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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Tony Meredith, 52 years old, born on May 18, 1948, and passed away on August 19, 2000. We will remember him forever.
August 19, 2018
August 19, 2018
I miss you dad. It's been so long yet it still hurts the same
July 17, 2015
July 17, 2015
I cant believe its been so long since you were taken from me dad. See dad, the thing is it does not get any easier. They say time heals, but i still hurt badly dad. I think of you every second of everyday. A song on the radio, a show on t.v, memories we had and then the tears start to fall. I often wonder how it would be if you were still here. I sometimes think this life is too hard to live without you. The depression is really bad now dad and i really wish you were here to help me through. Chanse graduated high school in June dad, ya i know you were there. you would be so proud of the young man he has become. He talks about you often and remembers you fondly. I'm in school again trying to do my best to get my bachelors degree. Are you proud of me dad? I so want to hear your voice. I would give anything to see your beautiful blue eyes again. Please continue to watch over me and see me through the times when my thoughts overcome me. I love you more than life itself and i miss you horribly.

Until next time Dad.. <3
May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015
Gosh I miss you so much! If you were here I would make the bestest biggest cake for you dad. I love you and my heart still aches from losing you. Happy Birthday Daddy!
May 19, 2014
May 19, 2014
Happy birthday Dad. I miss you so much, I hope your having a good birthday with my baby girl Angelica. Give her a kiss for me Dad. I love you always.
August 19, 2011
August 19, 2011
I miss you so much dad i cant believe you have been gone for 11 years tomorrow. It still hurt like it was yesterday. I hope its as nice in heaven as they say it is because daddy i cant wait to see you again. Tell grandma, grandpa, uncle Jerry,uncle Dave i said hi.. I LOVE U DAD!!
August 19, 2011
August 19, 2011
Hi Pop. It is just past midnight and I feel the pain like I did 11 yrs ago. I wish u could see Mia. I love looking in her eyes and seeing yours. I know that was a gift from you. I miss you soooooooooooo much. I love u Pop.
August 10, 2011
August 10, 2011
There are moments in life when you wish you could bring someone down from Heaven and spend the day with them just one more time, give them one more hug, kiss them goodbye or hear their voice again. One more chance to say I Love You. I love u dad forever and ever.
August 10, 2011
August 10, 2011
I love you more today than I could ever. I will miss you forever.
August 9, 2011
August 9, 2011
In 10 days will be the 11th anniversary of one of the worst loses that this world had to face. A man that loved whole heatedly and expected nothing back. I love you Pop. Thank you for loving me.
Your Lolo
August 9, 2011
August 9, 2011
It never gets easier for me dad i miss you and i always will. I can still hear your voice in my head i smell your scent OLD ENGLISH often and i no your with me still..
July 17, 2011
July 17, 2011
11 yrs ago i lost the most important man in my life.. its hard to believe you have been gone this long.. I love you dad and i miss you every day... <3

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August 19, 2018
August 19, 2018
I miss you dad. It's been so long yet it still hurts the same
July 17, 2015
July 17, 2015
I cant believe its been so long since you were taken from me dad. See dad, the thing is it does not get any easier. They say time heals, but i still hurt badly dad. I think of you every second of everyday. A song on the radio, a show on t.v, memories we had and then the tears start to fall. I often wonder how it would be if you were still here. I sometimes think this life is too hard to live without you. The depression is really bad now dad and i really wish you were here to help me through. Chanse graduated high school in June dad, ya i know you were there. you would be so proud of the young man he has become. He talks about you often and remembers you fondly. I'm in school again trying to do my best to get my bachelors degree. Are you proud of me dad? I so want to hear your voice. I would give anything to see your beautiful blue eyes again. Please continue to watch over me and see me through the times when my thoughts overcome me. I love you more than life itself and i miss you horribly.

Until next time Dad.. <3
May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015
Gosh I miss you so much! If you were here I would make the bestest biggest cake for you dad. I love you and my heart still aches from losing you. Happy Birthday Daddy!
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August 10, 2011

I will always remember going camping with you dad. And your nick name givin ."RAMBO".. You was such a roughing it kinda person. You showed me how to shoot a gun and i always thought you were the coolest for that. You were always there for all of us no matter what. I was and always will be your babygirl. Thank you for loving me with your whole heart dad..

Singing Bon Jovi to me <3

August 9, 2011

One of my favorite things that Pop use to do was sing to me. Everyone knows I love Bon Jovi and he would sing to me "You Give Love a Bad Name" really slow with a country twang. I can still hear him singing it to me.

I love you sooo much and miss you sooo much Pop. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you. Thank You for letting me be your Lolo.

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