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The Transition

July 30, 2022
For me, Saturday 23 July 2022 will forever remain a dark day. For thirty-nine days, my wife fought a battle with a cancerous ailment (oesophageal cancer it was called) that was bent on starving her to death. It would not allow her to eat nor take any fluid by mouth. It sabotaged all efforts for a bypass, and when we attempted to take it head-on it crashed her heart. It all caught us unawares and I wished and prayed for a second chance. But it was to be a lesson with terminal consequences. My wife engaged the evil with all her strength in her last three hours, but the result was a foregone conclusion. Sitting at her bedside, I watched through the monitor as life slipped away from her. I called her name urgently: Peju...Peju...Peju. She responded, but it was a response that progressively became dim and distant. The lights went out on her at 3.35 am. It's a blow below the belt; the pain is deep. I am immensely grateful to everyone for your condolences and words of cheer. May you be spared the agonies of life. Thank you all.

Rev Oluwatosin Orelaja

July 25, 2022
Eternal rest grant unto you and may God's perpetual light shine upon u and may God give the family fortitude to bear the irreplaceable loss at this time.

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