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June 7, 2012

Fear the Lord and be wise. This should be one of many verses you chose to teach when the Lord sent you on earth. From your thoughts(deep), your words(soft) and your actions(intelligent,wise,simple,generous,love,kind,....), you chose to fear the Lord,because you knew, he will impart wisdom in you. You love your God with all your heart and mind and you love your neigbor, whoever he/she should be as you love yourself. I am personally so proud of you because he understood that you came from somewhere and will return to that home where you came from. You understood that to live again in the glory of who sent you on earth, you have to be pure and strong. You strive to seek his kingdom and its righteousness. In your daily life, you strife to know the basics before leaving earth.
This was your strength. This was what kept you going even to the end. You knew that you will have to live on. You wanted to inherir the earth in your second coming.
Like others who left before you,you knew these truths and lived them. You wished that all of us should know so that when the Lord will come again, we will all be happy to meet again.
What a way to be a teacher. You have inspired many of us who knew you. How you thought me to forgive even those who talked back at you.How you will put up a smile as if it doesn't matter.How you will put behind harsh hard criticisms only to move on with an what will be beneficial to our souls - PEACE.
I saw this in you. A character to emulate. I knew where you copied all these. From Christ. Your testimony of our Lord and Savior will forever be written in my heart. You have touched me and many. I remember you paying me a visit on my sick bed in Maryland. You cheered me up to hold strong to the Lord. You will write me anjd chat with me to know how I was doing? You encouraged me to be strong and put my faith in the Lord. It paid off now, Pah. I am recovering when you are leaving. You thought me to face pain.You gave me the courage to fight on putting my trust in God, calling upon him at all times. Weeeeeeh!!!!! Why do I weep?
You have gone the way of all mankind. I surely meet you when I come. I am glad you will be there to receive me. Prepare a place for me for I know you will. Occupy one of the precious mansions the Lord told us is in his father's kingdom. You did a great job. You will never regret it. I continue what you thought me. This world is not our home but I am gla d we passed through to receive strength and knowledge and to be cleannsed by the blood of the Lamb so that we tooo can be accepted in the Kingdome of the most high. May your soul rest in perfect peace till we meet again when the saviour will rule the earth. The Lord be with you Rest in PEACE 

May 27, 2012

Tribute To Pa Napoleon Besong
We, Akiriba daughters and sons in the diaspora, honor a fallen hero with great admiration. Pa Napoleon Besong was a man of few words but many great deeds. Pa, we thank you for the love and kindness that you showed your fellow mankind. We thank God for giving you such a peaceful mind that worrysome hearts could rely on. We will forever remain grateful for your relentless efforts in bringing us closer and knowing one another. You cared about everyone. And because you cared, everyone is now caring about someone.
No Akiriba daughter or son was too small for you to call and no Akiriba challenge was too big for you to take on. The fruits of your toils are today the echoes riverberating from Stockholm to Paris and from Houston to Washington. We take great pride in ourselves, knowing that you were one of us.
All the fanfare accompanying your home-coming is a testament to your type. May you rest in perfect peace and harmony while we keep your flame alive and take small steps in trying to fill the void that you left behind. Adieu Pa Besong.
Enowbi TANYI, Wahington, USA
On Behalf Of Akiriba Daugters And Sons in Diaspora


May 27, 2012


Dear fellow mourners,

I want to thank you all for joining me to say bye-bye to my illustrious youth, TABE NAPOLEON BESONG. God has planned an end to everyone, this is his own time. We loved him but God loved him more.

His departure is a big loss to my village. As chief of the Akiriba village, as like other fellow chief elsewhere, am pleased with youths who take great interest in the development of their villages. Napoleon was such a youth but with a difference. In America and Europe he coordinated all Akiriba youths and encourage then to look back to the land of their origin, for the saying goes,

Tayanje Aputenge Anfai nyen”

As his disappearance makes me recall sad memorials of other dynamic departed youths such as Tanyi-Tang, Moses Nkwo, Adolf Tanyi, Nkwo ZM, Enow Ntai, Achuo Gordon just to name a few.

Napoleon spent his money, time and energy to develop Akiriba in terms of the participation in the activities of Akiriba Development Association (ADA) and buildings. The house beside us which he struggle to build even on his dying bed is a moving example. Fortunately his brother and sister of the Diaspora have obeyed his call and I still repeat my special thanks go to Mr. Adolf Tanyi, Mr. Enow Ntai, Mr. Gordon Achuo, and our fire fighting illustrious son Mr. Tanyi Tang. NAT I am now left only with your diaspora partner Madam Lydia Ako Tabi of Washington DC USA. How are the mighty fallen, the two coordinators one is no more.

During my visit to America, Napoleon called me several times and visited me in Houston TX to talk and talk about Akiriba Development.

Time does not permit me to say more things about this man lying before us. All I can say now on behalf the Akiribarians at home and abroad is to thank him for his love and concern of his village. May God reward him wherever he is going to be.

Napoleon may you be accepted by the ancestors. My the almighty God reward you in the form of a peaceful stay in his kingdom.

I know you have finished your joyful race.


Cell : 99 96 76 37


May 27, 2012

That is what I will remember,
Your bravery and your love
That caring wise and watchful eye
Which now peers at us from above.

I knew the man you became
The uncle who I adore
The leader of a family
Who gave us more and more.

Pa had a great sense of humour. He always found a way to lighten up ANY situation. He did this even through his battle with cancer. We would always have lots of fun when he was around

I am saddened by Pa’s death but I am also thankful for the role he played in the family and in the community and in Akiriba community in particular. I am appreciative for the time that I got to spend with him when he was healthy but also when he was sick. I know that his suffering and pain are over and that he is with his God now. Thank-you Pa for the legacy you left behind for the younger generation to emulate!


Aunty Lydia Tabi, Washington, USA

May 27, 2012


Sometimes One is at War with his Pen. Yes, the War is too much to fight because one is chilled each time the Mine brings NAT to closer focus. How else can one fill for a Human Being who has special place in the development of his village which makes him twice as good as anyone else.

Blessed by the Almighty with one of the most magnetic brain boxes, NAT used this rare asset, not only on books, but was at the fore- front of anything that positively concerned the life of his village.

NAT was a fire - brand activist in his village politics. As far as the CHIEFTAINCY STOOL is concerned, he belonged to a group of Akiraba pundits who saw its traditional rotation from a new democratic perspective. The entire World is in a 3rd Generation in which Conservative Monarchism of the Medieval Age has been replaced by a Liberal Democracy. Applied to our villages, Hereditary Chiefdom  in which the Stool is the monopoly of lineage or pedigree inspite of the weaknesses of the occupants, should be replaced by a new setting in which occupants are chosen from  men with extra – ordinary leadership qualities, long guarantee of good health for prolonged changes, and material capabilities etc irrespective of  family origin. For over 12 years NAT joined the winning trail. A  New Order as thus been set in Akiriba whose ramifications will eventually be appreciated in other villages in the decades to come.

NAT played a real Fatherly role to the many in America. He harnessed them for development back at home. His correspondences over the internet occupy about 95% percent of the ADA Email. He organized Online Table Conferences and spoke direct to ADA meetings in Cameroon on development.

He sponsored his flight to England, France, Germany and Norway to beef up support for what he stood for. Bereaved families in Cameroon received support from Pa Bessong’s foreign group. Infact, he had an impeccable love for his Akiriba

NAT! NAT! - N – A – A – T! Now you leave your Akiriba.  May your batten be picked up by someone else.  Your ideas, your deeds, your honour shall remain indelible and our tears shall flow each time we think of you. We shall ask here the same questions to the Almighty as we did to Moses, Tanyi-Tang and host of others.

“But what is wrong? Why is Death’s pendulum so dynamic in Akiriba? What is our undoing? Where are the ages of Pa Martin Tabi, Pa Adolf Tanyi, Pa Ayuk Egbe just to name a few ? Is this not the village of centurions some of us are blessed to have met”.

Beloved parting brother, these are questions straight from our hearts. Take them to our ancestors so that, together, you present them to our Almighty Heavenly Father for redress.

TANG VICTOR, Limbe, Cameroon



May 27, 2012


Pa Napo was the founding father of the Upper Banyang Group in GA and the first President for the Group. Even after his role as President ended, he remained one of the main pillars, source of inspiration and wisdom for the next young leader,Chief  Njang Kima. It was Pa Napo's greatest wish that the Upper Banyang communities in the USA grew stronger and united. Even on his sick bed, he was aware of the divisiveness and lamented over issues  plaguing the Upper Banyang family group in the United States. He worried about the lack of meaningful projects being carried out in the sub-division. On his sick bed, he still sent emails asking for updates on the Upper Banyang convention, minutes, and follow-ups on resolutions discussed from the 1st Upper Banyang National Convention held in Washington DC. His quest for a unified and solid Upper Bayang family took him traveling to key states in the U.S. notably Washington, DC, Houston, TX, Huntsville, AL, Florida when one of the able notables and an iroko late Sessekou Eddie Besong died. We drove from Atlanta with Pa Napo, Major Agbor Fidelis and PA Hamilton Ayuk to bid our final farewell to our late brother.

When Pa Napo came to Georgia, as an elder, community leader, mentor and due to the love he had for his people, he immediately registered with MECA-GA and remained active until his death. Pa Napo knew no discrimination among people, young or old. He saw each and every one of us in the same light as his own children and treated us that way. For that and many other reasons, he was truly loved by many. We quickly ran to him for advice because we were sure to get it with authenticity. He was  truly a wise Manyu elder and father. Pa Napo never indulged in squabbles, never raised his voice, never took sides in any issues of division but always acknowledged that there were pressing problems but the solutions lie in forging a better way forward that involved conflict resolution and reconciliation. Pa Napo was one of the very few elders and fathers in this Manyu community of today that the younger generation could count on for advice and trusted that whatever you discussed with him stayed at that level. But of utmost importance, was the fact that he will not hesitate to always impart words of wisdom and salvation on you and ask that you examine where you may have went wrong. Pa Napo attended almost every MECA-USA national conventions one of which in 2007, we drove for twelve hours (12) all night in a convoy to Houston, TX and 2009 in Washington, DC. Pa Napo visited every family who was bereaved in GA, attended baby showers and birthday ceremonies. Those that he could not attend, Pa Napo made sure he called, send his contributions and a card. Even on his sick bed from Jackson, MS, Pa Napo still sent condolence cards to members who lost their loved ones. Due to his active participation and total commitment towards MECA-GA, we all felt sad when the news arrived to me as the then President that our father, elder and mentor was diagnosed with Cancer. We put our heads together and organized a ‘Fund raiser’ (after having unanimously voted to give him a token) which was attended by other members of manyu and Cameroonian community in GA, to assist Pa Napo with the high costs of medical bills.

Pa Napo was not only known by the Manyu/Cameroonian communities in GA. As an elder, father mentor and charismatic leader, Pa Napo established a good and working relationship with the Congolese community in GA where all of them always called or visited him for advice. Pa Napo never relented his good will response as an elder and father, when always called for that duty.

 Pa Napo was a man of God and a true father to ALL of US, his children.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NEKOH NEREREH!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Sessekou Philip Tabi Ashutarkang,


May 27, 2012


Others call him Pa. Napoleon but we in the African Christian Fellowship (ACF) fondly call him Bro. Napoleon. Bro. Napoleon was many things to many people and endeared himself to everybody in the fellowship in his short time as a member. As I write, I believe I am expressing the feelings of majority of the members and it will be unfair if I do not write a few personal things because this man was my friend and also a brother in the Lord. After the out pouring of support and a great sense of loss from the Cameroonian community, many of whom he had touched, I realized this man was not just an ordinary man but the way he carried himself will not give you any indication as to who he was. He was truly clothed in humility and exemplified how a true Christian should carry himself. Bro. Napoleon on many occasions never ran away from work; I remember vividly one day I had asked him to come help me transport some items to another member’s home. He personally loaded the truck, tied everything down and we spent many hours taking the items down to their destination.

Even in his sickness, Bro. Napoleon was ready to serve, no wonder when he was nominated to serve as Vice President of ACF. He never budged even when he knew he was too ill. Many of us would have said no but not our brother.  To us Bro. Napoleon died in active service, doing what he loved to do the most – serving humanity. Even in sickness, our brother was a great encourager with his testimonies. Several times many of us were teary eyed when he gave his testimonies because we knew he was very sick and yet here he was full of faith and encouraging us. Even when things were very bad, he hung in there. In one of the many letters he wrote to the fellowship, he wrote “And as for me, be rest assured, I’ll continue to hang onto His garment come what may. For there’s one thing I know, IT’S NOT OVER UNTIL HE SAYS IT IS”. Even in his weakest of moments he still believed that God was in control; he could have given in easily but he knew that the One who is in him was greater than anything he was going through. He continued to be a living testimony even in his last days and I believe that in death, he has continued to touch souls. As the saying goes, “some people come into our lives and quickly leave. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same”. Such is Bro. Napoleon’s brief period on earth; his memory will forever be etched in our memories for a lifetime and will continue to influence us in positive ways.

What better way to end this tribute than to use our brother’s very own word’s in yet another letter he sent to the fellowship?  Treasure every moment and find time to spend with family, because we never know which moment could be our last. And most importantly, take time to seek the Lord in word and prayer regularly – Make God your priority and He will make you His priority. Bro. Napoleon, rest in the bosom of the Lord until we meet to part no more.

Abiye Iyo, Ph.D

Chapter President

For and on behalf of the African Christian Fellowship (ACF),

Jackson, MS., USA

May 27, 2012

After a long battle with cancer,

you have finally defeated cancer,

because if i go by your words,

it is not over until the Lord says so

then i am very convince you are

in the hands of the lord since he

is the person who said so in your

life on the 28th of May 2012.


Daddy, as you leave the stage,

know that i will always remember,

and keep to all your words and,

 all the things you thought me.


I will always remember the love

you always show to me and the

 family as a whole. You were not

that rich but you tried that all of us

go to school and have education

as a tool to face  life. That i

will say thank you Daddy. I do

remember your effort towards

uniting the Esong-Tambe's

family.  BUT as you go ahead, give

us the strength to obtain your goals.


If there is anything to remember you,

is the way you care and love other people,


We love you but God loves you most.

See you when we meet again





May 27, 2012

Dear Upper Banyang Elements in the USA,
As you may have already heard, one of our own silent forces in the Upper Banyang and Manyu Community (GA) is no more. Pa Napo was the founding father of the Upper Banyang Group in GA and the first President for the Group. Even after his role as President ended, he remained one of the main pillars, source of inspiration and wisdom for the next young leader, Njang Kima. 
On behalf of the Upper Banyang Elements in the USA, I will like to extend our sympathy to the family of the bereaved and we pray that the Lord will carry you through. 
I personally became close to Pa Napo in PHS Kumba where he was a school staff and he took me as his own daughter since then. Pa Napo as we commonly called him fought a futile but brave battle against cancer. At the time of his death, he was prepared for it and asked the Lord to make it this time for he was ready to go. He was ready to meet his Lord in Eternity. He needed to rest after such ferocious fight for his life. The Lord heard his supplications, and called his humble servant to rest according to his will. Pa Napo was a man of God and a true father to ALL of US, his children. Pa Napo knew no discrimination among people, young and old. He saw each and every one of US in the same light as his own children and treated us that way. For that and many other reasons, he was truly loved by many. We ran to him for advice because we were sure to get it with authenticity. He was a true Manyu papa. Pa Napo never indulged in squabbles, never took sides in any issues of division but always acknowledged that there were presenting problems but the solutions lie in forging a way forward that involved conflict resolution and reconciliation. Pa Napo was one of the very few Papas in this Manyu community of today that the younger generation could count on for advice and trusted that whatever you discussed with him will stay as such. But of utmost importance, was the fact that he will not hesitate to always impart words of wisdom and salvation on you and ask that you examine where you may have went wrong. 
It was Pa Napo's greatest wish that the Upper Banyang communities in the USA grew stronger and united. Even on his sick bed, he was aware of our divisiveness and lamented over our issues. He worried about the lack of meaningful projects being carried out in our sub-division; yet, we fight and insult one another.  On his sick bed, he still sent emails asking for updates on the Upper Banyang convention, minutes, and follow-ups on resolutions discussed from the 1st Upper Banyang  National Convention held in WDC. He sent greeting and condolence cards, etc. even on his sick bed and always tried to reassure folks about his health conditions. I told Pa not to worry about those things because his health was most important. Pa Napo, there is a lot of positive memories that you have left behind for us and we will forever  miss but remember you. We understand that the Lord has a better place for you and you needed to rest. 
Pa Napo, on your way to Akiriba, greet Julie Bessem Ebini at Eyang atem-ako and tell her that you are going home to rest after a long journey from the USA; Greet Seseko Maurice Enoh at Kepelle and tell him we are still in court against one another. FARE THEE WELL, father of all children!!!!!!!!
Patience Ebini, MSW, LL.M
President, UPBACDA-Maryland
President- for the union ( UPBACDA-USA, Inc).

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