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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Timen Ho 何柏永, 62 years old, born on August 2, 1958, and passed away on March 2, 2021. We will remember him forever.
August 6, 2021
August 6, 2021
i met Timen and his wife years ago at Boston seafood show, great couple.
Will miss you forever.
John Couto
Northern Wind
March 6, 2021
March 6, 2021
The first time for me to meet Timen when I saw him working so hard in the school library during the start of the school term in 1971. He gave me an impression as a hard working student. In the same year, I also knew that he was also an athletics and won a lot of medals. Thanks to him, I could manage to win my only medal in MFS by joining his team on 4 x 400 meters relay in track event during the sport event in 1974.
After separation for several years, we met again in Toronto in early 1990's. He has already started his families and run his business very well. We can continue to maintain the friendship for about 30 years and I feel so sad about my friend after knowing his bad news and wish him to be peace in the Heaven.
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
Timen and I lived in different part of the globe since we left secondary school in 1979. Although we only met up occasionally thereafter, our conversation was endless every time.
I cannot forget Timen's pleasant and cheerful personality. His unique trade mark smile is like a stamp in my mind. His passing is a great loss to us all. My condolences go to Jessie, Jeffrey, Joey and Jako. Rest in peace Timen.
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
You're missed and you still live among our hearts.  

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August 6, 2021
August 6, 2021
i met Timen and his wife years ago at Boston seafood show, great couple.
Will miss you forever.
John Couto
Northern Wind
March 6, 2021
March 6, 2021
The first time for me to meet Timen when I saw him working so hard in the school library during the start of the school term in 1971. He gave me an impression as a hard working student. In the same year, I also knew that he was also an athletics and won a lot of medals. Thanks to him, I could manage to win my only medal in MFS by joining his team on 4 x 400 meters relay in track event during the sport event in 1974.
After separation for several years, we met again in Toronto in early 1990's. He has already started his families and run his business very well. We can continue to maintain the friendship for about 30 years and I feel so sad about my friend after knowing his bad news and wish him to be peace in the Heaven.
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
Timen and I lived in different part of the globe since we left secondary school in 1979. Although we only met up occasionally thereafter, our conversation was endless every time.
I cannot forget Timen's pleasant and cheerful personality. His unique trade mark smile is like a stamp in my mind. His passing is a great loss to us all. My condolences go to Jessie, Jeffrey, Joey and Jako. Rest in peace Timen.
His Life

Funeral Service

March 6, 2021
Dear family and friends of Timen,
You are invited to attend the funeral via live stream at the link below.  
The funeral service will begin March 7 2021 at 9:00 AM
Password: TimenPWHo

Secondly, Timen devoted much of his life to charity.  In memory of Timen, we have listed donation links to the top 3 organizations he supported. 

Mount Sinai Hospital:

Canadian Cancer Society:

Eastview Community Centre:

If you don’t feel comfortable donating on those websites, you can e-transfer funds to, where 100% of the money received will go to charities he supported throughout his life. 

Thank you for the support and love you have given to Timen.

Ho Family
Recent stories


August 3, 2021


March 8, 2021
⼤家好,谢谢您今天允许我在⽗亲的葬礼上説话。我叫Jeffrey Ho,我很⾃豪地说我是Timen的⼤仔。
在过去的⼀年裏,我很開⼼和⽗亲共度了很多回憶时光,⼤多数看医⽣的约会都是我跟他去的。在⾞途中,我们会谈论⽣活和健康上的事情,有时我们很安静不说话,⼤家珍惜彼此的同在,盡在不⾔中。如果你认识我爸爸,你会知道他喜欢说话, 很有⾃⼰的看法和意⻅。他对某些事情抱有坚定的信念,不會容易動搖。但是我也看到⽗親脆弱的⼀⾯,我當時感覺到他很害怕和緊張。我荣幸能够安慰他,⽀持他。使我們更加深層地建⽴親密的關係。
在⼀次⾞途中,我俩都很安静,爸爸突然对我说: “JEFFREY,健康是⽣活中最重要的事情。”我听到这个説話很多次了。⼏乎每种情况下,我都会说“同意”,但说实话,多年来,我深深體會到,我没有相信这是绝对的。那天,我知道我需要告诉爸爸我的真实感受。我说: “爸爸。我知道健康很重要,⾮常重要,但我认为不是最重要。”爸爸脸上含糊不清地看着我。因為他正遭受第⼆次癌症发作,⼉⼦竟然告诉他,健康不是最重要的?爸爸说: “什么是认为最重要的? 是什 么意思?”我说: “爸爸,在我的职业⽣涯中,我整天都在照顾病⼈。我会告诉你拥有健康的⾝体并不是⼈⽣中最重要的事情。
當時我⽗亲的困惑表情仍然在我的腦海裏⾯。”我说: “爸爸,很多⼈来找我是觉得⾃⼰有病, 但是我发现他们⾝体上是没有什么问题的。只是因为他们在⽣話中迷失了⽅向,感觉⾃⼰的⽣活没有意义。 没有家⼈和朋友的爱, 没有⼈關懷和照顾。 當時那些病⼈会告诉你,拥有健康的⾝体并不是最重要的事情。爸爸,如果您理解我的意思,我想您会同意,在⽣命中, 有其他事情⽐健康更重要。”
爸爸问:“那什么是最重要的?”我说:“ 是去爱和被爱”。爸爸沉默地看着我。我说:“爸爸,我想讓你知道,在你的⽣活中,你照顾和帮助了周邊很多⼈。例如您開辦公司,你把你的員⼯看待像家⼈⼀樣。您關⼼他們的職業,和個⼈⽣活。您⽀持了許多慈善機構,贊助了許多體育隊,創建並資助了學術獎學⾦。你對你的家⼈很好,包括媽媽那边的家⼈。你慷慨地付出你的愛和⾦钱去帮助有需要的⼈。您知道在您⼀⽣中有多少⼈受到你的影響和帮助吗?爸爸,當我想到⼈⽣中最重要的事,我不認為只是⾝體健康。我相信愛和被愛的能⼒是最重要。爸爸你⽤你的爱去改變周邊的事情。 但我知道你也同樣地深深受到別⼈的愛。
您的朋友,同學,員⼯,都⾮常尊敬和愛您。你的兄弟姐妹也⾮常愛你。你養育了的三個孩⼦都很崇拜您,並希望以您為榜樣。您會激發我們的孩⼦將會成為⽐你更加好的模樣。爸爸,我要我的孩⼦也像你⼀樣給我最⾼的讚美。最重要的是,你很幸運,有⼀個很愛你的妻⼦。 媽媽⼀直很關⼼你的健康,和很盡⼒照顧你的起居飲⻝。 爸爸,您傳播的愛,您所感受的愛,是否⽐健康更重要呢?”
其實這些也是我想對我屋企⼈說的話。Jako,繼續向前,永不放棄。你知道爸爸近年經常告訴我他對你的成⻑感到⾃豪。他已經看到你做事有責任⼼和領導能⼒和看到你真的成⻑了。他感到⾼興和驕傲可以安⼼地將Daily Seafood的⽣意交給你打理。Jako,他希望你不要給⾃⼰太多壓⼒亦希望你會好好照顧⾃⼰,盡⼒做到你認為最好就可以。他是⾮常愛你的。
最後,媽媽同我爸爸超過了33年的夥伴。你們是最好的朋友,商業夥伴和夫妻。你們共同建⽴了家庭和⽣意。你們會⿑開⼼笑,亦有爭論。你每⽇都好好照顧爸爸,直到他離開我們。如果他可以對你說些話,我知道他會這樣說:衷⼼感謝你。他會說,他⾮常感激你多年來對他的照顧和愛。他感謝你在喉嚨乾時總是為他裝好⼀瓶⽔,在他肚餓時為他準備零⻝,在他凍的時候為他準備⽑⾐,他會感謝你在Daily Seafood的付出和做孩⼦們的好⺟親。爸爸會說我愛你⽼婆。
爸爸亦會告訴你:繼續向前,永不放棄。他會提醒你,你⾝邊還有愛你的家⼈和朋友。他會提醒你,你還有很多要去的地⽅,很多新事物去嘗試,還有很多值得享往的⼈和事。他會告訴你:你並不孤單。他會提醒你你有三個同樣愛錫你的⼦⼥、孫兒。媽媽, 你的家⼈和朋友都會跟你在⼀起。繼續向前,永不放棄。這是他的座右銘,他的座右銘也在⾝邊的⼈留著深刻印象。我相信他的座右
銘會繼續流傳。爸爸 ⾯對過痛苦,但痛苦並沒有打擊他,反⽽讓他更堅強,讓他有更多信⼼和能量去克服下⼀個挑戰。多年來,即使每⼀次重病令到他的⾝體放慢下來,但他的意志還是堅定不移、勇往直前。
Jeffrey Ho

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