May 31, 2020
May 31, 2020
This is a tribute to my 1st, most intelligent, loving, personable, and compassionate niece Nedra Dionne Richardson. She and my son Brian were 1st cousins and born only about 2 months apart. She was my niece and like the daughter I never had. She passed away at 24. She and Brian were that same age at the time. She passed away way too soon and left a legacy that all who know here miss and admire. She and Brian will turn 50 this year. She also shares an anniversary with my Grandfather, her Great-Grandfather in that he passed away on May 28th, 2002, and she passed away on May 28th, 2004. I have one favorite picture of the 2 of them that I cannot find right now, but I will post it if I find it soon. I l have loved Nedra since before she was born, and she will always have a place in my heart forever!!!!