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November 16, 2022
I started working at a new school in Singapore on the same day as him and remember sitting next to him during the orientation. I was nervous and unsure of what to expect at the school. Sean was the smiling confident guy sitting next to me who answered all the side questions I had and helped me feel more comfortable. Little did I know at the time that he was the new vice principal. For the years I worked with Sean he always maintained a caring attitude. He was always there for a chat, to provide insight, help you talk something through, or provide help in anyway possible. He was an amazing person and I am greatly saddened by his loss. 

Grateful to say I knew you

November 11, 2022
It has been such a pleasure to read so many of your personal stories regarding Sean as they fill in the blanks and capture my limited interactions perfectly. He has been an described as an Ambassador and having boundless commitment to connecting with and supporting others - this was my experience also and I am so grateful to have been able to meet and correspond with Sean. He bent over backwards to be helpful and I will never forget his generosity. I met Sean a couple of years preCOVID at the GUCC - the Singapore  University Counselor fair and while we met only briefly, his authentic, caring personality was unforgettable. I had the pleasure of reconnecting with Sean years later when we were contemplating a move to Singapore as international educators. His helpfulness knew no bounds. Ironically (and sadly) as we were transitioning his way, he was looking towards opportunities in the Midwest our home base and it was so wonderful to return the favor in trying to help him connect with others to inform his decision. Although I did not know Sean well, he made you feel like a life long friend and this is how I remember him. We communicated several times as his family transitioned and during his treatment. He fought courageously and my heart goes out to his family. Sean was an amazing human being - someone that we would all do well to emulate :) Rest in peace Sean - you have touched so many lives!

from Jeff Passler (He knew us in Japan and Singapore)

November 9, 2022
"I met Sean and Uyen in Japan in August of 2022, and they were seemingly best friends with almost all they met at first meeting. I do not think I can recall other people attracting friends so effortlessly. To know Sean and Uyen is to understand why. Both showed an interest in all and accepted others as they were. These practices sound simple enough to us all in theory, but are—as we all know—so difficult to put into practice. The truly special ones with whom we come into contact are those who can put those behaviors into practice with consistency, cordiality, sincerity, and seemliness. 
Sean was, of course, one of those people. An interest belonging to another was concomitantly an interest belonging to Sean; this was because Sean was so very interested in others. Sean could listen with attentiveness to whatever one would say and show a knack for responding in a manner tailored to his friend's personality. Sean understood as few people do the elements of the art of conversation: the patience to listen, the willingness to share, and the generosity to care. Whatever your level, Sean could meet you there and showed every sign that he was happy to do so. A festival in the Japanese streets or a hike along a river, a conversation about football or a consideration of matters historical, a dialogue about culture or a cold beer in a rustic village pub - all of these things and pretty much all other things were better when they involved Sean.
Sean's profession, as we all know, was that of a teacher. Though it has perhaps become cliche to describe one's career as a calling, one could absolutely describe Sean's profession as a calling with nary a sense of hyperbole. Those of us who saw how students and colleagues reacted to him would know this. He was born for what he did, and the influence that he had on so many will reverberate on for decades to come.
A Canadian religion writer of some note described his being struck by a line by T. S. Eliot about the intersection of time with the timeless, and that observation seems most germane when we consider the passing of particularly special people. Though Sean is now lost to us in this moment in time, his fitting of the template of a life well and meaningfully lived, of a life lived in hearty consideration of the lives of others, and of a life that benefited so many others has given those of us who knew him a better acquaintance with the sense of the timeless. For that, we are particularly fortunate."
November 9, 2022
An excerpt from the words that I shared with our faculty when Sean left Singapore American School:

No one I know goes to middle school band concerts willingly. Sean actually plays in them, filling in on the tuba because, well, he just loves that kind of stuff. Sean doesn’t limit himself to the four walls of the office -- a teacher at heart, he’s done everything from working with a Catalyst class to coaching the extemp kids on our Forensics Team. He is an ideas guy, someone we know we can count on for a new presentation or a program.

It makes sense that, in our neck of the woods, Sean is known as the Mayor of Singapore. That’s not just because he knows everyone -- which he does -- it’s because he’s a true ambassador, always ready with a smile and a warm word of welcome.

Sean is fun and kind, a country boy who is both irrepressibly mischievous and boundlessly generous. He has graced our office with terrible refrigerator magnets from his travels and innumerable Tokyo bananas (along with durian cookies and other unrecognizable food products too terrible to mention). But most of all, he has offered our team wisdom, insight, and a clear-eyed personal philosophy grounded in his own strong sense of character and understanding of the world around him.

He is so very much missed.

November 7, 2022
Sean had super long hair down to his back in college. My sister told me a few years later, after I graduated, that she was dating Sean and the long hair is all I could remember about him.

He had a great laugh and always up for an interesting discussion. 

Sean is the love of Uyen’s life. May God be with her and her two boys. 
November 7, 2022
The last time I hung out with Sean in Singapore, we went record shopping at Red Point Records, which was a regular thing for us. Afterward we went to a hawker and ate some Indian and talked about leaving the island, but mostly we just did schtick from The Big Lebowski and had a few laughs. He was a kind, funny, sincere, and gentle person, and I am truly shocked and saddened that he's gone. It's a tremendous loss.

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