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February 22, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday! You will be missed until the end of time. Nothing is the same without you
February 22, 2021
Happy Birthday kiddo! We all miss your crazy sense of humor, smiles and youthful joy. If I had known the last time I saw you I would have hugged you tighter. There are so many things you said and did that are embedded in my memories forever. I still laugh out loud when I think about some of them. You were too good for this world. I am sure you are in heaven hogging a whole bucket of crab claws dipped in butter. Thank you for sharing your life with me and my family. We love and miss you, Kaiden!

Happy 26th Birthday in Heaven

February 22, 2021
You would have been 26 today, you were taken away too soon. You are deeply missed by many. I pray that you send good vibes to your momma and remind her that she’s the strongest woman you knew. Wrap your arms around her today as it’s a tough day for her. I love you Kaiden and I pray that you help me keep your momma safe.

Today you'd be 25

February 22, 2020
Well Son, on this day 25 years ago you entered this crazy world. I could never imagine you'd only spend 21 years here with us. The years that pass don't get any easier without you. In fact, the lump in my throat, the tears that fall freely from my eyes and the dull ache in my heart is always there. I guess I'm better at hiding it now but many nights I lie awake and wish that I could be there with you. I would give anything to hear your laugh right now. Or, to hear you say "Momma". I hope the Angels are making your birthday a great one as you sure deserve it. I love you my sweet son. I hope you'll join us tonight as we celebrate your birthday at your favorite place! Love you always, momma.


April 28, 2017

Kaiden and Katie were about 9 or 10 years old when both came to spend the weekend with us (their dad, their younger brother- Nicholas, and myself). Kaiden and Katie were constantly playing, plotting and scheming their next game or entry into another universe. This time was no different.  Upon their arrival, they immediately went to work in another room barely seeing them. They came out long enough to eat dinner and then back to work they went. When it was time for bed, they got into bed. Their dad allowed them to go to sleep with the TV on, however, I always went in and turned it down low as I knew Kaiden would never go to sleep otherwise.  A few hours later, I get into bed.  I hear a TV. I slowly open the door where Kaiden and Katie were sleeping only to discover Katie sleeping soundly while Kaiden grinned from ear to ear, laughing and watching Friday ("Oh my neck. And my back. Oh my neck and my back!"). Fearful of scarring Kaiden for life, I took out the movie and turned off the TV.  I clearly see him now, grinning and laughing.  Thank you, Kaiden, for the joy and laughter you brought into our lives

Seriously Son!

April 28, 2017

I paid way too much money for Invisalign so this boy could have perfect teeth. What's he do? He pays way too much money for a removable gold grill! He kept that from me because he knew I would fuss at him. When I asked him about it he said that Uncle Zach was "dry snitchin" on him. He would not fess up. Mysteriously, the gold grill came up missing after the accident. I guess someone stuck it in their pocket so they could cash in on it. What a shame all the way around. But, this was the ornery side of him.

My boys

April 28, 2017

These were his shipmates. They have 'adopted' me as I have them. I love each of them because he loved them. I send care packages each month because I want them to remember him forever. If he was on deployment with them then he'd be getting lots of care packages so this is a great diversion. He's there with them on the ship and I know he's looking after them.

Home Depot

April 28, 2017

At work at Home Depot. He only worked there for a few months. Now I drive past that very same store every day. What I wouldn't do to drive thru there and see him loading stuff into someone's car for them.

My final See You Later

April 28, 2017

This was the last day I hugged his neck and kissed his forehead. They wouldn't let me go to the gate with him and I was really mad. I would have thrown a fit but he told me not to. If I had known it was the last time I would see him then I would have fought that lady. This was in December of 2015. I never saw him again. I watched him all the way through the security check. He looked back at me several times and I tried not to cry. I thought I would see him again but I was so sad because I knew it would be several months. As it turned out, it was the last time I would see him.

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