tuoi libri, scritti.
Ho avuto la grazia di trascorrere con te anche i tuoi ultimi giorni del tuo pellegrinaggio terreno e di questo ringrazio il Signore che mi ha concesso di poter ascoltare per l'ultima volta le tue parole di saggezza.
Don Giovanni, non basterebbe un'intera enciclopedia per descrivere ciò che sei stato e ciò che hai realizzato! Ogni nostra parola è sempre poca per esprimere il tuo impegno e la tua forza.
Con me porterò tutta questa ricchezza che riverserò a quanti incontrerò nel mio cammino. Non dimenticherò mai le tue parole, quando mi dicevi che "l'umiltà e l'obbedienza ci rende dei buoni sacerdoti" ed è ciò che aspiro nella mia vocazione religiosa e sacerdotale.
Mi hai sempre detto: Giacchiniell, chi sa se ti ricorderai di me quando sarai prete...certo don Giovanni, lo farò, non potrò mai dimenticarmi di una persona come te!
Il mio pensiero grato va a Dio per averti messo sul mio cammino e per avermi permesso di essere al tuo fianco nella collaborazione al santuario della nostra amata principessina Filomena.
Ora don Giovanni, sono sicuro che sei là in sua compagnia e Dio, per intercessione di santa Filomena, ti donerà il premio per il tuo instancabile lavoro per il suo santuario.
Possa ora tu, riposare nella pace di Cristo.
Resterai sempre vivo nel cuore di tutti coloro che ti hanno conosciuto e stimato.
Buon viaggio don Giovanni, non ti dimenticare di pregare per la tua famiglia, per noi, per il tuo popolo, per le suore figlie di Maria madre della Chiesa, e per tutta la famiglia Filomeniana nel mondo.
Dal cielo continuerai ad essere la nostra bussola nel cammino verso e con Santa Filomena.
Ciao carissimo e amato don Giovanni!
March 4, 2021
March 4, 2021
Dear don Giovanni remember us all, pray for all of your St. Philomena extended family on earth. You will be greatly missed.

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November 24, 2021
November 24, 2021
Please keep Blessed Monsignor Braschi’s love for Saint Philomena continue on this website. Thanks
August 19, 2021
August 19, 2021
Eternal rest grant unto monsignor Giovanni O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. Saint Philomena pray for him. Amen
From Lusaka-Zambia.
August 10, 2021
August 10, 2021
Thank you Monsignor Giovanni Braschi ~ Well Done !!!
His Life

We say goodbye to the greatest devotee of our time

March 4, 2021
Dear Devotees of Saint Philomena and friends of her Sanctuary,
It is with great sadness we make this announcement.
Monsignor Giovanni Braschi 24/10/1943 - 26/02/2021
Rector of the Sanctuary of Saint Philomena, Custodian of the Sacred Body of Saint Philomena, President and Spiritual Director of the Universal Archconfraternity of Saint Philomena
Passed away suddenly this morning at 10:30 in the Sanctuary of Saint Philomena in the presence of loved ones. He was suffering from bronchitis over the past week which had worsened in the past 24 hours. Today Our Lord called him home when his heart stopped.
Msgr. Braschi or as he was affectionately known, Don Giovanni, has always recounted that he wanted to take his last breath in the Sanctuary of Saint Philomena which had been his home for more than 37 years and he loved dearly.
He was the worldwide expert on everything related to Saint Philomena and was definitely the greatest devotee of Saint Philomena our time has known. He is now in the presence of Saint Philomena and is at peace.
He leaves behind his older sister Antoniette who he spent every lunch and evening meal with, he loved her dearly and cherished this time with her. He loved his nieces and nephews and spoke affectionately of them, he always prayed for them. His family life was dear to him and they all took turns at helping him with his work in the sanctuary throughout the years.
It wasn't an easy job he took on, restoring the Sanctuary and reviving the devotion to Saint Philomena. He loved history and he researched everything Saint Philomena and with this, facts and science ,he set about restoring the devotion to Saint Philomena. This devotion had not gone away, it was only suppressed- he would say. Listening to him and watching him work has been a great joy for many of us. There was always something new to learn about the Saint, the devotion, and the Sanctuary from him.
He was a kind and loving man who completely dedicated his life to Saint Philomena. But if you did something against Saint Philomena or the Sanctuary, he let you know! It's fair to say he was passionate about this. 
Here is a recount of his life and his story with Saint Philomena
Msgr. Giovanni Braschi was born in Mugnano del Cardinale, Avellino, Italy on October 24, 1943. He grew up during the realm of the grandest feast celebrations of St. Philomena within Mugnano. This was a time when people flocked to the Sanctuary during the August feast. There was a solemn Mass and prayers within the church and great festivities outside, all one would expect on a very grand Italian occasion for this very important and special person. The Rector of the Sanctuary through the years of Msgr. Braschi's youth was Fr. Luigi Esposito - 1950-1962. Fr. Esposito was to educate and lead the way for the Sanctuarys present Rector.
Throughout Msgr. Braschi's training in the seminary he would go to the Sanctuary and pray at the Sacred Altar of St. Philomena to help him to get through the studies and pass his exams to become a priest. These exams were quite tough, and he promised St. Philomena that if she could help him through he would offer his priesthood to her. We know our little Saint will keep you to your word! After his training in the Seminary of Nola and in the Regional Seminary, Pope "Pius XI" of Salerno, he was ordained priest on June 19, 1971 by Msgr. Guerino Grimaldi, Bishop of Nola.
1971 - 1973 - Msgr. Braschi remained within the Seminary and assisted as prefect with the education of seminarians, not yet ordained.
1973 - 1975 , he was appointed assistant to Fr. Antonio Cirillo, Torre Annunziata, Naples and also assisted Msgr. Aniello Marano of Scafati, Salerno. Both churches were named St Francis of Paola.
1975 - 1983 - His Excellency Msgr. Guerino Grimaldi nominated Msgr. Braschi Parish Priest of the Church of Saint Maria of the Rosary in Cinquevie Selve di Nola where with great effort he constructed a new church.
September 25, 1983 - His Excellency Msgr. Giuseppe Costanzo, Bishop of Nola, nominated Fr. Giovanni Braschi Rector of the Sanctuary Saint Philomena in Mugnano. Like his predecessor Msgr. Luigi Esposito, Fr. Braschi always gave accurate detail to the St. Philomena question.
The story of Msgr. Giovanni Braschi & Saint Philomena
Msgr. Braschi, who was known to all in contact with the Sanctuary as Don Giovanni, now begins his life work. For this past 37 years he has worked tirelessly in restoring the Sanctuary and devotion to St. Philomena.
Don Giovanni was called by the Bishop's office and offered the position of the Rector of the Sanctuary. He was given a few days until an answer was required. During this time he is in the region of St. Pio's Shrine in San Giovanni Rotundo. At this time the saint was still known as Padre Pio. Don Giovanni knelt down in the church and prayed for guidance to Padre Pio about his appointment. He had known the devotion to St. Philomena was not as it once was and that it would entail a great deal of work, not only within the devotion but also with the church itself, which was in need of a huge restoration. He spent a considerable amount of time in the presence of God in Our Lady of Grace Church and with guidance from Padre Pio. At the end of this time he walked out of the church with his mission as the Rector of the Sanctuary of St. Philomena and zeal in his heart to promote devotion to St. Philomena. He also accepted the suffering he knew this work would bring.
On his first day in the Sanctuary as Rector he looked around in dismay at the condition of the church. There was not only the church building but an abandoned orphanage and convent attached. With the earthquakes of 1980-81, along with few pilgrimages or devotees visiting the Sanctuary, donations were not forthcoming. Previous Rectors had not been able to keep up with the cost of operating such an historical church. Therefore, no structural or decorative work had taken place for many, many years. He looked at the ceiling, the walls, the lights, the floor - what was he to do and how could he do it! He was led straight to the Sacred Altar of St. Philomena and on bended knee asked her "How?" He stood up in the trust that the path would be lit. He never once asked "why?"
Throughout the first three years Don Giovanni had only one prayer card to St. Philomena - the Supplicate of St. Philomena - the official prayer of the Sanctuary. There were no devotional items, no statues, no cords or chaplet beads. An annual blessing of the Oil of St. Philomena took place and the oil lamp always was lit in front of the Sacred Body St. Philomena.
Don Giovanni began reading and collecting as many books on St. Philomena as he could. He began a restoration program and collected donations where he could. He used all the personal money he had. Most of the pilgrimages who visited the Sanctuary during those years were Italian.
After the first year he began to form the new Universal Archconfraternity of St. Philomena. He had family and friends who could speak several languages who helped to translate letters that were sent to the Sanctuary. In this way he developed international contacts. This was to be the beginning of the office in the Sanctuary. In 1985 Don Giovanni wrote his first book about St. Philomena and had it translated into several languages. By 1986 he had appointed the first new Archconfraternity Center in Sydney, Australia. (On the 11th February 2021 he appointed Mary Ann Matulius the National Director of Australia as he continued to work on restructuring the Archconfraternity. He said she had been there from the start and has earned this position and he was happy for this.)
By this point he felt the need for help in the Sanctuary and requested this of his Bishop. Shortly after, Sister Bertilla R.I.P. was appointed to the Sanctuary. She helped Don Giovanni on every level she could manage. She woke before 6 a.m. and did not go to sleep again until her work for that day was done. She often worked about 17 hours each and every day. Don Giovanni always said she did the work of ten people. She took on a motherly role and made contact with the people of the town to help in the church. She worked making cords and scapulars and many other devotional items. She and Don Giovanni created a gift shop within the church and furnished it with devotional items. Don Giovanni worked for at least ten years to have a statue of St. Philomena created - a statue that would do her justice. It would take a phenomenal piece of work for a sculpture to measure up to what Don Giovanni had in his mind for his Saint.
Don Giovanni began to be invited abroad to talk about St. Philomena and thus creating new Archconfraternity Centers. He bought the first computer for his office in 1988 with MS-DOS. Communications began to come and go more frequently and were building up momentum. The devotion to St. Philomena was once again budding like a flower not yet in full bloom. By 1992 Don Giovanni began to create guest rooms in the Sanctuary and Sister Bertilla would ensure they were well turned out and clean. In this way families and small groups of people could stay close. 
In 1998 Don Giovanni had a website for the Sanctuary designed in Italian and English. 2003 began a new era for this website. A final custom design, which the Sanctuary now displays, photos and video files. By 2005 the website was receiving around one million visitor hits each month.
By the year 2000 Don Giovanni had created the Pilgrims Center. There are many rooms, including some around the dome on the third floor. On the fourth floor a room has access directly onto the Sanctuary's roof with spectacular views across the town and the green mountains surrounding it. An elevator was installed by Fr. James Swenson R.I.P. of Nevada, US, who was a great benefactor to the restoration program of the Sanctuary. The first official pilgrimage arrived in May of 2001. This Pilgrim Center is a work in progress with yet another eight rooms awaiting restoration. There is a full and professional kitchen, a dining hall, lounge areas on several levels and garden access.
In the year 2002, Don Giovanni initiated many scientific studies into all matters regarding St. Philomena. This work was completed by 2005 and is published in Don Giovanni's new book. These studies cleared up many questions about St. Philomena with a very positive outcome.
For the 2005 celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the Sacred Body of St. Philomena arriving in the Sanctuary: he restored fully the main church, created a confessional chapel, had the sacristy restored, organized major events, including a conference in Rome of all matters related to St. Philomena. A major feast celebration was held in August.
A new and larger devotional shop was created in the church and the museum has been restored and treated and redecorated.
January 22, 2011 Sister Bertilla finally took her place in Heaven after a long illness. Don Giovanni made sure all her care and needs were taken care of throughout this time. I am sure she would agree that Don Giovanni will be marked down in history as one of the great leaders of the devotion to St. Philomena. He has proved to be one of the most historical rectors of the Sanctuary and most definitely a pioneer in many avenues. Particularly in these days, he made no decision without first praying to Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Mother and St. Philomena. He has a statue of St. Pio in the church as his first guide to the work of the Sanctuary.
Don Giovanni finally finished his new book 2010 in Italian, "Saint Philomena, Testimony of the Light of Christ". It has taken him 26 years to research and write. It has now been translated into English, French and Spanish. The English edition was published August 2011. This is the most comprehensive book about St Philomena, each fact well researched and accurate. It is not only a pleasure to read but also an inspiring story of a wonderworking Saint. 2011, a poem, "Star of Heaven" by Giuseppe Boccia, influenced him to write yet another book, only available in Italian, with this title.
2012 was a year of communication: The new Archconfraternity website launched with the new logo. It is a comprehensive website with information on all avenues of the Archconfraternity, bringing together all of the St Philomena groups worldwide, affectionately known as the Family of Saint Philomena. The relocation and modernisation of the Archconfraternity office within the Sanctuary with new security, procedures and systems in place within this office. The translation of the new book in French and Spanish. New web site for the Sanctuary.
The following years have shown an increase in many more devotees and groups and pilgrimages visiting the Sanctuary and more Archconfraternity centers forming. The restoration of the dome of the Sanctuary now completed in January 2014 along with many other restoration programs within the sanctuary. Throughout this time Don Giovanni was desperately searching for help in the Sanctuary and in 2015 a visiting Bishop from the Philippines was instrumental in assisting and contact was made to Daughters of Mary, Mother of the Church Institute in the Philippines, arrangements were made and two nuns were to arrive and live in the Sanctuary the following year but many delays occurred and they did not arrive until the following year.
By this time the heavy work load began to take its toll on Don Giovanni's health and November 2016 he suffered a major heart attack which required surgery. A second more serious surgery was carried out on February 25th, 2017 the day of the arrival of the sisters of Daughters of Mary, Mother of the Church Institute who arrived in Rome. Perfectly timed to take care of the Sanctuary of Saint Philomena. Due to the timing of this Marie Burns Director of the Archconfraternity was entrusted with the job of taking care of the Sisters, helping them settle in and keep the Sanctuary running as normal. Sr Paz and Sr Marichu quickly settled into Italian life although it has been a massive change for them and they continue to take care of the sanctuary and the spiritual and practical needs of visiting pilgrims.
Don Giovanni slowly recovered from the heart surgery with the help of his family, friends and the sisters. However, a side effect of the heart problems had affected him as a diabetic and his feet became badly infected, he was advised the only solution was a bilateral amputation from above the knee to which he refused and palliative care had been advised by the doctor. He made a full recovery from this, to the astonishment of the medical profession, his feet became fully healed bar the right small toe which had disappeared as if it had never been there.
On Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018, two days before Don Giovanni's 75th birthday his doctor visited him with an envelope. The doctor said that he had never witnessed anything like Don Giovanni's healing, after 30 years as a diabetic doctor and consulting with his colleagues he concluded that there was no scientific explanation except to say that in his opinion it was a miracle. He has documented and signed his findings.
2020 - the pandemic arrived and places of worship worldwide were closed, Don Giovanni felt the answer was prayer. Daily in the Sanctuary Don Giovanni, Sr Paz, Sr Marichu and Gioacchino Acierno and a few others at various times prayed for the healing of the world from Covid-19, for peace and for the devotees of Saint Philomena with many special requests being sent in daily. Most of this has been documented on the Sanctuary of Saint Philomena facebook page. The Feast celebrations for Saint Philomena were different - no procession or large gatherings. Throughout this time the prayer life of Don Giovanni became everything.
To give every detail of Monsignor Braschi would require not just one book but a series of books. Everyone who knew him loved him and everyone who he spoke to about Saint Philomena left with a fire in their soul to promote devotion to her. He wanted us to be kind to each other and take care of the devotion to Saint Philomena, to keep the fire burning within us and he wanted to protect it by having the Archconfraternity of Saint Philomena run along side the Sanctuary. This was very important to him, so please let us continue this great work together as one family.
It will be impossible to replace him, he will be added to the great Saint Philomena devotees of all time and next to Don Francesco de Lucia he is responsible for bringing Saint Philomena back to us. It is a sad day at the Sanctuary and no words can describe the sorrow of his passing.
His funeral was on February, 27th at 12:00 noon and was published on the Santuario Santa Filomena/Sanctuary of Saint Philomena official page on Facebook.
Recent stories

The Thrill of a Lifetime

July 27, 2021
I made three promises to St. Philomena in 2010, one of which was that if I ever stood on Italian soil, I would visit her shrine.  The other two were that I would spend the rest of my life promoting her devotion, and that if she interceded before God that my son and is wife would have a little girl (they had two boys) that I would try to have them name the baby Philomena.
They had a little girl and named her Lucia Francesca but promised me that they would have here take the name Philomena for Confirmation.  I just smiled because I knew St. Philomena was playful and would show me what she thought of their choice of name.  While they 
didn't realize it, they gave their little girl a name very special to our beloved saint.....the name of the priest who brought her relics to Mugnano del Cardinale, Father Francesco di Lucia.....
I live in Florida and also had a tattoo of my beloved saint put on my right shoulder.....this also serves to make her known to everyone who sees it!  Monsignor Braschi could not have been more gracious....he invited us for coffee, blessed us and our religious articles with St. Philomena's relic, posed for pictures and took us on a tour of the shrine.  May Monsignor rest on the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

March 26, 2021
Saint Philomena is my most favorite Saint. I visited Mugnano twice & met Sister Bertilli ( not sure I spell her name correctly ) at first visit, second visit I got to meet Monsignor Braschi, such a privilege to have lunch at the Santuary of Saint Philomena that day. Monsignor Giovani Braschi was a very Holy Priest, he is certainly in Heaven with Saint Philomena & praying for their faithful devotees 

Don Giovanni my Spiritual Father

March 24, 2021
Don Giovanni Braschi,
Was a Spiritual Father to me. I first met him September 16, 2018.  I was on pilgrimage with my parents.  I told Don Giovanni how I learned about St Philomena.  I was on pilgrimage in Knock Ireland at Our Lady of Knock May 30, 2018.  I met Sister Philomena from the Legion of Mary.  I then went to the office of Holy Love in Knock and as I walked in there office I saw a picture of St Philomena and then a statue and she looked just like my daughter.  I was given a picture of St Philomena with her prayer.  I loved her name and feel like she chose me. The next day we travel to Achill Ireland to the House of Prayer.  The entrance statue is a statue of St Philomena (10 feet tall).  They had many relics and I asked if I could touch one with a handkerchief and they brought the Relic of St Philomena.  To me that was confirmation that she would be my Patron Saint.
September 16, 2018, my parents and I traveled to Italy and landed in Rome and I was called to visit the Sanctuary of St Philomena in Mugnano  de Cardinale.  We arrived at the Sanctuary in time for mass and rosary.  I Praise Our Lord for the gift of St Philomena in my life.  I was drawn to her.  We met Sister Paz who told what time mass was the next day and hours of the gift shop.
September 17, 2018, we arrived at the Sanctuary and Sister Paz took us to the gift shop.  While praying in front of the Altar of St Philomena I see Don Giovanni coming I asked him if he would bless our religious articles.  Don Giovanni took us to the rectory and blessed us with the Relics of St Philomena.  We signed the guest book of St Philomena.  Don Giovanni asked me to take a book to a St Philomena in Carson California to the pastor.  Don Giovanni also told me that I was to help him spread St Philomena devotion around the world.  Don Giovanni had no idea I was an International pilot that travels around the world God incidence. I just remember his smile and warm welcome and from that day he adopted me like his spiritual child. We took pictures in front of the altar of St Philomena and gave us a blessing with her blessed oil.
August 10-13 2019, I returned to St Philomena Sanctuary,  Mugnano de Cardinale. To be part of the festivities of her festival.  It was such an amazing experience. To see Don Giovanni in the midst of the festival for his beloved St Philomena was heart warming and contagious couldn’t help but fall more in love and in deeper devotion to St Philomena.
Don Giovanni would regularly send prayers and blessings through WhatsApp.  Don Giovanni was always keeping my children and I in his prayers. I loved receiving his calls.  My Spiritual Father Don Giovanni was always praying for my children and I a true gift from Our Lord.
January 20-23, 2020 my mom and I returned to St Philomena Sanctuary, Mugnano de Cardinale.  We prayed many hours and got to visit with Don Giovanni.  I truly felt like family with Don Giovanni, Sister Chu and Sister Paz.  I never imagined that would be the last time I would see my Spiritual Father Don Giovanni.  I promised Don Giovanni that I would spread St Philomena’s devotion around the world and I will God willing keep my promise.
The news of his passing broke my heart. My only consolation is that I will see him one day in paradise and now he is with St Philomena.  May his soul Rest In Peace and Our Lords Perpetual light shine upon him.

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