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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, 唐楊錫容 91 years old, born on December 3, 1928 and passed away on July 22, 2020. We miss her dearly, but full of hope and gladness that she has now joined her husband 唐乃銓 in Heaven with God our Father.

Browse through the site to read about her life and memories from her loved ones.

The funeral will be held on July 31, 2020 with restricted capacity. In lieu of flowers, we would be most grateful for you donate to Dementia Australia Research Foundation. You can find ways to donate here: 
Dementia Australia Research Foundation - Donate

Lastly, leave a tribute in the message box below, and you can also upload your funny or memorable moments (pictures/videos) of 唐老太 in the 'Gallery'.

Let's celebrate her well-lived life as she holds a special place in all of our hearts.

God bless,
Tong's Family
此悼念網站為紀念我們的摯愛唐楊錫容而設。她生於 1928年12月3日並逝於2020年7月22日,終年91歲。我們十分懷念她,亦深知她已與丈夫唐乃銓在天堂快樂地相遇。
喪禮將於二零二零年七月三十一日舉行(人數規限)如需獻花,我們樂意閣下改為捐款到 Dementia Australia Research Foundation 以表心意。
Dementia Australia Research Foundation - Donate
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
As Jennifer’s school friend from primary school, and like San, I had known Auntie Tong (affectionately referred to as 花媽) for over 50 years. 

My earliest memory of Auntie’s generosity and thoughtfulness was on an occasion when a group of us participated in a HK Speech Festival, reciting a poem called Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore. After the competition, we had to go back to school, but not before being treated to ice-cream for our efforts. You can imagine the scene – a group of young DGS girls in uniform, devouring sweet treats with only one small-framed (yet authoritative) lady overseeing. In all the years that followed, whenever I visited the Tongs, be it in England or Melbourne, I never had to pay for meals, movie tickets, entrances to farms, parks or other entertainment venues. One time, Auntie insisted on preparing some 鴨舌 for me to take back to Brisbane, when I mentioned they were my mum’s favourite. She never even knew my mum.

Whenever 花媽 went back to Hong Kong, a group of us would invite her to dinner. She always had little gifts for everyone. For a bit of mystery, the Aussie souvenirs would be neatly wrapped, and to throw in a few laughs, she would make us draw lots for them!

Auntie, those who knew her well would agree, was quick to admonish when she saw fit, but was equally ready to give praise when it was deserved. I remember being told off quite sternly for being a vegetarian. She thought abstaining from meat and seafood was ridiculous. But each time we ate together, she would always look out for me, asking whether there was enough food, since I was a 齋姑 and did not have too much choice. That was how she was.

花媽 was a great story-teller, as attested by many, and I think I had listened to more than my fair share of her personal recollections and family accounts. She told me (in gory detail) of how she got her stiff finger – a stark warning of what NOT to do in a similar knife injury. San would often be present when Auntie told her tales, and being the attentive daughter-in-law that she was, would mutter to me (whilst keeping a smile on her face) that she had heard them all before. Sadly, there are no more stories now; just fond memories of a wonderful character who had brought fun and laughter, given valuable lessons and advice, and shown a world of love and kindness.
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020
今早在懷念媽媽的安息禮中的反思: 古語說: 人生七十古來希,而聖經更說:人若建壯可活到八十。而媽媽更活到九十。她食得瞓得笑得更是難得。我在想媽媽留下甚麼是最珍貴的東西給我們呢?是股票?大屋?珠寶?服裝?記得上星期探她時,她說:岱雄,要好好工作,老闆信任你才給你責任,所以要好好作。媽媽留下最珍貴莫過如她作人的信念——做人要忠誠,對人有禮,勤奮好學,做事不放棄。從她與爸爸生活六十多七十年中看到,她敬爸爸保護爸爸,在婚姻上她守著忠誠。作為媽媽她要我們作誠實人不可以欠人何東西,要學識回禮。當嫲嫲婆婆時她教我們對人要有禮,總叫我們要多讀書。在她離世前幾星期她仍然背著唐詩。她從不選容易的路,因為難行的路才能建立自信。爸爸離開後在媽心中有一個很大的空洞,她沒有讓自憐掌管自己的生命。媽媽積極適應在護老院生活,用她有限的英語,加上她的笑容和歌聲建立很多關係。在她離開後第二日,一位護老院的同事痛哭地說:為何昨天放工時沒有來與她見最後一面!前兩天唐建強分享老人將要面對六個不同的境況,當中有孤獨、病痛、無助,身心靈都走向下坡。而媽媽沒有容許自己沉下去,媽選擇堅守她的信念到最後一刻——Finished Well.

July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
這令我想起,在我回憶中的唐伯母,就正正是一位: 俠骨丹心的女豪俠!


陳德泉 Roger Chan
July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020

她是個密實的人。有一次夏天,我們去探她, 由於天氣熱, 太太穿了冇袖衫, 伯母見到即時叫她做”Ruby”, 才後她說笑是穿了露臂裝。



July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020

(Simon & Patsy)
July 27, 2020
July 27, 2020

年少時覺得我的姑母是一個既嚴肅又很守規舉的人,每次見面時她都會對我們多番教導,對佢很有敬畏之心,有什麼教導呢?例如:(1)坐姿 - 著裙時兩腳一定要拍到好實,以防走光。(2)開飯 - 開飯前要先叫人食飯,由大至小(輩份)叫起。(3)人搖福薄,樹搖葉落。(4)入屋叫人,入廟拜神....…等等,多不勝數。









July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020

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August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
As Jennifer’s school friend from primary school, and like San, I had known Auntie Tong (affectionately referred to as 花媽) for over 50 years. 

My earliest memory of Auntie’s generosity and thoughtfulness was on an occasion when a group of us participated in a HK Speech Festival, reciting a poem called Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore. After the competition, we had to go back to school, but not before being treated to ice-cream for our efforts. You can imagine the scene – a group of young DGS girls in uniform, devouring sweet treats with only one small-framed (yet authoritative) lady overseeing. In all the years that followed, whenever I visited the Tongs, be it in England or Melbourne, I never had to pay for meals, movie tickets, entrances to farms, parks or other entertainment venues. One time, Auntie insisted on preparing some 鴨舌 for me to take back to Brisbane, when I mentioned they were my mum’s favourite. She never even knew my mum.

Whenever 花媽 went back to Hong Kong, a group of us would invite her to dinner. She always had little gifts for everyone. For a bit of mystery, the Aussie souvenirs would be neatly wrapped, and to throw in a few laughs, she would make us draw lots for them!

Auntie, those who knew her well would agree, was quick to admonish when she saw fit, but was equally ready to give praise when it was deserved. I remember being told off quite sternly for being a vegetarian. She thought abstaining from meat and seafood was ridiculous. But each time we ate together, she would always look out for me, asking whether there was enough food, since I was a 齋姑 and did not have too much choice. That was how she was.

花媽 was a great story-teller, as attested by many, and I think I had listened to more than my fair share of her personal recollections and family accounts. She told me (in gory detail) of how she got her stiff finger – a stark warning of what NOT to do in a similar knife injury. San would often be present when Auntie told her tales, and being the attentive daughter-in-law that she was, would mutter to me (whilst keeping a smile on her face) that she had heard them all before. Sadly, there are no more stories now; just fond memories of a wonderful character who had brought fun and laughter, given valuable lessons and advice, and shown a world of love and kindness.
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020
今早在懷念媽媽的安息禮中的反思: 古語說: 人生七十古來希,而聖經更說:人若建壯可活到八十。而媽媽更活到九十。她食得瞓得笑得更是難得。我在想媽媽留下甚麼是最珍貴的東西給我們呢?是股票?大屋?珠寶?服裝?記得上星期探她時,她說:岱雄,要好好工作,老闆信任你才給你責任,所以要好好作。媽媽留下最珍貴莫過如她作人的信念——做人要忠誠,對人有禮,勤奮好學,做事不放棄。從她與爸爸生活六十多七十年中看到,她敬爸爸保護爸爸,在婚姻上她守著忠誠。作為媽媽她要我們作誠實人不可以欠人何東西,要學識回禮。當嫲嫲婆婆時她教我們對人要有禮,總叫我們要多讀書。在她離世前幾星期她仍然背著唐詩。她從不選容易的路,因為難行的路才能建立自信。爸爸離開後在媽心中有一個很大的空洞,她沒有讓自憐掌管自己的生命。媽媽積極適應在護老院生活,用她有限的英語,加上她的笑容和歌聲建立很多關係。在她離開後第二日,一位護老院的同事痛哭地說:為何昨天放工時沒有來與她見最後一面!前兩天唐建強分享老人將要面對六個不同的境況,當中有孤獨、病痛、無助,身心靈都走向下坡。而媽媽沒有容許自己沉下去,媽選擇堅守她的信念到最後一刻——Finished Well.

Her Life


July 26, 2020
  • 1928 農曆十二月初三出生於香港, 楊子權與郭順貴之第六女兒。楊子權在英國域景洋行做買辨。精通英語,與洋人打交道。媽媽對她影響深遠, 於比利羅氏念書,有文化,亦懂西方文化。
  • 於麗澤中學讀書
  • 1950 八月初八, 西曆九月十五日: 與唐乃銓在香港結婚
  • 1993: 移民到澳洲墨爾本
  • 有四名子女: 唐建強 (娶黎靄倫), 唐建邦 (娶黄敏兒), 唐建安(娶關慧敏), 唐慧姿 (嫁馬岱雄)
  • 有七名孫兒女: 唐頌恩 (嫁梁光信),唐子豐(娶張嘉蒨),唐子正(娶彭靜妍),唐慧怡, 唐智仁, 唐嘉欣,馬燶寶
  • 暫時有三名太孫 (各位加油): 梁信謙,梁頌謙, 唐莉茵
  • Born in Hong Kong on 3rd December 1928 (lunar calendar) . Sixth daughter of 楊子權 and 郭順貴. Her Father worked as a buyer in a British Trading Company, well conversed in English with his frequent dealings with foreigners. Her Mother played a big part in her life. Her Mother studied in Belilios Public School, very cultured and understood western culture very well.
  • Studied in Lai Chack Middle School
  • 13th September 1950: Married 唐乃銓 in Hong Kong
  • 1993: Migrated to Melbourne, Australia
  • Four kids: Anthony Tong (married Clara Lai), Michael Tong (married Sandra Wong), Denis Tong (married Anne Kwan), Jennifer Tong (married Miguel Ma)
  • Seven grandkids: Stephanie Tong (married Samuel Leong), Aaron Tong (married Kasin Cheung), Justin Tong (married Penny Pang), Rachael Tong, Alexander Tong, Cecilia Tong, Eva Lone-bo Ma
  • Three great-grandkids (for now): Selwyn Leong, Shaun Leong, Syrah Tong
Recent stories


July 25, 2020
細個時記得母親管教得我們很嚴。不只對我們,對表哥弟妹,甚至街外不識得的小朋友也一樣。記得她很有taste,買給我們穿,食,用的都很講夠,多數是來佬貨式。中學時覺得她對人很有人緣,街市檔販,商店,銀行,酒樓老板伙記,就連街上的清道伕,個個都識,可以傾計一番. 她的人緣那麼好怪不得她其中兩位親家都是母親早就認識的好朋友。她也很有同情心曾經叫我在小學期間因為我一位女同學仔家被火燒了而發起了一個同級裡的募捐行動。她也很疏爽絶無階級觀念。記得中二時她駕車從公共屋村接我一個同學仔去鯉魚門食海鮮。我還記得他對我說是第一次見倒枱上的檸檬水用來洗手不是用來喝。母親跟父親也到過很多地方旅遊同enjoy life.The one thing not perfect for me is that I cannot be physically by her side and taking care of her in the last few months of her life. But still thanks to my brothers and sister in Melbourne her passage from this world to heaven was ever so peaceful ,filled with care,joy , and dignit!!
July 25, 2020
Random & Scattered Fond Memories of my MOTHER
Saturday, 25 July 2020 12:40 PM


人做事,天在看。防人之心不可無。 將勤補絀。貧富由己。 君子動口不動手。一分錢一分貨。 槡枝幼時屈,老大屈不得。心靜自然涼。 不問自取,是爲賊也。 君子行善,莫要人知。

無聲勝有聲, 閉咀就是良言。 來訢是非者,就是是非人。 冷水洗面,溫水刷牙。 飽人不知餓人飢。 若要人不知,除非己莫爲。


赤足裸體 非禮勿為
衣不暖 體不溫
身汗頭濕 流氓之相
人搖福薄 身曲腳動 不貴之舉
嘩然取寵 妖言惑衆
餓不洗頭 飽不洗澡!
白鴿眼 狗眼看人低 以富弱貧 不仁也
養而不教  大過也。

上述包括多少 忠孝信俤禮儀廉耻 做人根本之大致準則

In Fond Memory of My MOTHER
My inherited traits from Mum ~
Tiger mother child rearing, tough love,  micromanagement, hoarding, attentiveness, manners.
Mum's buying obsession ~
Tea towels, socks, underpants, plastic containers.
Annoying habits ~
Rearranging the kitchen draws and pantry multiple times per day.
Most valuable skill learned from mum ~
A stern faced cold stare that can announce a death sentence, silence a tantrum child, disband a riotous mob (works without fail in a rowdy tutorial and high power ward round for me)
The Nursing Home staff remembered mum as being easy going with a sunny disposition. Always polite and humming a catchy tune with her lips.
Her favourite tunes of late ~


July 25, 2020


媽又曾經帶我去大角咀的金冠戲院睇好戲,是廸迪尼的Jungle Book。隨不知散場著燈後,有人和媽咪打招呼,原來四甲班主任--崔老師坐在後面一行。(好驚呀!)





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