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My friend Erskine

February 10, 2021
This is just an after thought I had today knowing this was the day for his funeral.  I wanted his family to know what a joy it was to know Erskine.  He always made me laugh, he would call me, and in that comical way that only he could pull off, he'd say " Get out that bed girl and shake a leg" or sometimes he would say, " I thought I smelled fried chicken, what you cooking girl?"  He knew he could make anybody laugh.  I would call him about my arthritis or whatever was going on in my life, and it was often about health issues.  But down thru the years, I don't remember Erskine ever complaining .  He always seemed happy.   I know it was a honor to know him, and  in my 83 years on this earth I can truthfully say, " I have never met anyone that I admired more than Ples Erskine Lewis, and I am going to miss our phone conversations".  Sincerely, Mildred Buchanan

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