He was a pleasure to know and I have happy memories of our handful of meetings.
Lovely family, who I'm sure still miss him.
Continue to rest in blissful peace.
Fondest thoughts.
Lesley Goodman (ex wife of Chris and mum to Michael)
William Schwitzer's lovely tribute on the home page here is testimony to the long and loving friendship between our parents. I also remember them coming to London for Joan and Mat's diamond anniversary in 2007, determined to make it after having missed the party for the 50th.
My sharp-eyed niece Maggie (newly annointed Keeper of the RJG Poetry Archive) reminds us that Dad was never one to let an occasion pass without rhyme. Here are the verses he sent to Joan and Mat in 1997:
The Schwitzers on their Golden Wedding Anniversary
Alas, we are too far away
To join you on the festive day
That marks your anniversary,
The Schwitzers’ golden jubilee.
So here’s a toast, old friends:
“The Schwitzers!”
(In good champagne or sparkling spritzers)
“Good health and happiness perennial
Attend you both ‘till your centennial.”