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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Rose Vargas who was born on March 30, 1960 and passed away on August 15, 2010. We will remember her forever.

March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
weaving between cars .. They Loved it .. My God knows how much I respected her .. She was such a hard worker and professional person ...... She was in charge of a major bank ... I used to
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
call her a machine ...!!! Rosie was special ... I always respected he so much .... She was a inspiration !!!
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
I am in peace with Rosie because I know she knows how much I respected her ,,, and of course because I know she is with the great Master of this Universe ...... She is in a better place then we are ,,,
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
GOD almighty himself has shown me visions of the creation of stars in the Universe .... THE CREATION OF THE SUN AND ALL THE ZILLIONS of Stars that Exist in this Universe that nobody knows where it Starts or Ends ??
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
She is in a far better place then we are on this small , small , small , small little planet ...... If you have not read an important book on the Universe !!! Do yourself and your family a favor and read one .....
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
I want to also comment on my Grand Father.,, I admire him very much for what he has done with his family ..... It is such a story that Hollywood could make a movie of it ....
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
God Bless the Vargas and Duran family from which I come from .... Rosie Send some blessings on me with the Great Almighty , Dios , Alpha , Omega , Lord, Master , Creator , Jesus & Holy spirit ..... Love D. Maxx Gomez
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
Please read this from the bottom up ,,, or else it may not make sense .... Cheers ....
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
Dear Vargas Family and Friends, Please know that all of Rose's co-workers miss her very, very much. On this day we are reminded of how special she really was and how special our memories of her always will be. God blessed us with Rose.......
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
Rosie will always be in my heart. I miss her sweet voice and her warm hugs. She is home dwelling with God, the angels, Mom and the souls of those who have gained salvation; a place of the greatest peace and beauty. She is home..."

March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
Rose, un invisible cordon espiritual es lo que nos queda y nos llevara de esta existencia a la otra. Asi tratamos de sumergirnos en tu silencio y imaginar tu voz y todo lo tuyo. Tu, tan profunda como el mar, tan alta como las estrellas. Bendecida.
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
Rose,desde Bogotá mi mamí tu Tía María y yo te recordamos en nuestros corazones, estas junto con Dios y presente en nuestros corazones,viva en nuestras oraciones y eres parte de nuestra historia por siempre! dios te bendiga en su gloria Amén.
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
My precious little sister...the little giant...the spiritual warrior...the leader...the disciplined...the elegant...the hungry to spread the word of God...the angel in heaven in the house of the Lord.
March 30, 2011
March 30, 2011
Every day is a struggle to have some peace of mind, you were my parent, friend, and my inner conscience. But, I think to myself if I can grow up to be half as remarkable as you were, then I will have done well.
March 1, 2011
March 1, 2011
Feeling a little down and lonely today as I am missing my family who do not live close to me, I thought of my dear friend Myrian and how she hurts all the time missing her beautiful sister Rose. I felt foolish knowing I could just pick up the phone and end my sadness. Myrian I think of you and your family all the time. I pray that god will help you find peace knowing Rose is with Him. Diane
February 28, 2011
February 28, 2011
Rosie....I have been searching on Facebook for you and tonight i typed in Rosa and Marina Vargas and got a link to this site....I have no words for the sadness i feel.. I have nothing but great memories of you and you were always a shining light...Your smile was one that i loved and i enjoyed our years working together and the friendship we had....I cannot believe this......Love, Ricky Guerrero
January 5, 2011
January 5, 2011
Rose , today is one of those days when I sit and think about life. Here we are my sister , mom and I talking about how much we miss you -.- We get sad for a little , but then we realize that you are with the Lord and you're having a better time than we are. It makes me feel better to remeber you as the beautiful woman you used to be. You were missed during this christmas and new year. - johanna <3
December 7, 2010
December 7, 2010
Rose,hoy me acorde de ti y quise dejarte unas palabras. Este viaje que un dia emprendemos tine una ultima parada y alli estaremos. Pero mientras tanto es muy dificil entender que las personas que comparten nuestra vida ,se nos adelantan en llegar a esa ultima parada. Hoy mi deseo es que estes alli llena de gloria y que tu familia pueda tener un fin de ano unidos con mucha paz y amor. Yaneth Romero
November 10, 2010
November 10, 2010
Soon it will be Thanksgiving and we will of course be missing Rosie, but she will be very happy to know that most of the family will be together in Miami. Hector and Veronica have invited the whole family to a gran dinner at their home. Michelle will arrive from New York to be with the family as well. I will miss being there, but will be thinking of each one of you near and far. Regards, Myrian
October 15, 2010
October 15, 2010
It's difficult to believe that Rosie left us two months ago. Her beautiful smile is ingrained in my mind forever and her positive attitude carries me through the tough days. Thanks to all of you who have written such touching words. Also, thank you to those who contributed to Michelle's College Fund. Please know that you made a difference in her life. Myrian
October 15, 2010
October 15, 2010
Rosie, han transcurrido 61 dias desde tu partida, y tu ausencia es cada dia mas notoria. Cuando creo que ya estoy superando este gran dolor, un recuerdo tuyo viene a mi mente y descubro que el vacio es tan profundo que tomara para siempre recuperarme. Se que estas en tu lugar preferido en presencia de Nuestro Señor y esa verdad me ayuda a tener consuelo. Te amo mi Hanita!
October 6, 2010
October 6, 2010
Mi Querida Janet,

Hace rato que quiero escribirte ...y no solo a ti pero a tu gente en Miami y Colombia ....pero cada vez que comienzo no lo puedo terminar ....

Hoy tuve mi clase de biblia y estoy bastante fuerte!

Queria que supieras que la ausencia de Rossy es muy grande para to dos los que tuvimos el privilejio de verla y compartirla....

sabes que yo los quiero mucho a todos ustedes ....son como mi familia ....y no solo Rossy pero tu , Marina y Mirian son mis hermanas

alos muchachos son definitivamente un alegria compartir con ellos . La ida de Rossy la sentimos muchisimo Roberto, los muchachos y yo y en mis oraciones estan cada uno de ustedes ....Yo perdi a mi papa y esa partida no fue nada facil para mi ...aun pienso que lindo seria si conociera a mis hijos ~

Todos ustedes son un ejemplo para todos nosotros ...que Dios bendiga su union y su amor por El Todo Poderoso.

Gracias por compartir tus lindos menzajes ...siempre es lindo ver que estas con algo especial para compartir~

Un abrazo muy grande para ti y para tu hijos y tu nieta

Tu hermana

October 6, 2010
October 6, 2010
Rosita, querida hermanita...cuanto te estrano...cuanta falta me hace escuchar tu voz los martes cuando nos ponemos las hermanas en conferencia telefonica para orar por nuestra familia, nuestros hijos, la necesidades de los demas, y por el mundo entero. Me es un poco dificil entrar a esta pagina, pues siento dolor. Pense que con el tiempo seria mas facil, pero veo que no, al contrario. Te amo!!!!
October 4, 2010
October 4, 2010
Dear Rosie,

Today I started a new job and I know that you would have been happy for me. I miss sharing my life with you. Ivan turned 30 years old yesterday and I was remembering you as a young mom, so sweet and loving. I remember that you called him your "gordito" for obvious reason of course. Edmundo just returned from Nicaragua today and he is also starting a new job tomorrow. Love, Myrian
September 22, 2010
September 22, 2010
Gina y yo hemos rezado desde que supimos de la extrema gravedad de Rosita hasta que se fue al cielo, justo el dia de la Asuncion de la Virgen. No sabes cuanto hubiera deseado haber estado un rato compartiendo contigo junto a tu dolor. Te abraza fuerte, Magda Gonzalez
September 16, 2010
September 16, 2010
As I learned of Rose's passing from my dearest friend Myrian through an email my heart broke and my memories brought me back to high school. I remember Rose being so sweet and kind. I was so envious of Myrian's relationship with her. They were so close as sisters should be. I pray for peace of mind for her family. I love you Myrian. I will always be here for you. Diane
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Estefania Cava Ramirez August 17 at 9:37am
Hi Janet, I tried to call you yesterday to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family. I will try to come with my mum for the funeral. Remember that when you lose a loved one, you gain a guardian angel. xxx
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Sophia Durán August 17 at 10:56pm
Querida Janet:
En estos momentos de tanto dolor por la partida de tu hermana Rosa, solo me resta decirte que estoy contigo, con tu padre y todos tus hermanos pues aunque no nos hablemos ni nos veamos, Ustedes saben que siempre los he amado mucho y están presentes diariamente en mis oraciones. Un abrazo para todos, los quiero mucho, Sophia.
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Eva Marie August 17 at 7:07pm
Hello Janet ,
It's hard to express but I really feel for you and I imagine your pain . I know you have to stay strong for all the people around you because you are a pillar in their lives ... Just know that you and your family are in my prayers ... Much love , Eva
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Judi Hart McCartney August 15 at 1:56pm Reply
OMG Janet....I am at such a loss for words. This is heartbreaking news...please know that Rosa, you and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers every day but especially today....such a horrible thing. Please keep me informed as to all the information both now and later....god bless

Love to you all
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Maureen Pidgeon Ferraro August 17 at 6:11am Reply
My hart breaks for you and your family - may you all find peace and comfort in the Lords' presence and have your memories to get you through this. God bless you all. I love you guys
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Rita Vargas August 16 at 11:52pm
Reciba mis sinceros sentimientos de condolencia por el fallecimiento de nuestra querida Rosita, Que Dios Todopoderoso se llevo a mejor vida. a
brazos y besostia Adela.
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Lazaro Andino August 16 at 8:58am
sorry for your loss, Janet. I can't imagine how you must be feeling now right now and offer you sincerest sympathy and I want you to know that she is in a much better place right now.
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Lisette Leyva August 16 at 1:15am
I am sorry to hear about Rosie my best friend and she was like a sister to me.
I will miss her !!!!!!! I wish that I was there with you all. My prayes go out to all the Vargas..
take care,
rosie best friend
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Margarita Matus August 18 at 3:52am
hola Janet, ahora m entero d la perdida tan grande q han tenido please dale mis condolencias a toda tu familia. desafortunadamente uno no sabe cuando va a pasar x estas situaciones tan dolorosas q Dios t d la furza y la entereza para superarlo.
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Margarita Matus August 24 at 2:59am
no, gracias a ti. D verdad q siento mucho lo q paso, pero bueno el tiempo es el unico q c encarga d curarte las heridas!hace 5 anos q fallecio mi papi y uno mi mami y aunq parece q fue ayer y la pena es la misma aprendes a aceptar q son los csminos d Dios q todos tarde o temprano tenemos q seguir. aqui en mi casa tabien mi roommate y amiga aparte d q tiene a su
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Margarita Matus continue...
muy enfermo tabien fallecio su mama el lunes pasado, una senora q fue muy linda conmigo, ella tuvo viajar d emergencia y lidiar con todo. pero desafortunadamente asi es la vida, a los q nos quedamos aqui solo nos queda asimilarlo venerar su memoria, aparte d siempre revivir los preciosos momentos q nuestros seres queridos nos han dejado. mucha fuerza y una vez mas un abrazo fuerte para todos!
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Zoe Bria Landreth lo lamento tanto por lo que estan pasando ahora janet. la vida nos trae estos obstaculos dificilisimos. se fuerte, como eres e intentá siempre quedarte con lo lindo, todo lo que has vivido con ella y como marcó tu vida su presencia. las quiero mucho! besos ♥
August 21 at 1:09pm ·
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Adriana Maria Burgos Im really so sorry about your loss Janet, I can just imagine how hard it is to lose your sister. But know shes in a better place and god will strengthen you through all this & he will help you surpass this all. Remember god is in control! My condolences to you and your whole family. besitos, iloveyou and may god be with you through this ♥
August 21 at 11:43am
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Alicia Vargas I am so very sorry for you and your whole family. Mike and Rita have told me how beautiful and special Rose was. I can only imagine how much she will be missed. You all are in my prayers....
August 19 at 2:55pm
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Tiare Darder Janet I am really sorry for your loss. I pray to God that you all be strong and have resignation to God’s will. Rose is now with him, not suffering and being an angel that take good care of all of you. I remember her with love and affection. Please call me if you need anything.
August 19 at 10:31am
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Lisseth Medina Rocha Todas las personas que los queremos estamos con ustedes en este momento de dolor. El Señor dará consuelo, paz y tranquilidad a sus corazones. La quiero mucho.
August 18 at 3:22pm
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
August 17 at 10:45pm ·
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Yida Cohen Que tal janet? todavia estoy en shock con lo de Rose lo siento con el alma pues pude compartir momentos muy cerca a ella todo my pesar para ustedes y que EL SEN~OR les de fortaleza en estos momentos tan dificiles sobre tode atu amado papa quien debetener un dolor incomparable . Realmente ella era una mujer separada para Dios con una FE incomparable y una vista solo para las cocas de lo alto (las del cielo) donde esta nuestro verdadero tesoro.porque ahi esta vida eterna! Solo se nos adelanto para recibirnos con un abrazo! Descanza en paz maravillosa mujer! descanza en DIOS!
August 17 at 6:25pm
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Albert Luna un abrazo fuerte y mi mas sentido pesame primita, bendiciones....
August 17 at 2:47pm
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Josephine DiMaggio hey, i just got the message about rose last night. I am soooo sorry. Just wanted to tell you the my thoughts and prayers are with all of you guys. Please call if you ever need to talk or anything at all !!!
August 17 at 7:14am
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Dear Janet,

I am so sorry to hear the bad news about your sister passing away. In a way it was a good thing so that she does not suffer anymore. She is now better off in God’s presence enjoying heaven. May God give you and your family the strength needed during this difficult moment. 

I also have a family member very sick for the last 3 months in the hospital so I am not sure if I will be able to go, but my thoughts and my prayers will be with you and your family.

With love,

Ileana Guerra
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
My deepest sympathy my dear Janet. As I was praying for Rose’s new beginning I found this message that I wanted to share with you.

“Endings are sad. The end of summer means no more beach days. The end of the World Series means no more baseball. So what about the end of life?
Death is the end of life (in this world) but also the beginning of life (in the next). So you can see it either way, like the glass of water that’s either half empty or half full.
When we look at death as the end, we are naturally and rightly sad, whether our life was good or bad. If it was bad, we are sad with regret at what it wasn’t. If it was good, we are sad with regret that it no more is what it was.  But when we look at death as the beginning (which is just as true), we are happy children again, on the shore of God’s great sea, playing in His waves”.

Rose has passed to a better everlasting life and we have to live so that some day we will meet her again in our other beginning of life.

May God give you and your family comfort, resignation and unity to carry your sadness for a little while and then rejoice because God has received Rose in His loving arms.

Sending you a fraternal hug and a huge prayer for your whole family.

Lucrecia jc  ♥♥♥
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Hello Janet,

Simon told me for your sister.

My sincere condolences and thoughts to you.

With affection,

SFEH Paris
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March 31
March 31
Happy Birthday dear Rosie! Dad turned 90 years old on your shared birthday. You are always in his mind and heart. He senses your presence around him and calls to you my dear sis. I love and miss you. Your sis.
August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
Dearest Rose,

    We will never miss the opportunity to celebrate your life and enduring spirit.
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5K Run/Walk for Cancer SU2C = Stand up to cancer..

May 21, 2017

Yesterday on May 19th my Niece and I had the honor to walk a 5K for Night Nation Glow Run for SU2C which means stand up to cancer. I made it and I dedicated my walk in honor of my dear and one of the most beautiful Woman, my Supervisor my Friend, my other Mommy but most of all my Hero Rose. She was such an amazing and inspirational Soul that everyone who knew her loved her so much. Yet here we are almost 8 years after her passing that not a day goes by that I don't think of her, ask her for her guidance and support and most of all to be my Angel as she did for almost 7 years of us being together and working side by side until God called her to heaven. I miss you so much my Rosita and I'm so blessed and honored to have made this run and all future runs and walks in your honor. Until we meet again my beautiful friend I will continue to do as many walks and runs as I can in your honor always.  I miss you so so so much my love. I will always Love you because I'm your Dolly Girl... 

March 31, 2012

I love this photo of my two wonderful sisters enjoying some 80's grooves. Check out the shoulder pads. They both are so happy and beautiful.

Love my sisters!!!! 

March 31, 2012

The good "Jersey Shore" - these were special summers enjoying the beach together. 

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