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His Life

College Life

June 21, 2020
Srinivas Koka studied mechanical engineering at Siddartha Engineering College starting in 1980. He was a focused and sincere student, often placing in the top 20-30 of his class. 
During his freshman year, he lived in the oldest, most run down dorms, but he loved living there as he was able to talk to and stay in touch with so many people. He was very principled, and never spoke badly about anyone. He was an avid table tennis player, and would often play in the mess hall until 1 am. He was also a huge fan of badminton, and was one of the top four students in his class. 

Srinivas graduated from Siddartha Engineer College in 1984


June 8, 2020
Srinivas Koka was born in Guntur, India in 1964. He was the first born out of all of his cousins and siblings, so everyone looked up to him as a leader. In 1967, he and his family moved to Anaparthi. His father, who had begun working at the ITC plant there, also started the Anaparthi Modern School, where Srinivas would attend for elementary school.

Srinivas spent his childhood in Anaparthi. It was home to him, and his favorite place in the world. As the first child, he was doted on by his parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. 

For 5th grade, he was sent to Sainik School, a residential military school. It was his first time away from home, and would only come back for holidays like Dussera and Sankranti. He returned to Anaparthi for sixth grade and attended Anaparthi High School until 10th grade. When he reached 11th grade, he went to school at Andhra Loyola College, a prestigious school in Vijaywada, India. The following year, he switched schools to the Government Junior College in Rajumundhry for 12th grade

As a child, Srinivas was sincere, studious, disciplined, and caring. When he was young, he used to invite kids from school with disadvantaged backgrounds to his home to share meals. While growing up in Anaparthi, he would protect his younger brother from being buillied.