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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Swamiji Divyanand Tirth Shankaracharya Bhanpura. We will remember him forever.
May 4, 2023
May 4, 2023
Om Namaha Shivaya

Amado Swamiji, inmensa gratitud por su eterna presencia, se le siente acompañándonos dando fuerza y guía.
Hermoso y bendito ser !!!
August 30, 2021
August 30, 2021
I don't know how, but today I ran into this website. So, I'll take the opportunity to light a candle, to honour the Man He once was, the Consciousness He is.
Thank you, Swamiji, for your guidance; for being a Pillar of Love, a father, a beloved mentor to my (also beloved) Guruji.
May Your Light shine endlessly upon us on our way back.
ૐ નમઃ શિવાય
April 21, 2019
April 21, 2019
It is a different space to leave something beautiful said for those who filled our souls with their dedication and love. Pranam Swamiji!

Es un espacio distinto para decir algo hermoso para quien llenó nuestras almas con su entrega y amor. Pranam Swamiji!

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May 4, 2023
May 4, 2023
Om Namaha Shivaya

Amado Swamiji, inmensa gratitud por su eterna presencia, se le siente acompañándonos dando fuerza y guía.
Hermoso y bendito ser !!!
August 30, 2021
August 30, 2021
I don't know how, but today I ran into this website. So, I'll take the opportunity to light a candle, to honour the Man He once was, the Consciousness He is.
Thank you, Swamiji, for your guidance; for being a Pillar of Love, a father, a beloved mentor to my (also beloved) Guruji.
May Your Light shine endlessly upon us on our way back.
ૐ નમઃ શિવાય
April 21, 2019
April 21, 2019
It is a different space to leave something beautiful said for those who filled our souls with their dedication and love. Pranam Swamiji!

Es un espacio distinto para decir algo hermoso para quien llenó nuestras almas con su entrega y amor. Pranam Swamiji!
His Life
April 21, 2019

Su Santidad Sri Shankaracharya Swami Divyanand Teerthji es el undécimo sucesor de Dholka-Bhanpua Peeth. Él se esfuerza por retener la gloria de los demás.

Swami Divyanand Teerth nació en una familia religiosa de brahmanes de clase alta en Waira Firozepur en el distrito Bullandshar de Uttar Pradesh el 4 de enero de 1953. Es el hijo mayor de Swargiya Urmila Sharma y Kailashwasi Rajni Kant Sharma. Su abuelo Shri Ganga Sharan Sharma fue un reconocido erudito en sánscrito y predicó la filosofía védica en el noroeste de la India durante 40 años. Su padre era un renombrado educador y su madre era una dama espiritual. Grandes virtudes como la bondad, la honestidad, la caridad, la sinceridad, el respeto propio, etc. se absorbieron en ambos padres. Swamiji heredó todas estas grandes virtudes de sus padres. Estaba muy cerca de su abuelo y aprendió 'Gayatri Mantra' de él cuando aún era un bebé.
Swamiji recibió su educación primaria en las colinas de Nagaland y educación secundaria en los campos de la escuela Sainik (militar), Bhuvneshwar en Orissa y la escuela Sainik, Purulia en Bengala Occidental. Completó su educación universitaria en la Universidad de Guwahati (Assam) y en la Universidad de North-East Hill en Shillong (Meghalaya). Como alumno mostró grandes cualidades de liderazgo. Fue el secretario de finanzas fundador de la NSU (Naga Students Union). También fue el editor estudiantil de la revista de Kohima College, kohima. Fue muy querido y respetado por sus compañeros y maestros. Durante sus días de universidad, participó en varios debates y concursos dramáticos y ganó muchos premios. Actuó en obras de Shakespeare como Merchant of Venice y Julius Caesar. Su Santidad hizo su postgrado en literatura inglesa.
Al igual que su padre, comenzó su carrera como un educador. Su enseñanza en el aula fue muy apreciada por todos sus estudiantes. Fue amado y respetado por ellos. También estuvo asociado con la prensa como periodista durante algún tiempo.
Cuando alcanzó la edad de 27 años, creció un deseo interno de conocer los misterios detrás de la vida y la muerte. En su búsqueda por comprender estos misterios, se fue de casa y sacrificó una brillante carrera. Se mudó de un lugar a otro. Conoció a varios santos de diferentes escuelas de pensamiento y tuvo discusiones con ellos. Pero él no estaba satisfecho. Él dice: "Me sentí satisfecho en un lugar solitario y tranquilo en un antiguo templo de Shiva, lejos de las ciudades abarrotadas. Este templo se encuentra cerca de Chapkauli, un pequeño pueblo en Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. Me quedé allí durante tres años y medio continuamente. El recuerdo de aquellos días me emociona incluso hoy. Esos fueron los días del éxtasis espiritual ”. Durante su estancia en el Templo de Shiva, también se sometió al 'Panch Maha Agni Tapa', donde tuvo que sentarse con fuego a su alrededor durante 41 días en el año 1983 durante los meses calurosos de mayo y junio de la India, donde los rayos del sol caen normalmente. El Trópico de Cáncer.
En 1984, fue iniciado en 'sanyas' por su santidad Swami Harishwaran y Teerth en Chitrakot. Un famoso Dandi Swami Su Santidad Swami Vishnu Ashram Ji Maharaj de Sukh teerth en el distrito Mujaffarnagar en Uttar Pradesh impartió el conocimiento de diferentes escrituras a Swamiji y lo hizo muy versado en la teoría del Vedanta.
Nueve años después de dejar el hogar, fue coronado como Shankaracharya de Bhanpura Peeth por el Brahamleen Swami Ram Ashram Ji Maharaj, el entonces Sankracharya del Peeth, en presencia de todas las matemáticas de la orden de Shankraacharya de Sanyas durante el Maha Kumbh, la Santa Congregación de Sanyas. santos en Parayag (Allahabad), la confluencia de Ganga, Yamuna y Saraswati en Moni Amawasya el 6 de febrero de 1989. Más de 500 Dandi Swamies asistieron a la ceremonia.
Después de hacerse cargo de Sankracharya, Swamiji ha dedicado su vida a la elevación de la humanidad en general y al Dharma de Sanatan en particular. Desde entonces ha estado exponiendo los antiguos textos sagrados a las masas. Es un gran orador y atrae a una gran audiencia a donde quiera que va. Personas de todos los ámbitos de la vida, independientemente de la casta, el credo, el sexo y la religión se agolpan para escuchar sus discursos espirituales. Sus discursos son muy interesantes y llenos de anécdotas prácticas. Su Santidad es un exponente de Srimad Bhagwad Mahapuran, Srimad devi Bhagwat, Shiv Mahapuran, Ramayana, Upnishads y Holy Geeta. Él es un creyente de la filosofía Advait. Él tiene un buen dominio del hindi, el inglés y un conocimiento elemental del sánscrito. Él está muy bien informado, bien leído en las filosofías del este y el oeste. También está asociado a las diferentes actividades sociales y culturales en la India y, sin embargo, se mantiene alejado de la publicidad.
Ha realizado tres Pad Yatras (Peregrinación a pie). Primero fue a pie desde Delhi a la Santa Cueva de Amarnath (Himalaya). Su segundo pad yatra fue de Bhanpura Peeth a Chitrakoot Dham y el tercero y el pad más largo yatra fue desde Gangotri (Himalaya), el lugar de origen del Santo Ganga en el norte hasta Rame.

About Swamiji

April 21, 2019

His Holiness Sri Shankaracharya Swami Divyanand Teerthji  is the eleventh successor of the Dholka-Bhanpua Peeth . He endeavours to retain the glory of the peeth.

Swami Divyanand Teerth was born in a religious minded family of high class Brahmins at Waira Firozepur in district Bullandshar of Uttar Pradesh on January 4, 1953. He is the eldest son of swargiya Urmila Sharma and Kailashwasi  Rajni Kant Sharma. His Grandfather Shri Ganga Sharan Sharma was a renowned Scholar of Sanskrit and preached the Vedic philosophy in the North-West India for 40 years. His father was a renowned educationist and his mother was a spiritual lady. Great virtues like kindness, honesty, charity, truthfulness, self-respect etc. were imbibed in both his parents.Swamiji inherited all these great virtues from his parents.

He was very close to his grandfather and learned ‘Gayatri Mantra’ from him when he was still an infant.

Swamiji received his Primary education in the hills of Nagaland and Secondary education on the fields of Sainik (Military) school,  Bhuvneshwar in Orissa and Sainik School, Purulia in West Bengal. He completed his College education from Guwahati University (Assam) and North – East hill University Shillong (Meghalaya). As a student he showed great leadership qualities. He was the founder Finance Secretary of the NSU (Naga Students Union). He was also the student editor of the magazine of Kohima College, kohima. He was greatly loved and respected by his fellow-students and teachers. During his college days he participated in various debate and dramatic competitions and won many a prizes. He acted in Shakespearean plays like Merchant of Venice and Julius Caesar. His Holiness did his Post graduation in English Literature.

Like his father he started his career as an educationist. His classroom teaching was greatly appreciated by all his students. He was loved and respected by them. He was also associated with the Press as a Journalist for some time.

When he attained the age of 27, he grew an inner desire to know the mysteries behind life and death. In his quest to understand these mysteries, he left home and sacrificed a bright career. He moved from one place to another. He met various saints of different schools of thought and had discussions with them. But he was not satisfied. He says, “I got satisfaction at a lonely and quiet place in an ancient Shiva Temple far away from crowded towns. This temple is located near Chapkauli, a small village in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. I stayed there for three and a half years continuously. Remembrance of those days thrills me even today. Those were the days of spiritual ecstasy”. During his stay at the Shiva Temple he also underwent the ‘Panch Maha Agni Tapa’ where he had to sit with fire all around him for 41 days in the year 1983 during the hot months of May and June of India where the sunrays fall perpendicularly over the Tropic of Cancer.

In 1984, he was initiated into ’sanyas’ by his holiness Swami Harishwaranand Teerth at Chitrakot. A well renowned Dandi Swami His Holiness Swami Vishnu Ashram Ji Maharaj of Sukh teerth in district Mujaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh imparted the knowledge of different scriptures to Swamiji and made him well versed in the theory of Vedanta.

Nine years after leaving home  he was coroneted as Shankaracharya of Bhanpura Peeth by the Brahamleen Swami Ram Ashram Ji Maharaj, the then Sankracharya of the Peeth,in presence of all the mathadhipaties of the shankracharya order of sanyas during the Maha Kumbh, the Holy congregation of saints at Parayag (Allahabad), the confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati on Moni Amawasya the 6th.February,1989. More than 500 Dandi Swamies attended the ceremony.

After taking over as a Sankracharya, Swamiji has devoted his life for the upliftment of humanity in general and Sanatan Dharma in particular. Since then he has been exposing the ancient sacred texts to the masses. He is a great orator and he draws a huge audience wherever he goes. People from all walks of life irrespective of caste, creed,sex and religion throng to listen to his spiritual discourses. His discourses are very interesting and full of practical anecdotets. His Holiness is an exponent of Srimad Bhagwad Mahapuran,Srimad devi Bhagwat, The Shiv Mahapuran, The Ramayana,the  Upnishads and the Holy Geeta. He is a believer of Advait philosophy. He has a good command over Hindi, and English and an elementary knowledge of  Sanskrit. He is quite knowledgeable, well read in the phylosophyies of the east and the west. He is also associated in the different Social and Cultural activities in India and yet remains away from publicity.

He has undertaken three Pad Yatras (Pilgrimage on foot). First he went on foot from Delhi to the Holy Cave of Amarnath (Himalayas). His second pad yatra was from Bhanpura Peeth to Chitrakoot Dham and the third and the longest pad yatra was from from Gangotri (Himalayas) – the place of origin of the Holy Ganga in the north to Rameshwaram in the south. Twice he has been to Mansarovar. During these yatras His Holiness camped in villages and spread the message of Sanatan Dharma among the masses of India. He also spread the messages of universal brotherhood, love and righteousness among the people.

His Holiness has also performed the rare Jyotirmati Kalpa, at Ram Ganj mandi in Rajsthan in July and August of 1994, sitting in a cave especially constructed for the purpose for 55 days. During this period he did not eat anything accept taking 250 grams of milk everyday.
He endeavors to serve people. He has made a charitable hospital and an ashram at Chapkauli Village. He is the founder patron of Swami Divyanand College of Polytechnic at Mulana in Ambala district of Haryana.

Swamiji is the first Sankracharya who has ventured into spreading the Sanatan Dharm worldwide by visiting foreign countries. Swamiji visited Japan in 1996 to inaugurate a conference on the Great Religions of Asia held at Kyoto. He again visited Japan in 1998 to chair the foundation stone laying ceremony of the first Hindu Temple to be built in Japan by Dr. B.K. Modi of Modi Industries.

His Holiness visited the United Kingdom in 2000 and attracted a great audience in South Hall( London), Barminggam, New Castel, and various other places.

He also inaugurated the World Hindu Conference held at Port of Spain, Trinidad &Tobago (West Indies) in the same year. His Holiness also blessed the closing function of the World Peace Summit Organized by the U.N.O. at New York in 2000.

In 2001 he led the VISHWA DHARMA PRASAAR YAATRA propagating the age-old message of Bharat that “the whole world is verily one family” (vasudhaiva kutumbakam). More than 20,000 people participated in the programe. It was educative and enlightening. Many in the audience wished to have such a programs periodically.

His Holiness has visited Canada, United States and Venezuela, Columbia, Russia, China, European Contries, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand and Indonesia. Altogether, he has visited thirty six countries Wherever he goes, he attracts a large gathering and leaves a mark of admiration and devotion in the minds and hearts of the people.

Extraído de.

Recent stories
April 24, 2019

"El amor es para valientes", esta era la frase favorita de Swamiji Divyanand. Nos la repitió las veces que pudo, así como instarnos siempre a mantener una disciplina con la que pudiéramos combatir las resistencias que el ego guarda para distanciarnos de esa capacidad innata de amarnos. Cada vez esa sentencia espiritual cobra más sentido y sobra cualquier explicación ante las armaduras de cobardía que desfilan por doquier.  

"Love is for the brave", this was the favorite phrase of Swamiji Divyanand. He repeated it to us as many times as he could, as well as always urging us to maintain a discipline with which we could fight the resistances that the ego keeps to distance us from that innate ability to love us. Each time that spiritual sentence becomes more meaningful and there is no explanation for the armor of cowardice that parades everywhere.

April 24, 2019

Fue repentina su partida, incluso para él. Tenía tantos planes para lo que ya sentía era su retirada de la tarea realizada como Shankaracharya. Y cómo no vivir este guerrero ese reposo tan esperado, en las tierras prometidas por sus devotos, en las que juntos veríamos los espectaculares atardeceres que nos brindaría La India, prefirió hacer descanso aparte. Por eso los atardeceres surgirán en otro espacio en donde siempre nos encontraremos con Swamiji, ese lugar interno donde siempre está y más ahora cuando sin investidura, sin casta, sin religión y sin olvido lo encontraremos todos.

His departure was sudden, even for him. He had so many plans for what he already felt was his withdrawal from the task performed as Shankaracharya. And how not to live this warrior that long-awaited repose, in the lands promised by his devotees, in which together we would see the spectacular sunsets that India would give us, he preferred to take a rest apart.That is why the sunsets will arise in another space where we will always meet Swamiji, that internal place where he always is and more now when without investiture, without caste, without religion and without forgetting we will find him all.

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