This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Rosa L. Harrell, 68, born on September 13, 1938 and passed away on November 7, 2006. We will remember her forever.
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Happy Heavenly 86th Birthday to you Mom in Heaven! I am missing you here. I know you are having a glorious time with Jesus and all the angels. Rest in peace, Mom!
May 12
May 12
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
You are in heaven, celebrating with Jesus and the Angels, and I know this. You are truly missed here. Someday we will have a glorious reunion in heaven. Rest and rejoice in Heaven!
You are in heaven, celebrating with Jesus and the Angels, and I know this. You are truly missed here. Someday we will have a glorious reunion in heaven. Rest and rejoice in Heaven!
November 7, 2023
November 7, 2023
Hello Mom!
It has been 17 years since you left this world to be with the Lord. I really, really miss you, especially our phone conversations. You are now in a better place. So much is happening in this world. But one day we all will reunite together. I want to say I love, love, love you so much. May you continue to rest and rejoice in heaven!
It has been 17 years since you left this world to be with the Lord. I really, really miss you, especially our phone conversations. You are now in a better place. So much is happening in this world. But one day we all will reunite together. I want to say I love, love, love you so much. May you continue to rest and rejoice in heaven!
September 13, 2023
September 13, 2023
Happy 85th Birthday to you Mom! I know you are celebrating with all the angels. You are missed every single day here. I'm grateful that you're no longer suffering. Until we reunite together once again, rest, and rejoice in Heaven. Love You Mom!
May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023
Happy Mother's Day in Heaven Mom! This marks the 16th year since we've spent Mother's Day without you. We have been getting through each year with Grace from God. Some of us have been doing our best to be at peace with one another, but the rest is still in the hands of God. I know you're at peace in Heaven, rejoicing, walking those beautiful streets of Gold. Until we meet again you just continue to enjoy your life there in Heaven. Rest Well Mom!!!
November 7, 2022
November 7, 2022
Hello Mom! Today marks the 16 years since you Transition to Heaven. We all truly miss you a lot. I love seeing you in my dreams a lot. Now I know you are watching over me alone side God. Today I really, really miss you. I posted a tribute on my Facebook page earlier this morning. I've totally giving my soul to God, I've read and study his word daily. I post my daily bread lesson, and scriptures on my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I've asked His time take away profanity away from me. But this weekend I said two profanity words. That makes me feel sick bad for saying things I've ask God to take from me. That's why his words says, Be watchful pray, so you want enter into temptation flesh, for the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I will be careful, and also refrain from being angry. Momma, I love you! I'm going try to do better by speaking more on this page. Until we meet again. Rest and Rejoice Forever!
September 13, 2022
September 13, 2022
Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You in Heaven, Happy Birthday to You......! Mom, you celebrate awesome Birthdays in Heaven every day. I miss you so very much. But you are where we all want to be. Someday we will join you when we fulfill God's purpose. Mom, rest well and enjoy the streets of gold.
May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022
Happy Mother's Day Mom! It has been sixteen years since you've been in Heaven. And I miss you so much. Things are not the same since you've been gone. But that's not what matters. What matters is you are at home with the Lord. No more suffering from pain or hurt. And I get to see you someday when the Lord is ready for me. I hope you are having a glorious time walking the streets of Gold and enjoying that beautiful garden. Rest Well Mama.
November 7, 2021
November 7, 2021
Fifteen years ago, on this day you transition into Heaven as God promised. No more crying, dying, sorrows, and suffering there. I missed you so much, momma. God allows me to see you in my dreams which brings me so much to my heart. I'm sure you know that all your daughters have gotten close to one another. The boys are not communicating with each other, I try my best to stay in touch with your oldest son, but he does not respond back so I stopped. It doesn't mean that I am upset or dislike him. God's word says: " If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet." (Matthew 10:14) As far as Leon, I am at peace with him, but the only problem I have with him is how he handles the money after you transition. But I love him, and he must face God at the end. Tyrell is married, and I haven't seen him since 2018. His Mother-In-law just passed away last Monday. I do not think she cares much for Me, My husband, and Tanisha. Due to all the untrue stories that were told to her. But like you use to tell us that we all are grown, now you have given us over to God's hands. That is exactly what I've done in this situation. He has become so disrespectful since he met his wife. When I was in the hospital to have my surgery, I ask Rick to call him to let him know what was going on. His question was, was it cancerous. Then I did not see him at all during that time. I am so grateful to God for giving me peace through the whole ordeal. I pray that God will allow me to always see in my dreams. Someday I will be able to see your face to face. Say hello to Dad, My Daughter, My Brother, My Grandma, My Grandpa, My Uncles, My Aunts, My Cousins, My Mother-in-Law, My Father-in-Law, Prince, Michael, and everyone else that I know there. Rest, well Momma!
September 13, 2021
September 13, 2021
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birrrrrrthday! Today mom, you turned 83 years younger. We celebrate this special day on your behalf. You are very much missed here on earth. God, allow me to see you in my dreams sometimes at night. I will always remember the love we shared for one another. So, rest and, rejoice in eternity. I Love You, Mom!
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Happy Mother's Day In Heaven!
Dear Mum In Heaven
I Just want you to know
How much I miss you every day
And how much I love you so
I cannot send you a card
But I can send my love
Upon the wings of angels
To heaven up above
I wish you a happy mothers day
For you were the vest
To have you for my mother
I knew I had been blessed
Rest in peace my angel
One day we will be together
The next time that see you
I know it will be forever
Dear Mum In Heaven
I Just want you to know
How much I miss you every day
And how much I love you so
I cannot send you a card
But I can send my love
Upon the wings of angels
To heaven up above
I wish you a happy mothers day
For you were the vest
To have you for my mother
I knew I had been blessed
Rest in peace my angel
One day we will be together
The next time that see you
I know it will be forever
November 7, 2020
November 7, 2020
Mom this is the 14th year of your passing. I want to let you know that I really, really miss you. God needed you there. One day we all will see each other. There will be rejoicing on that day. I love you mom, Enjoy Heaven!
September 13, 2020
September 13, 2020
Happy 82nd Birthday My Angel Mother. Heaven holds my Mother, on this special day of hers. Lord I ask that you give her a bouquet, of beautiful, scented flowers and tell her they’re from her baby girl, please tell her I will love her, for all eternity. Rest In Heaven Mom, I Love You!
May 10, 2020
May 10, 2020
"Happy Mothers Day Mommy!"
We all will celebrate this day remembering you and Grandma. Enjoy this beautiful day in heaven. Your present is truly missed here. We all love and miss you so much!
We all will celebrate this day remembering you and Grandma. Enjoy this beautiful day in heaven. Your present is truly missed here. We all love and miss you so much!
May 12, 2019
May 12, 2019
"Happy Mother's Day Momma!'
This was the poem I was supposed to send to you before your transition. I found it so I decided to share it, in the memory of you. We all miss and love you dearly. But someday we will reunite again and have a joyous time together. My rest in heaven and enjoy your new home with The Savior and the angels. "Heavenly father thank you for taking mom home to be with you."
A Mother Who Prayed
I Had a Mother who prayed.
She taught me of Jesus when I was but small,
And prayed for me daily to give him my all.
Thank God for a Mother who prayed!
I had a Mother who prayed.
She taught by example to trust in the Lord,
And live by the Bible-her spiritual sword.
Thank God for a Mother who prayed!
I had a Mother who prayed.
There wasn't much money, we shared what we had.
And someone was needy, we shared what we had.
Thank God for a Mother who prayed!
I had a Mother who prayed.
When I had a Problem, and fear made me weak,
I knew on her knees God's help she would seek.
Thank God for a Mother who prayed!
I had a Mother who prayed.
And Now my own children have needs, so I pray
They'll trust in the savior, and someday might say,
"Thank God for a Mother who prayed!"
This was the poem I was supposed to send to you before your transition. I found it so I decided to share it, in the memory of you. We all miss and love you dearly. But someday we will reunite again and have a joyous time together. My rest in heaven and enjoy your new home with The Savior and the angels. "Heavenly father thank you for taking mom home to be with you."
A Mother Who Prayed
I Had a Mother who prayed.
She taught me of Jesus when I was but small,
And prayed for me daily to give him my all.
Thank God for a Mother who prayed!
I had a Mother who prayed.
She taught by example to trust in the Lord,
And live by the Bible-her spiritual sword.
Thank God for a Mother who prayed!
I had a Mother who prayed.
There wasn't much money, we shared what we had.
And someone was needy, we shared what we had.
Thank God for a Mother who prayed!
I had a Mother who prayed.
When I had a Problem, and fear made me weak,
I knew on her knees God's help she would seek.
Thank God for a Mother who prayed!
I had a Mother who prayed.
And Now my own children have needs, so I pray
They'll trust in the savior, and someday might say,
"Thank God for a Mother who prayed!"
November 7, 2018
November 7, 2018
Hi Mom!
It's been 12 years of the anniversary of your passing. All of your children are doing well and we all are at peace with one another. Your house is still standing and it's been cared for by the others. We all miss you and love you so much. By the Grace of God, we all will see you one day.
Love You,
It's been 12 years of the anniversary of your passing. All of your children are doing well and we all are at peace with one another. Your house is still standing and it's been cared for by the others. We all miss you and love you so much. By the Grace of God, we all will see you one day.
Love You,
September 13, 2018
September 13, 2018
Happy 80th Birthday Mom! We all miss you and love you!!
May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
Happy Mother's Day Mom! On this day we will celebrate, and appreciate you being a good mother to all of us. We love and miss you so much. Momma enjoy your eternal home!
September 13, 2017
September 13, 2017
"Happy Birthday Mom!'' Right now you probably rejoicing with angels and our family. Someday we will be rejoicing together. I love and miss you!
September 13, 2017
September 13, 2017
"Happy Birthday Mom!'' Right now you probably rejoicing with angels and our family. Someday we will be rejoicing together. I love and miss you!
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
Happy Mother's Day Mom! I ove you and I can't waite to see again in heaven.
November 7, 2016
November 7, 2016
Lord, it has been 10 years since you took my mom home to be with you,now her citizenship is in heaven. Lord, thank you for the gift of eternal life in heaven. Now my mom is enjoying her garden, the love, the peace, and the joy in the Hoiy Spirit. Lord, may you watch over her there and allow her to visit me in my dreams. Lord, may she enjoy her new home!
September 13, 2016
September 13, 2016
Happy 78th Birthday Mom!" Lord,may she enjoy your heavens above.
May 8, 2016
May 8, 2016
Happy Mother's Day Mom! We all really miss you. Lord, I hope allow her to watch down on all of us.
November 7, 2015
November 7, 2015
Lord, it has been 9 years since my mom's passing. Lord, I want her to know that Her presence is missed. Things are not the same since she haven't been around. But she is in your presence now. But She is not alone, she has Dad, Charles Edward,Grandma, and her brothers with her. Today we celebrate her life. We all love you and miss her. May she enjoy her heavenly home!
September 13, 2015
September 13, 2015
Happy 77th Birthday Momma! We all celebrate this day in honor of you. R.I.P. and enjoy the wings that you recieved from our Lord and Savior. We all love and miss you and wished that you were here so we can celebrate your special day with you. May your soul continue to rest in peace!
May 10, 2015
May 10, 2015
Happy Mother's Day Momma! I am truly missing you right now. I miss our talks just about everyday on the phone. Since I cannot talk to you I stay in the word of God and talk to him. I know that you are in a better place now. You do not have to worry about pain,crying,or worrying about going to the doctor anymore, Now God is your doctor. All you have to do is sing and rejoice in the Lord, ushering, work in your garden, And now that grandma has join you and your brothers you having more of a joyous time. Momma rest in peace!
November 7, 2014
November 7, 2014
Mom it has been 8 years since your passing. I miss you so much, especially the mornings when I use to call you after I took the kids to school. Now your home is in Heaven where we all want to be. You continue gardening, singing, and ushering for our Lord and Savior. Mom, rest in peace and always watch over me and my family!
Your baby girl!!!
Your baby girl!!!
September 13, 2014
September 13, 2014
Happy 76th Birthday!!! Even though your not here we celebrate your life on this special day. May you rest in peace and we all I love you. Mom you will forever be missed.
Your baby girl!!!
Your baby girl!!!
May 26, 2014
May 26, 2014
On this Memorial day mom and dad I pray that you both R.I.P.
May 11, 2014
May 11, 2014
"Happy Mother's Day Mom!" Hope you are enjoying your rest in heaven. I really miss you and wish you were still here. May you continue be at peace in heaven.
I Love You!!!!!
I Love You!!!!!
November 7, 2013
November 7, 2013
Mom today has been 7 years since your passing. Mom you are truly missed. I missed calling you every morning and evening. I wish that I can call you right now to tell you everything that is going on in my life. But I know one day I will get that chance to talk to you again. Continue gardening,singing,ushering with grandma, grandapa our Lord and his angel. Rest In your new home Momma!!!!
September 13, 2013
September 13, 2013
Happy birthday mom we love you and you are truly missed.
Love your son in law,
Love your son in law,
September 13, 2013
September 13, 2013
Happy 75th Birthday Mom!!! I wish you was here to celebrate this special day with us. But God has better plans for you now. I pray that you are gardening,ushering singing and shouting for joy with Grandma,Grandfather,and your brothers. Mom I really miss you a lot, I have so much to share with you. Mom if get chance from time to time look down on all of us. Rest in peace we love you!!
May 12, 2013
May 12, 2013
"Happy Mother's Day Mom!" I miss you so much it is so much I want to share with you. But I know you are looking down upon me. You will always be in my heart. May your soul rest in peace.
Love Leona Davis!
Love Leona Davis!
February 2, 2013
February 2, 2013
Love you Grandma!!!! Rest In Peace!
November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
It's the sixth year anniversary of my mom death. Mom I really miss you I have so much going on right now I want to share with but you are walking around heaven right now with the angels of the Lord. One day we will see each other again. So may your soul rest peaceful in the arms of our Lord and savior.
September 13, 2012
September 13, 2012
We love you and miss you much Mom rest in peace
Rick Davis
Rick Davis
September 12, 2012
September 12, 2012
On September 13th we celebrate our mom who would of been 74 years old. Mom was a strong out going person she loved gardening and attending church faithfully.She was an usher for sixteen years and she was in the choir. Mom your present is truly missed. Continue Gardening,singing,and ushering for the Lord. Lord, may my mom enjoy her eternal home!
May 13, 2012
May 13, 2012
"Happy Mother's Day Mom!"
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Happy Heavenly 86th Birthday to you Mom in Heaven! I am missing you here. I know you are having a glorious time with Jesus and all the angels. Rest in peace, Mom!
May 12
May 12
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
You are in heaven, celebrating with Jesus and the Angels, and I know this. You are truly missed here. Someday we will have a glorious reunion in heaven. Rest and rejoice in Heaven!
You are in heaven, celebrating with Jesus and the Angels, and I know this. You are truly missed here. Someday we will have a glorious reunion in heaven. Rest and rejoice in Heaven!
November 7, 2023
November 7, 2023
Hello Mom!
It has been 17 years since you left this world to be with the Lord. I really, really miss you, especially our phone conversations. You are now in a better place. So much is happening in this world. But one day we all will reunite together. I want to say I love, love, love you so much. May you continue to rest and rejoice in heaven!
It has been 17 years since you left this world to be with the Lord. I really, really miss you, especially our phone conversations. You are now in a better place. So much is happening in this world. But one day we all will reunite together. I want to say I love, love, love you so much. May you continue to rest and rejoice in heaven!
Fifteen years ago on this day, you transition into Heaven as God promised. YI Miss You, I Love You!
Rosa L. Harrell
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Very faithful and outgoing mom
March 13, 2012
by Leona Davis
My mom was faithful in the Lord and she was very outgoing, she wouldn't let anything hold her back. She loved working in her garden and she loved going to church each Sunday. And if a football, basketball, or baseball game was on she would be right in front of the television watching it.