Leave a tributeOnly when she was gone did Ann and Ruth tell me the tale of Sandy's reaction to another faux pas by the Kelley family....seems to be a habit with them!
They uprooted and took out quite a few trees down by the shore...presumably because of their condition...I'm not sure their reason.
Being vaguely responsible folks I doubt their intent was to annoy anybody...least of all Sandy.
Well...when Sandy arrived and saw the relatively empty space where
the trees had been located, Ann and Ruth said she went down to the area and counted how many had been taken down....each one needlessly in her opinion. Mom and sis said they could hear her counting as she examined the ground....counting unhappily for sure.
I gathered that this was not a one-time activity for Sandy. She apparently went down several times....did the counting thing several times....each time getting a higher number....becoming more upset after each visit.
This story led to a few laughs at the table for both Ruth and Ann....and me. Absolutely all of those laughs occurred when Sandy was absent from the table....and upon her return...the topic of conversation abruptly changed....NO mention of trees or their absence due to Mom and sis being aware that their mention might spoil the entrée and the occasion
for San.
We shared a love of dogs, the mountains and the Adirondacks.
Whatever Sandy approached- she did with precision and speed. (This included driving .... Just sayin !)
We will miss Sandy - but generations of students, teachers and television professionals will continue to benefit from her work and her pizazz! Thank you, Sandy!
Their intent was honorable.
BUT! I heard from Ann and Ruth that Sandy was kind of offended by this new-fangled entrance and was determined to keep to the olde tyme way of going up the hill. So she purposefully and nobly [!] avoided the stairs for a while and went up to the cabin in a circuitous route which was even rockier and riskier than the original path. Her choice...I suspect....would have drawn cheers from a variety of olde-time Rocky Bay camp souls....including her Dad, Gret and Baba.
Your neighbors and friends, Jeannine and Donna
Leave a Tribute
Only when she was gone did Ann and Ruth tell me the tale of Sandy's reaction to another faux pas by the Kelley family....seems to be a habit with them!
They uprooted and took out quite a few trees down by the shore...presumably because of their condition...I'm not sure their reason.
Being vaguely responsible folks I doubt their intent was to annoy anybody...least of all Sandy.
Well...when Sandy arrived and saw the relatively empty space where
the trees had been located, Ann and Ruth said she went down to the area and counted how many had been taken down....each one needlessly in her opinion. Mom and sis said they could hear her counting as she examined the ground....counting unhappily for sure.
I gathered that this was not a one-time activity for Sandy. She apparently went down several times....did the counting thing several times....each time getting a higher number....becoming more upset after each visit.
This story led to a few laughs at the table for both Ruth and Ann....and me. Absolutely all of those laughs occurred when Sandy was absent from the table....and upon her return...the topic of conversation abruptly changed....NO mention of trees or their absence due to Mom and sis being aware that their mention might spoil the entrée and the occasion
for San.
Children at the Lake
My family has known the Johnson family since our parents were young and we were all children together at the lake. Our camps were about 1/3 mile apart on the same island and are still there after over 100 years. I have sweet memories of us all swimming, camping, and hiking in the mountains.
One year we all climbed Mount MacIntyre, the second highest peak in the Adirondacks, a very long and unforgetable day. Another year we climbed Mount Van Hovenberg and walked the Olympic bobsled run (in the summer).
We often had dinner at each other's camps and I have a picture of all of us as toddlers on the front steps of our cabin - Ann, me, Margie, Blake, and Sandra. I will send that picture to Ann. We were at the lake this summer and we missed you. We will always think of you an remember the good time we had there.
My first memories of Sandy were in the gym at Hanover where she spent much time. At one time she was a P.E. major according to the Revonah, which I would have been, too, if I had really wanted to teach. The sports offerings for girls were meager in those days. Half-court basketball was about as exciting for Sandy as it was for me. One year I joined her team because they were having an “inter-collegiate” match at Ball State and I had a friend there. On the road trip, Pat Shook was our driver when we slid on the ice, did a 360 and went through a fence – only time I had a life–flashing-before-my-eyes experience. No one was hurt but I felt sorry for the farmer who had a fence to mend.
Sandy was a natural athlete. She did everything well and looked good doing it. Even today, I picture her in the traditional garb of cut-off blue jeans, sweatshirt, white stand up socks and tennies. We weren’t allowed such casual dress for classes, but I think they were often under Sandy’s trench coat, if I remember correctly…Speaking of clothes, Sandy actually had a great clothes sense; she had stunning outfits and looked marvelous in them!
Sandy was quiet most of the time in my presence, but she was a great listener. And when she did speak, usually making a droll and/or witty comment, it rolled off her tongue without hesitation and she never smiled while the rest of us roared with laughter.
We shared geographic roots in New York and Colorado but busy lives limited our visits in Colorado unless Emily was coming to visit. I loved her interior design sense in her home here and copied the glass paneled door idea she used in her home in mine.
So once again, Sandy is skiing … the slopes of heaven and now, playing full court basketball. She was one of a kind, missed, and appreciated!