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His Life

Man of the People

December 20, 2015

 Mr. T.T Oben (Tom.Tabi Oben) of Besongabang.was a legendary Manyu elite and educationist, He was one of the early Manyu elites who had an opportunity to study Economics, abroad and upon his return, he served the Presbyterian Mission in various capacities, culminating in his appointment and service as the Principal of the then reputable P.S.S Besongabang in the 70s, and 80s.

He later joined the government civil service and taught Economics in Gov't High School Mamfe, where he finally retired.

He lived in his home town of Besongabang, where he passionately served and advised his people in various community and development issues. He prided in himself and rendered his services with impeccable humility. He will be remembered for his wit, prolific oratory, and the will to serve others without any conditions. He will be missed for generations to come.