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His Life


December 14, 2014

There is only a few days until Christmas.  We are going to celebrate Jesus' birthday, but we are also going to celebrate Roger. Right after the first of the year, mom, me, Caroline and a lot of Roger's friends are going on a roadtrip. We are going to scatter his ashes in the places Roger loved most. It will be the closure of his very troubled life and the begining of his new life with God and the angels. We all love and miss you Bubba. I'm sure you are up there joining right in on Jesus' birthday party. Must be a grand thing and I know you are happy.

Roger is so missed...

December 1, 2014

I've spoken to Caroline and so many of Roger's friends over the last few days. He is missed terribly by all.  As I listened to Caroline talk about how they met and watched as a smile came on her face, I am truly convinced she loved him dearly and he loved her. Roger didn't have the chance to give her the ring, so I gave it to her for him. She broke down in tears as she slipped it on her finger. I know Roger was smiling in heaven. "His" ring is now where it truly belonged, on the finger of the woman he loved, and who loved him. 

I've heard that time heals wounds and brings the memories more vivid. This is so true. As I look at pictures of him, I can now smile. The last picture he took with Caroline and her children shows him to be the happiest. As I look at that picture everyday I pass it, it brings a smile to my face.

I love you Bubba, always will. *hugs*

A day in Roger's life..

November 17, 2014

Well, we went to court today.  I now have a true understanding of what Roger was fighting for and what he had to put up with.  Roger always fought for truth within the courts and always had to put up with crap from the so called "people who loved him for 29 years".  I got my first bad taste of both.  First, we go to court, those people lied in the court room and of course, the judge ruled in their favor.  So, not only did I have to put up with people who lie, but a court which allowed it.  That is fine.. they will get theirs in the end.  God will take care of that.

I have a true understanding of what Roger had to put up with all those years.  It is sad.  The only consolation to all of this is, Roger can't be hurt anymore.  He was being treated for mental and verbal abuse, which they dealt out plenty to him.  They can't do that anymore. They can't throw him out, talk crap to him or tell him to sleep on the floor like the dirty dog he was.  And yes, I have those recordings too.  A day with that "so called family" would be worse than a day in hell.  See, that is the reason I kept them from seeing him after he passed away, because he was so mistreated.  Why should they have the opportunity to say goodbye?  To clear their conscience?  Oh, that's right, you have to have one first.  You have to believe in God and know you don't treat people like he was treated.  They will get to their judgement day and have to face everything.  How they treated him, their lies.. everything.  That is fine with me because I know that God will take care of them.   I do believe God dislikes liars and thieves either..

 Now Jerry can support his mother who won't go get a job, the one that has such an unbelieveable since of entitlement.  Glenda actually told Roger to go and get money from my elderly mother on a fixed income and me to pay HER taxes on HER house.  I guess now Jerry can pay that...   Jerry can now be the "man of the house"... not sure I would consider him to be a real man because if my daughter was to ever bring home something that looked like that.. I would throw him out of the house.    

The best thing was that Roger found a new lady, a sweet lady with wonderful kids.  He didn't get the chance to start a life with them, but at least I know that Roger was going to leave because he actually found someone that loved him. Even if he was going to take his one little box of clothes, which was another lie that was told in court because I know he had much more than that.. just people and their greed.  One thing is for sure, they will never get anything else...  So, you go right ahead and laugh over court because in the long run, karma sucks..

Guess I'm out to the pawn shops and national register to register all the guns and serial numbers just in case they decide to pawn/sell the guns they claim they haven't seen in years.. what a load of lies...  They used to call Roger a liar all the time, but I guess know we know who the real ones were. And, when you take or keep something that doesn't belong to you, that makes you a thief too so I guess liar and thief both apply to those people.

What a horrible way to live...

November 7, 2014

For days I've listed to tapes and watched videos that Roger had given to me for safe keeping.  It hurts my heart that he lived the way he did.
When he first met Glenda, I remember how happy he was.  Then things got bad.  In fact, I remember one night sitting at their diningroom table many years ago when Jerry was a little boy.  Jerry had hit Roger upside the head with a toy truck and he was bleeding.  Glenda wouldn't discipline him and was yelling at Roger because Roger got upset that Jerry hit him and Glenda did nothing about it.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  Maybe that is the reason that Jerry is like he is today.. disrespectful because he has been allowed to get away with it all these years and nejxt, what grown man never moves out of the house and has a life of their own and what mother would live off the sweat of their child instead of going and getting a job.  Glenda even had the nerve to tell Roger to go and get money from his sister or elderly mother because he was her son.  Everything was "hers" even though she wouldn't work and told Roger so.  Lets not forget when Glenda told Roger she hoped his mother would get really sick, be in a lot of pain and that she hoped that he had to watch his mother die a long slow painful death.  Oh, and how they (Glenda/Jerry/Kandi) were trying to leave Roger for years and how Jerry stated that he punched Roger in the nose once.  Yes, this is all on a recording.. pathetic..

These videos are horrible.  I knew it was bad because I had over heard conversations when she would throw him out of the house and then talk to him like he was crap on the phone.  Glenda even accused Roger of having sex with me because he came to see me.  Who thinks like that?  I couldn't belive the things she was saying, but most of all, I couldn't ever understand why Roger lived with such a horrible person.. and then throw in the son that wouldn't go get a life and a daughter who kept interfering in things that were none of her business, but most of all, they all talked about things that they didn't know what the hell they were even talking about.  In the videos, almost everytime Roger walked in the door, they were on him like a pack of wolves.  He was so broken that he went to a counselor for help due to the verbal/mental abuse.  I spoke with the counselor the other day.  She told me how Glenda would call and Roger would put it on speaker for her to hear the way Glenda talked to him.  She said it was a horrible thing to have to listen to and that it was mean and abusive.  I think tthat so called "family" he had, had just become a habit.  There would be no way that I would ever tolerate that kiind of bad behavior.   My heart ached for him everytime he would go through one of those episodes with that so called "family".

Then, when Roger passed away, my mother and I called the sheriff's office to get a deputy to escort us to that "family's" house so we could tell them he had passed away.  This was done because I had a feeling that they would try to throw me in jail.  I wouldn't put anything past those.. people.. and I use the term lightly.  The deputy  knocked on the door ad Glenda and Jerry wouldn't even answer the door.  I told the deputy to go back and yell through the door that Roger had passed away.  When they came out, the total lack of emotion to his passing was unbelievable. As my daughter said, what little there was exhibited was fake.  Then, of all things, Glenda's daughter comes screaming across the yard that we killed him.  Pathetic...  I do believe that the misery he was dealt contributed to his ddeath. He was so upset because of the hateful thingsf that were said to him and AGAIN, told not to come home.  I've never seen someone who got thrown out of the house as many times as he did.

To  top it all off, then listening to all the hateful things that were said to him.. calling him names, telling him to sleep on the floor like the dirty dog he was.. and it goes on and on.  Who talks to someone they love like that?  THEY did.. then they wanted to act all pathetic that I excluded them from seeing his body and say goodbye because they loved him soooo much.  REALLY?  I excluded them because of the hateful way he was treated.  I was not going to give them a chance to go in there and act all pathetic when really, he didn't mean crap to them but a paycheck.  And, lets not forget that Glenda and Kandi got what they asked for, they left him a voicem message telling him not to come home.  That was the day he died. Well, you got your wish.  Now lil ole Jerry can just support Glenda.  Wonder how long he will accept his mother living off the sweat of his back?   And Jerry, welcome to Roger's life..

Roger had all he could take the day he passed away.  He was working on finally getting out of that bad situation and moving on with his life.  I just know that he had things to work out.. end one BAD relationship and move on to a bettter one.  I know, tthat regardless of how bad things got, Roger never wanted to hurt anyone, but the good thing was, he was done.  Caroline made him laugh.  I heard a happiness in his voice I've not heard in years.  The ring was from my grandmother that my mom gave him because she was happy Roger was finally getting out of that bad situation before they did something to him.  I just wished he had more time so that he could have experiienced what true happiness is.  I kept his ring, mainly because I knew of the dedication he had at one time and what it meant to him once upon a time, and I have the ring he was going to give to Caroline because of the life he oould have had.

Soon I will be posting some of the videos that prove everyting I've said here.  That way "anonymous" can't dispute anything that is said because it is all true.   Besides, the "family" shouldn't mind.  If you can say horrible things to someone and treat them badly, then you shouldn't have any problem with it being shared with everyone so they know exactly what was done to Roger.  


He found true love..

October 25, 2014

Even though we miss Roger very much, one thing is for sure is that we were happy for him.  He had finally found his true love and showed me a vintage engagement ring.  It was beautiful.  Her name is sweet Caroline.  I'm happy that for once he laughed and was full of happiness.  I wished that the dream for him would have come to fruition.  He was ready to move on with his life.