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July 25, 2020
細個時記得母親管教得我們很嚴。不只對我們,對表哥弟妹,甚至街外不識得的小朋友也一樣。記得她很有taste,買給我們穿,食,用的都很講夠,多數是來佬貨式。中學時覺得她對人很有人緣,街市檔販,商店,銀行,酒樓老板伙記,就連街上的清道伕,個個都識,可以傾計一番. 她的人緣那麼好怪不得她其中兩位親家都是母親早就認識的好朋友。她也很有同情心曾經叫我在小學期間因為我一位女同學仔家被火燒了而發起了一個同級裡的募捐行動。她也很疏爽絶無階級觀念。記得中二時她駕車從公共屋村接我一個同學仔去鯉魚門食海鮮。我還記得他對我說是第一次見倒枱上的檸檬水用來洗手不是用來喝。母親跟父親也到過很多地方旅遊同enjoy life.The one thing not perfect for me is that I cannot be physically by her side and taking care of her in the last few months of her life. But still thanks to my brothers and sister in Melbourne her passage from this world to heaven was ever so peaceful ,filled with care,joy , and dignit!!
July 25, 2020
Random & Scattered Fond Memories of my MOTHER
Saturday, 25 July 2020 12:40 PM


人做事,天在看。防人之心不可無。 將勤補絀。貧富由己。 君子動口不動手。一分錢一分貨。 槡枝幼時屈,老大屈不得。心靜自然涼。 不問自取,是爲賊也。 君子行善,莫要人知。

無聲勝有聲, 閉咀就是良言。 來訢是非者,就是是非人。 冷水洗面,溫水刷牙。 飽人不知餓人飢。 若要人不知,除非己莫爲。


赤足裸體 非禮勿為
衣不暖 體不溫
身汗頭濕 流氓之相
人搖福薄 身曲腳動 不貴之舉
嘩然取寵 妖言惑衆
餓不洗頭 飽不洗澡!
白鴿眼 狗眼看人低 以富弱貧 不仁也
養而不教  大過也。

上述包括多少 忠孝信俤禮儀廉耻 做人根本之大致準則

In Fond Memory of My MOTHER
My inherited traits from Mum ~
Tiger mother child rearing, tough love,  micromanagement, hoarding, attentiveness, manners.
Mum's buying obsession ~
Tea towels, socks, underpants, plastic containers.
Annoying habits ~
Rearranging the kitchen draws and pantry multiple times per day.
Most valuable skill learned from mum ~
A stern faced cold stare that can announce a death sentence, silence a tantrum child, disband a riotous mob (works without fail in a rowdy tutorial and high power ward round for me)
The Nursing Home staff remembered mum as being easy going with a sunny disposition. Always polite and humming a catchy tune with her lips.
Her favourite tunes of late ~


July 25, 2020


媽又曾經帶我去大角咀的金冠戲院睇好戲,是廸迪尼的Jungle Book。隨不知散場著燈後,有人和媽咪打招呼,原來四甲班主任--崔老師坐在後面一行。(好驚呀!)






July 25, 2020
認識我媽咪的朋友都聽過她常掛在口邊的故事。好似: 謝賢係媽咪的夜校同學,最富動感的故事就係日本仔佔領香港時跳船事件。英勇的故事就係覊氣壓倒馬騮佬勇救街坊不被勒索。身懷20條金條行走上海街,做款員拿錢回工廠出糧。這些都不是袐聞。到她晚年我才發現媽咪喜歡唱歌,佢喺護老院好出名,佢能感染到西方院友跟著她唱:
You are my Sunshine,同埋Doris Day的Hey Sera, Sera, Whatever will be will be 。
有一段時間我們不能入護老院,我隔著窗問她悶唔悶呀?佢搖搖頭說: 做一日人要盡一日義務。不會悶。這句話就入了我心。我要好好記著這句話。
My mother, Yeung Shik Yung was a strict parent.  I always had to be in my best behaviour.  As a child, I was never allowed to run around and simply have fun.I was not allowed to wear shoes without socks, even when wearing sandals or slippers.  Advanced planning is a must.  Like catching a taxi, even before the taxi arrives to the destination, I was taught to have my money ready, and never make others wait.I must respect others, inside and outside the family.  Homework comes before playtime.  These things were engrained in me from a young age.  As such, no matter how tired or unwilling I am towards a task, I have learnt to complete it before rest.Those who know my mother would know her old time stories:  Tse Yin (HK movie star) was her classmate; her “jump ship” incident during the Japanese occupation; the story of the street “monkey-man”, the cheat, when she helped a neighbour by calling him out; her work history of carrying 20 gold bars walking down Shanghai street; acting as a security guard, carrying large sum of cash back to the factory for workers’ wages.  These were no secrets.
It was only towards her old age, that I realized my mother loves singing.  She was well known for her singing at the Aged Care centre.  She influenced others to join her: “You are my sunshine” and Doris Day’s “Hey Sera, Sera, Whatever will be will be”.  Even the staff who showered her sang along together.Mum’s taste was unique.  When I asked her to name 5 favourite fruits, she said: “custard apple, pineapple, long-an, durian and lychee”.  As for her favourite colours, she reverted: “It depends”.  I then said “whatever”, she replied: “Beige, purple, light blue, apple green”.As a person who generally held a serious demeaner, there were times when my mum’s responses showed the humour side of her personality.  Towards her old age, and with dementia setting in, I would often ask her if she knew where she was, she would often respond with a hint of sarcasm: “I am on the earth”.During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a period of time when we were restricted to window visits only.  I asked mum if she was bored, she said: “No, of course not.  Why should I be bored?  One has a duty as long as they live.”  I treasure these words in my heart.
Prior to my father’s death, he had asked me to take care of mum.  I have completed my duty.  In the process of caring for my mum, I had to make some hard decisions.  Like, not to conduct invasive treatment, no operation, stop all medication, and finally, the decision to inject morphine to make mum more comfortable.  If I did not have the promise and hope in God, these decisions would have been even harder.  Miguel and I were by her side, holding her hands and patting her when she took for her last grasp for air.  Then everything went silent, and she was in perfect peace.  Denis’ family came while mum still had a weak pulse.  We all prayed together to thank God for her life.Mum is now in heaven, reunited with Dad.


July 25, 2020

就想這位 Aunty 很有人情味和慷慨啊!到有緣做




Tribute to My Dear Mother-In-Law

July 25, 2020
Mum, your kind and gentle presence will be sorely missed. 

We’ve lived next door to each other for over 20 years. You have helped me so much whether it was babysitting the grandchildren or making us lovely soup for addition to our dinner menu. After babysitting each time, there was always a detailed report on how much they drank, ate, slept with particular emphasis on output from the other end as well, which I looked forward to find out. 

I have known you since about the age of 7 when I went to school with Jennifer. You were a lady of principle. Jennifer was always the first one to arrive at school. It was quite scary for a young child when asked if I had done all my homework and had studied well for my test. When I couldn’t recite the dictation passage to you properly, it made me work harder and not to embarrass myself the next time. 

As my mother-in-law, you were always encouraging rather than being critical. Obliging and no task was too difficult when asked. By spending more time with you the past year, I have enjoyed your singing, story telling and your principles of life. Farewell ‘ma mee’until we meet again, I shall miss seeing you down the driveway, picking flowers for your flower arrangements. 

Ah San 


July 25, 2020





July 25, 2020

Tribute to Porpor

July 25, 2020
My relationship with Porpor was a unique one.  We enjoyed each other’s company a lot and we had much in common.  I enjoyed playing the piano while Porpor liked to sing along.  Mum often says that I am more alike Porpor than she is, because I love coriander, spring onion and jelly fish.  We even shared the same-looking pair of slippers.  We like our meals in morsels, noodles with soup.  No thanks to dry noodles or oily fried foods.  We dislike large portions that make us feel full in the stomach even before the meal begins.  I will miss you, Porpor.  Farewell for now, we will have our laughs and music together in heaven again.
With Love,


July 26, 2020


「做咩un un 吓。」


  • 係屋企著拖鞋
  • 食完飯,用抹完嘴的紙巾抹乾淨啲碗碟才洗
  • 送禮及回禮
  • 將啲唔係成日着嘅衫好小心用膠袋包住放入櫃,係逐件逐件包
  • 洗完衫要將啲衫覆一覆平才掛上,會冇咁皺
  • 煮飯前的食材準備好透徹
在她晩年的時侯,係有少少遺憾不在她的身邊,同佢傾多啲,俾佢督促Selwyn 同Shaun。但我都好慶幸生了兩次仔,爺爺嫲嫲都在香港,一出院就可以到又一村俾他們抱吓太孫仔。在她離世的星期三,Selwyn 又會記掛太婆,安慰我説太婆見到太公,又祈禱叫神照顧他們。Shaun 都認得太婆,話 She is up there. 



I'm the eldest granddaughter, so I had total of seven years of undivided granny-love from Grandpa and Grandma before Aaron was born. Whenever I meet Grandma at Beacon Hill or Yau Yat Chuen, she would always say...
"Hey, remember to greet people. Make it loud and clear. Come on, give me your arm to have a bite. Did you do your homework? Work harder, whatever you learn is for your own sake."

Grandma also had a few sayings that always rang in your ears:
  • "Run run run, you'll learn your lesson when you fall down."
  • "Why are you so jittery with your legs?"
  • "How come you're not wearing socks? You need to protect your feet."
  • "How come you're wearing so little? Exposing your arm..."
  • "Eat some coriander, it smells so good!" 
Grandma is also very hospitable. I still remember during our weekly family dinners, it's a strategy to sit at the right position. If you sit beside her, you don't need to reach out for any food as Grandma will fill up your bowl. If you sit directly opposite her, she will turn the lazy susan to you and ask you to get more food. Therefore, if you don't want to eat too much, you need to sit two or three seats away from Grandma but not directly opposite. This is proven by years of experience. Haha!

I think some of my habits are from Grandma:
  • Wearing my slippers at home
  • Wipe the bowls and plates with the leftover tissue before washing
  • Always send a gift in return
However, there are some other habits that I was not as detail-orientated as her:
  • She will wrap the clothes in individual plastic bags if she is not going to wear it frequently
  • Straighten the clothes with her hand after it's washed so it's less crinkled when it's dried
  • Meticulously preparing the ingredients before cooking
In her final years, I wish I could spend more time with her and talk to her, and also let her teach Selwyn and Shaun. However, I'm glad that both Grandpa and Grandma were in Hong Kong when I gave birth to both of our sons. Once I came back from the hospital, we went to Yau Yat Chuen for the Grannies to give the boys a cuddle. On the Wednesday when Grandma passed away, Selwyn said he missed Grandma and comforted me saying that Grandma can see Grandpa and prayed that God will take care of them. Shaun also recognises Grandma, and say "She's up there."

Grandma, I am so blessed to have you as my Grandma. I will always remember your teaching and all those 30 years of life moments.

Your Grand-daughter
Stephanie Tong

Tribute to my grandmother-in-law

July 25, 2020
It was not long after beginning a relationship with Stephanie that I was quickly introduced to the extended Tong family and first met both Yehyeh and Mahmah.  Back then I didn't speak a word of Cantonese (though I've barely improved since) but I knew from day one they supported our relationship.  

The best thing I learnt from them was their marriage - longlasting and faithful - and I hope for that in Steph and my marriage so that we would be good role models for our boys.

Yehyeh and Mahmah has always been a blessing to me: in my relationship and marriage to Steph, and also to our boys, Selwyn and Shaun.  They're always happy to see the boys.  Mahmah, in particular would yell "GWAAI" (乖! [仔] - which means "Good! [boy]") when Selwyn loudly greets her.  I miss this, among many of such things so easily taken for granted.  I'm so glad we were able to meet one more time in July 2019 on our annual trip to Melbourne.

Take care, Mahmah, will see both you and Yehyeh someday in heaven.  God bless you as you rest in eternal peace.


July 26, 2020
到我長大後,我有時會到knox 探望她。她會細說她的往事和給我一些教誨。她時常鼓勵我認真工作,學識儲錢。不要胡亂浪費金錢(例如買六合彩)。


July 25, 2020
一想起嫲嫲,對嫲嫲的回憶,所發生的事仍記憶猶新。記得以前每逢去又一村,嫲嫲都會拎出她心愛的水蜜桃(Body lotion)給我搽手,滋潤一番。每次見到嫲嫲就會有脆卜卜的印尼蝦片食,很美味啊!
最有趣的事情是我在澳洲旅行時去探望嫲嫲時,聊聊她讀書時期的點點滴滴。她就讀於麗澤中學,謝賢是她的同學,而劉潔貞亦是她在讀書時很要好的同學。那時我竟然很愚笨地問:邊個係劉潔貞啊? 嫲嫲: 劉潔貞你都唔知係邊個?你真是大膽啊!(原來劉潔貞是子豐的婆婆,哈哈)


July 25, 2020





July 25, 2020



Tribute to Beloved 嫲嫲

July 26, 2020
Dear 嫲嫲, 

The years that you spent living next door to us with 爷爷 have formed some of the best parts of my childhood and early adulthood. 

I have many fond memories of playing at your house as a child, where you would never fail to take care of me when my parents were busy. You taught me so many Chinese poems when I was little and the food you cooked was distinctively homely and delicious. Even though I was already full, you would always keep telling me to eat more. Whenever I wanted a snack you would boil me an egg and peel it for me so carefully. You used to call me over quite often to give me old trinkets and jewellery that you found while looking through your things. 

Thank you 嫲嫲 for all that you have done for me and I will treasure each and every one of your gifts that you have given me. I miss you and hope that you and 爷爷 are living happily in heaven together. 

Love from your granddaughter, 
Rachael (慧怡)

My Cheeky Grandma

July 26, 2020
When I was a child, I was always very afraid of 嫲嫲. She was very strict and never held back at telling people off for their bad habits; such as shaking their leg or chewing loudly. Every Saturday after Chinese school I would make sure to be on my best behaviour and would feel very accomplished when 嫲嫲 would praise me for my good manners. When I finished my Chinese homework she would treat me with sweets and biscuits, including 瑞士糖 (one of my favourites).

In the last few years I was able to grow closer to 嫲嫲. We both shared a love for animals and spent most of our afternoons watching BBC documentaries. After getting Sesame, I saw a new side of 嫲嫲 that I’ve never seen before. She was very cheeky when playing with him, always pretending to throw his toy and hiding his treats.

As our bond grew stronger I’ve learnt that 嫲嫲 does not express her love and care for us through words  or acts of affection. Instead she would ask: How is school? Have you eaten? Where are your socks?

From someone who I’ve always thought of as intimidating, 嫲嫲 has become someone who is very thoughtful, caring and playful. She would always tell me to not be picky with my food, but who would’ve thought 嫲嫲 is the pickiest of them all!

嫲嫲 thank you for always asking about me when I’m unable to visit, always worrying about me and telling me to stay at home these days. But most of all, thank you for remembering me and keeping me in your thoughts. I’m glad that we were able to spend a lot of time together in the last few years. They are moments that I will always cherish and remember.

Love from your grand-daughter,
唐嘉欣 (Cecilia)

Tribute to 嫲嫲

July 26, 2020
One of my earliest memories of 嫲嫲 was when she read 老夫子 to me. As I couldn't read Chinese at the time, I would choose a page for her to read to me. I remember her putting on different voices for every character and even acting out each scene with exaggerated arm movements. I remember laughing so much that dad eventually came in to see what was going on.  

嫲嫲 always cared for her grandchildren. She would regularly ask me how I was doing in school and would always encourage me to study harder and be a good student. Her stories always had a lesson to them. Whether it be about growing up, being a good person, or even finding love. I remember her telling me to never marry a girl that only parties and never studies. I also remember her telling me to cut off a particular mole as this mole was bad luck. Some lessons were better than others. 

嫲嫲 was generous and kindhearted. I remember when I would play in the driveway, she would see me and come out to give me sweets and snacks. There was even one time when she gave me a 肉松包, which intrigued my taste buds. She would also always invite me over to carry a big bowl of soup back home for everyone to share. Her soup was my absolute favourite. 

I look back at these fond memories with nothing but happiness and joy. I will miss your warm energy, your kindness, your generosity, your stories, your singing, your funny remarks about my pale skin and our many conversations. I will cherish these memories for the rest of my life. 

I hope you are doing well up there with 爷爷. Take care and rest well. 

Love from your grandson, 
Alex (智仁)


July 25, 2020
童年時,每次您來我們家也強要送我手錶:用汽水蓋印在我的手腕上的隱形手錶。有時還咬我 ,要在我手腕留有您的牙齒印才罷休。

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