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梁教授於1993年創辦第一屆亞太資訊系統學術研討會(Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems),此研討會目前已成為亞太地區資訊管理領域最具影響力的學術研討會。梁教授於 2009年擔任Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems期刊的創刊總主編,此期刊目前也成為亞太地區資訊管理最好的國際期刊之一,並於2011年擔任於上海舉辦資訊管理領域最重要的國際學術研討會(International Conference on Information Systems)的大會主席。 

梁教授於2003年獲得國際資訊系統學會(Association for Information Systems, AIS)會士,2014年榮獲Leo Award終身成就獎,並於2019年擔任AIS主席。梁教授對於資訊管理領域的貢獻卓越,他深化亞太地區的資訊管理研究,並致力於將台灣以及亞太地區的資訊管理學術社群推向國際舞台。 


梁教授家人、同事以及博士畢業生 敬上

It is with a deep sense of loss that we share news of the passing of Prof. Ting-Peng (T.P.) Liang on May 20, 2021. His passing is a tremendous loss of the information systems community and the academic area of management. 
Prof. Liang received his PhD from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. After receiving his PhD, he taught at the University of Illinois and then Purdue University. In 1991, Prof. Liang returned to Taiwan and joined National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU). He served as Dean of the College of Management and Provost of NSYSU. He also had taught at Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, and National Chengchi University. 
Prof. Liang has an outstanding academic reputation and impact in the IS discipline in Taiwan and in the world. He received the outstanding research awards three times from Ministry of Science and Technology and National Chair Professor twice from Ministry of Education, Taiwan. He has been a Life-time National Chair Professor, awarded by Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Prof. Liang founded PACIS (in 1993), which has now become the most influential IS conference in the Asia Pacific region. He was the founding Editor-in-Chief of Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (in 2009), which is one of the best IS journals in this region. He also served as the Conference Co-Chair of ICIS 2011 in Shanghai.  
Prof. Liang was named an AIS (Association for Information Systems) Fellow in 2003. In 2014, he was honored with the LEO Award by AIS for lifetime achievement in the IS discipline. He served as the President of the AIS in 2019. Prof. Liang had made enormous contributions to the IS discipline, bringing IS into Asia and connect IS scholars in Taiwan and those in Asia to the world.  
Due to COVID-19, Mrs. Liang and family decide that the funeral service for Prof. Liang will be a private ceremony. Instead, we set up this memorial website and will publish a memorial booklet. After the COVID-19 pandemic, Department of Information Management and College of Management at NSYSU will organize a public memorial service in memory of Prof. Liang.  
-- Prof. Liang’s family, colleagues, and PhD graduates
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
1999年7月創立《電子商務時報》(簡稱EC Times),是國內專門報導電子商務新聞,且歷史最為悠久的非營利網路媒體。
2003年時獲選為美國資訊管理學會會士(AIS Fellow),為當時首位華人學者。
2005年開辦高階經營管理碩士班亞太營運管理組 (Asia-Pacific EMBA,簡稱APEMBA),是國內第一次聯手兩岸香港中文大學、台灣中山大學及長庚大學三校管理學院開創的雙學位EMBA。
2014年獲頒代表終身傑出成就的「Leo Award」,表彰您對資管領域之創新與貢獻,為華人世界第一人獲此殊榮。
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
您對我的知遇之恩 會化為我今後持續努力的動力
學習您的腳步 未來也能照亮他人
祝福老師在天之靈 永遠安康
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
We are deeply saddened by the news of Prof. Liang’s passing. His devotion to IS community and support have inspired many of us here in this region. May his soul rest in peace.
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
跟大家分享 -5/20 週四晚我捫幾位資管系退休與未退休的老師  包括澳洲的陳年興老師 在鄭炳強老師的建議下 九點異地分別朝向台北 用個人孰悉的方式 向梁老師送上祝福 5/21 午夜之後 我在看電視時 忽然聞到一股香氣 不是女人的香水  我很自然的東看西看 找不到來源 忽然有所感 遂閉眼默禱 祝福梁老師 你要往有光的地方去 不要被怪東西攔著 .... 香味過一陣子才散去 我起來看時間 是一點多  我很相信是梁教授回來致意 也許是謝謝我捫 那麼他一定是感受到我捫送出去的善意與助力了  (范瑞珠)
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
I was deeply saddened by the news of Prof. Liang’s passing. I was fortunate to have an opportunity of co-teaching a course with Prof. Liang at NCCU. Prof. Liang has shown me how to be a caring and passionate teacher. His devotion to information systems community and support the junior faculty have helped and inspired me tremendously. I will always remember his smile and encouragement in our interactions. Prof. Liang, thank you for giving us so much with your intellectual inspiration and unselfish support. We will miss you dearly.
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
TP had a great impact on the field, both in Asia and around the world. His advice and wise counsel when he served as President of AIS helped me personally and AIS as an organization. He was always kind and caring.
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
It was a shock to learn about TP's passing. He had always been supportive of junior scholars. I have benefitted much learning from TP, and to have received his support and assistance. Indeed, it has been a complete privilege and honor to have known TP, and to have interactions with him on a rather frequent basis, especially relating to PACIS matters. To me, he is always a visionary senior scholar who is wise and who takes care of all around him. Thank you and a salute to you, TP!
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
I still remember last year in a gathering event for the MOST MIS research track at the NCKU. You gave us a talk sharing about your research works with a variety of research topics. Your sharing was very inspiring. During the break you asked me about my moving from the south to the north, I was moved by your caring. Thank you for asking and then sharing more about your opinions on the issue I was facing at the time. Thank you so....much.
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
When I was informed of his passing, I was shocked! The AIS Chinese Scholars Chapter invited him to be a zoom speaker only a few months ago. TP was a very nice colleague and a friend for 25+ years. He was a great scholar and role model. We interacted more frequently in the past few years after he requested me to serve as the President of the AIS Chinese Scholars Chapter. TP unselfishly served the AIS community for many years and had a profound impact on many scholars. We will miss him and his friendly smile. RIP.
May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021
Forever the candle that brightens everyone's life.
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祝梁教授一路走好!感谢您的教诲!学生 杨刚
His Life
家庭中的爸爸 - Our Dad at Home

2021年 5月22日
by Nigel Liang(梁乃強) and David Liang(梁乃元) 

前言 Preface
我們的爸爸從我們有記憶以來就一直都在為著工作努力,小時候求學時期一直很怕爸,對爸的印象就是不茍言笑,一見面就問我 ”作業寫了沒?考試考幾分?”,加上爸工作繁忙,我們睡著後才回到家出門時卻都還沒起床,基本上很難見到面,因此小時候跟爸相處時,少的是喜悅多的是敬畏。長大懂事以後才知道,爸是因為對我們期待很高,要求嚴格追求卓越,就像他曾跟我說過”要做就要做到最好” 我至今都仍銘記在心。又因為知道我們當時求學最重要事情就是讀書,因此當時那些提問,是他對我們最深切的關心,只是可能因為工作繁忙疲累,表達的方式不同罷了。

Our dad was always busy with work. I was always afraid of him when I was young. My impression of him was that he never joked or laughed. Every time I saw him he would be asking about homework or exam scores. Plus, he was so busy, we hardly ever saw him. He wouldn’t get home until after we were asleep and would be off to work before we were up for school. Our relationship was one of reverence and veneration, not of laughter.

It was not until I grew up to be an adult did I realize that he had such high expectations of us. He would always tell us “If you are going to do something, do it the best” . We were in school at the time, so our only responsibility was to study and learn, so his asking about schoolwork was his form of caring deeply for us. He just expressed himself this way because of how overworked and tired he was.

We are very grateful for the condolences expressed by dad’s students and the rest of the community. The decision due to COVID to have an online memorial service also matches dad’s professional and personal interest. I’m sure he would be proud. I know that dad was keen to share stories about his family with his students, but you have probably very rarely heard about him from his family’s perspective. So, I hope to share some insight into how we, his children, see our father.

食- 吃遍山珍海味後仍鍾愛這一味
Culinary - His Favorite Cuisine
爸爸受外省家庭的影響,喜愛的食物以外省菜為主 - 我們家庭聚餐很常會吃餡餅粥, 牛肉麵或者是刀削麵這類的北方麵食餐館,加上一些豬耳朵, 小黃瓜, 花生米等小菜,就能讓平常在世界各地旅行參加會議,嚐遍五星飯店山珍海味的爸爸心滿意足。爸爸因為身體的關係不能吃太多奶製品,因此牛奶起司披薩這類的食物比較少會在聚餐中出現。他因為很喜歡打桌球運動,在打了幾個小時之後特別愛在巷子口的飲料店點一杯鳳梨冰茶或者是蜂蜜綠茶解渴。以前也偶而會在週末夜買鹹酥雞或是臭豆腐犒賞自己與家人一週的努力。這些飲食習慣雖然未必最健康,但是都是能讓爸爸持續做自己每天熱愛的事情、維持積極動能的燃料。
Our family was originally from the northern province of Henan in China and moved to Taiwan with the Nationalist army. As such, Dad’s pallet was heavily influenced by his upbringing and strongly favors Chinese northern cuisine. We often enjoy such delicacies as porridge, scallion pancakes or beef noodle soup with appetizers of pig ears, diced cucumbers or peanuts. He enjoyed these local foods more than he enjoyed fancy restaurant food. Dad was lactose intolerant, so foods like milk, cheese, or pizza would seldom be found at home. He loved ping pong. He often enjoyed a refreshing pineapple iced tea or green tea with honey after hours of ping pong. He also used to enjoy the occasional popcorn chicken or stinky tofu to share with family after a week's hard work. The diet may not be the most healthy of diets, but it was what he loved and helped fuel him to continue pursuing his passion.

衣 - 穿來穿去就是那幾件
Attire - Always the Same
Dad would rather invest in technology products than in his wardrobe. There are some outfits that he has worn for decades. To dad, as long as his clothes weren’t worn through, he would keep wearing them. He valued comfort and leisure much more than appearances. Unless he was dressing up for a professional event, we would often see him in sandals, shorts, and a polo. If he had ping pong practice or a game, he might also wear his ping pong clothes to meetings. He cared much more about the content of the meeting or discussion than about appearances. Clothes were but an afterthought.

住 - 四海為家
Accommodation - the World was His Home
Dad was always traveling for work. He had an endless amount of conferences and meetings to attend. He sometimes went from Hong Kong to Shanghai to America in a few short days, with plans to return to Taiwan that got changed so that he needed to return to Hong Kong before returning home. He would often take the high speed rail to Taipei in the morning for a meeting, and take the HSR again to return to Kaohsiung for classes in the afternoon. We always joked that he was using the HSR as his own taxi service. I can’t remember a time when he wasn’t living out of his suitcase. But, he was doing what he loved, and never complained or said that he was tired. He truly loved what he was doing.

行 - 方便第一,安全第二
Transportation - Convenience over Safety

For as long as I can remember, dad preferred cars for transportation. If the situation allowed, he would drive, otherwise he would take an Uber or taxi. He seldom rode the bus or mass transit. I think he thought that going up and down escalators, through gates, and waiting for the bus or train was inefficient. He always said that time is valuable and he’d rather spend a bit more to get to his destination faster rather than waste time. When planning his itinerary, he usually planned a very tight schedule. This caused his family much anxiety. For an event that is 15 minutes away but takes 20 minutes to get there, he would often continue working until there is only 10 minutes left. We would start reminding him 30 minutes before, but he never would listen. Mom always said he had nerves of steel. But, I think dad just knew how to prioritize. To him, the work he was doing at hand was more important.

育 - 追求卓越的言(嚴) 教身教
Education - the Pursuit of Excellence 
Because dad was an academic, he had high expectations for us to be educated and trained to be exceptional members of society. From when we were very young, dad was always our role model leading us by example. When we were in school, in addition to making sure we were working hard and excelling in our school work, he would often share with us knowledge about information management, business management, or the technology sector. For instance, he often would share books that he was reading with us, or share magazines that he subscribed to with us. These greatly impacted both of our choices to pursue business management and software engineering as careers. If it were not for dad’s education, we would not be where we are today.

樂 - 忘卻時間地唱歌、下圍棋與打桌球
Leisure - Singing, Go, and Ping Pong

Dad had different favorite pastimes at different stages of his life. In general, the three of his favorite activities were singing, Go, and ping pong. A decade or so ago, dad invested in a high end Karaoke system in our home to perfect his singing skills. He even bought a recording pen to record his singing and play it back so he could improve. He truly lived by his own standard to “do it the best”, even in leisure. I remember his favorite song was The Sea by Tom Chang and Wei Dao by Winnie Hsin. I can still hear him singing, even now. Go was also one of dad’s favorite pastimes. He could spend hours studying famous games and playing with people online. I think he enjoyed the feeling of achievement when playing Go that he enjoyed when working.

In recent years, dad started to enjoy ping pong for the health benefits and to play with his friends. Almost every night he would play with neighbors and friends after work. In ping pong, he also strived to be the best and would practice with a serving machine. I remember practicing with him a few times and seeing his focused posture and eyes. His focus and practice has earned him many troupes and awards in school and local ping pong tournaments. We are all very proud of him!











梁老師在協助青年學者方面,更是不遺餘力,幾乎每年都舉辦電子商務研究研討會,邀請資管領域頂尖國際期刊主編到臺灣,分享他們的研究心得,並給予在場報告研究成果的年輕資管學者完整的評論,不僅對與會學者帶來許多學術研究的新趨勢,也讓許多國內年輕學者有機會和這些國際知名學者建立關係。系上一位新進老師在剛入校時,因研究涉及大量矩陣運算,正為需要的伺服器經費傷腦筋,有天梁老師主動找他聊聊,了解了其研究方向後,主動說了“你說你做大量矩陣運算,那會需要電腦吧? 做研究,總是需要經費。我來幫你,你要多少?”,對這位老師真是及時雨,很多新進老師會擔心因此要為資深老師賣命的事情也沒發生,倒是這樣很無私不求個人回報的互動,讓這位年輕老師希望自己日後有能力時,也可霸氣地對年輕學者們說一句:



在開創國際化與協助華人資管學界方面,有一件印象深刻的事,梁老師於回國後,立即於1993年率領中山資管系所有同仁創辦亞太資訊系統國際會議(Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS),其實開創一個全新的國際研討會,真是非常挑戰的,需要各方的配合,作為啟動者的梁老師,不僅需要勇氣承擔,更需要付出,為的只是希望能為中山資管系及國內資管界帶入更多拓展國際視野的機會。在梁老師的努力下,此研討會於1995年在新加坡繼續舉行,1999年在澳洲舉行,之後每年持續至今,已經進入第25年了,早已成為亞太地區每年最重要的資管國際學術研討會。

梁老師對於華人資管學界的貢獻,就以2004年中山資管系和上海復旦大學管理學院共同主辦PACIS為例,當時大陸開放沒多久,大部分的學者缺乏國際交流經驗,學生們能看到的國際期刊非常有限,梁老師非常努力地協助復旦大學克服當時大陸舉辦研討會的各種困難,順利完成了PACIS 2004。會後,梁老師又耗費許多心力,協助大陸學者進入美國資訊系統學會(AIS),只是當時大陸經濟仍非常弱,要和各國學者繳交一樣的入會費,必然有困難,在梁老師的努力下,得到AIS的同意,特別讓大陸人士得以繳交遠低於一般入會費的方式參加AIS。當今的復旦大學,其老師人數、行政組織規模及整個管理學院的國際連結,已有一定的國際地位。現在想來,梁老師對於大陸資管領域學者開始邁向國際應是有莫大的貢獻。




A Life Well Lived

Professor Ting-Peng (T.P.) Liang, the influential Information Systems scholar and beloved professor who was one of the first AIS Fellows and the first AIS LEO award recipient in Asia, passed away on May 20, 2021, at Cheng Hsin General Hospital in Taipei. He was 69.

Professor Liang returned to Taiwan and served as chair and director of the Institute of Information Management at National Sun Yat-sen University in 1991 when he took leave from his teaching job at Purdue University. Two years later he made up his mind to settle back in Taiwan and dedicated himself to the place where he was born and raised. The contributions he made and the efforts he put forth in the Information Systems discipline had never abated, not even to the last leg of his life journey. As he was fighting hard against cancer and was constantly reminded by his colleagues to take more rest, he was often upbeat and replied, “Something great and meaningful must be awaiting me to carry it out once I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” He was the one who shared the most recent information and knowledge late at night in his E-Commerce facebook community even when his health was failing. He was the one who, after the chemotherapy early this year, expressed his willingness to donate two million NT dollars to attract more outstanding Information Systems scholars to NSYSU. He was the one who had faith in dreams, and who would do his best to make dreams come true.

“The higher one sets his expectations, the higher his achievements are.” “The only secret to success is absolute dedication.” the younger T.P. wrote in his diary. All his life he set high expectations for himself and dedicated to many of his causes with perseverance and enthusiasm. T.P. was an energetic and passionate youth back in college days, as his wife of 41 years, Jenny, fondly recalled. He edited the University News, was editor-in-chief for the debate team publication, served as directors for Go club and Taekwondo club when he was a college student at National Cheng Kung University. He won the first prize in Poems for Kids held by the renowned Hong’s Foundation in his early twenties. Later when he settled in the States, he chaired the Chinese Students Association at University of Pennsylvania, and served the Chinese Business Administration Association of North America as president. All of these foreshadowed his exuberance for life and commitment to public service.

The most dominant figure in the Information Systems discipline in Asia, Professor Liang helped found the Electronic Commerce Research Center (ECRC) in 1999. Since 2005, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education’s “Aim for Top University Plan Project” and “Higher Education Sprout Project,” ECRC has become an influential hub for international-level electronic commerce research. Preeminent scholars in the field were routinely invited to visit the Center and share their research insights with their counterparts in Taiwan. In addition, most of the new funding resources from the Ministry of Education were used to encourage and support researchers in Taiwan and his colleagues at NSYSU for better research performance and enhancing paper quality. In spite of giving the greatest degree of support, Professor Liang never sought undue credit; he always allowed for complete independence and full flexibility to his research team.

It surely was a daunting challenge to organize a big research project team with its members consisting of various bright researchers and professors from a wide diversity of fields. Apart from his prestigious academic standing, Professor Liang’s willingness to communicate, his commitment to always doing the best, and his easy-going manners were indispensable to the success of ECRC. He was particularly keen on cultivating young scholars. Once after talking with a junior faculty member and learning that he was plagued by the need for the server required for the computation of big data, Professor Liang immediately reassured the young teacher, “You go on with your deep learning research. Let me help with the funding for computers. How much do you need?” The generous offer was selfless and inspiring, and the spirit was contagious. The junior faculty member wishes someday he will be able to re-enact the beautiful scene, telling someone younger, “You go on with your research. Let me help with the funding. How much do you need?”

Professor Liang’s passion and dedication to Information Systems scholarship was highly regarded by students and scholars the world over. One of his former PhD students vividly remembers the nerve-racking moments when they had to parry, often unsuccessfully, Professor Liang’s “interrogation” during presentation sessions in the required course of MIS. Deeply rooted in strong theoretical frameworks and remarkable logical reasoning, the professor’s acumen and profound insight helps breed a new generation of top researchers in the field of Information Systems in Taiwan.

Outside the classroom, Professor Liang sought to provide opportunities to enhance students’ hands-on experiences. With the 1997 establishment of NSYSU Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center, and the 2000 founding of the HamaStar Technology, MIS students are able to gain access to the real-world IS operations. Electronic Commerce Times, the oldest NPO social media in Taiwan which was founded by Professor Liang in 1999, together with the Commercial Modernization Magazine, are effective venues for students both of MIS and of Marketing Communications to better understand the newest trend in E-Commerce. Professor Liang seldom let the chance pass when it came to enriching the research potentiality for colleagues and students.

Professor Liang’s academic contributions are not bounded by borders. Immediately after resettling back in Taiwan, he began to work with his colleagues at NSYSU to give birth to Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). It took great courage and herculean effort to launch a brand-new international conference. After the first PACIS conference in 1993 at NSYSU in Kaohsiung, the second conference took place two years later in Singapore. Since the 1999 Australia conference, PACIS has been held annually throughout the Asia Pacific. It has become the premier information systems event in this region, attracting hundreds of registered delegates to present and discuss various information systems research papers.

The 2004 PACIS was jointly hosted by the Department of Information Management at NSYSU and the School of Management of Fudan University in China. Professor Liang selflessly shared his experience of organizing an international conference with his colleagues in Shanghai. He helped overcome many hurdles Fudan faced when China was tentatively re-implementing its opening-up policy back in 2004. Professor Liang played a pivotal role in bringing IS scholars in China to the international arena of academia.

Professor Liang was thrilled when his first research paper on fMRI was published this past March. He had long harbored a dream to apply the knowledge of neuroscience to online shopping behavior. To learn more about the unfamiliar discipline of neuroscience, he began his learning journey of the brain at the Research Center for Mind, Brain and Learning (RCMBL) of National Chengchi University in 2010. Sometimes he frowned at the slim chance of having such a cross-disciplinary research paper published, but nevertheless he kept working on it with determination and persistence. The publication of the paper on fMRI brought happiness to the bedridden Professor Liang, a life-time professor, researcher, and dreamer.

“Tears welled up in my eyes when I grieved over his passing at the age of 69,” Liang’s wife, Jenny, said. “But as I think of the many good things he has done in life, I am sadly happy that he has virtually lived several hundreds of years in a lifetime.” Yes indeed, here is a man with many hundred years of legacy and achievements.

Professor T.P. Liang is survived by his wife, sons, Nigel and David, and two grandchildren. He will forever be remembered by his family and friends.

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(第一幕) 飛機誤點







(第二幕) 天無絕人之路

飛機終於在8點多起飛了,一路順風的在10點25分左右抵達LAX。Lia趕緊衝出機門,四面張望,沒看到接人的牌子,只看到門口有張輪椅在接客人,心想應該不是安排Lia坐輪椅去長榮,所以只好趕緊找個附近的AA員工來問。她很好心的說:「誤點轉機要到旁邊那個房間去」。Lia三步併作兩步地趕到叫做customer service的房間,抬頭一看排了10多人的長長人龍。哇咧,只有20分鐘,Lia顧不得國際禮儀,直接衝到那個低頭看電腦的人前面說:「你們的飛機誤點,我只剩20分鐘要趕下一班飛機,有沒人幫我看如何可以趕過去?」那位梨形的美女抬起頭來回答: 「No,我們沒法幫你趕飛機,不過長榮就在隔壁,你趕快過去只要5分鐘,試試看也許可以趕上」。Lia不死心地說:「可是你們奧蘭多的人說,在LAX會做妥當的安排,萬一我沒趕上該怎麼辦」。美女面對這有點白癡的問題,很客氣地回答說:「那你再回來找我嘍」。



(第三幕) 高潮迭起


挖咧,還真是無三不成理,航空公司的住宿劵居然是空頭支票。不死心的Lia下來到櫃檯去詢問。櫃台那位動人的小姐很溫柔的說:「我們只有一個房間,他們送來6個客人,實在沒辦法。」。Lia看著溫暖的客廳,真想問是否能在客廳睡沙發。不過這好像有損台灣人的尊嚴,於是,只好趕下一班的接駁車又回到機場的AA櫃台,還好AA還沒倒。於是一番折騰後,換到了另外一家旅館。正要出去搭車,前面出現的幾個患難之交又折返AA櫃台,告訴AA沒有接駁車。Lia差點想問: 「哪裡可以找床墊來睡機場」。不過畢竟家教良好,沒有問候AA的員工。


還好那些老外畢竟智商不高。那位AA夜班的資深美女耐心地說:「Be Patient」。Lia也相信AA不會再耍賤招,趕緊到外面等接駁車,也順利搭上一班車。過了十分鐘遠遠的看到Holiday Inn的招牌,總算要登陸了。住進去後看看錶,已經凌晨2點半,才想到還沒吃東西。趕快問櫃台有那裡可以吃東西,櫃台說都關了。不死心的Lia又問,可是路口不是還有家麥當勞,櫃台說:「也關了」。



June 14, 2021







June 4, 2021

和定澎兄有整整三十年的交情。當年在中山大學擔任校長時,他擔任管理學院院長和教務長,那時他曾獲得三次國科會傑出研究獎,日後又多次榮獲國科會特約研究員,教育部國家講座,以及中山大學中山講座、傑出講座等,早就實至名歸,聲望崇隆。此外,他也是美國資訊系統學會會士和美國資訊管理學會Leo Award終身成就獎得獎人。諸如此等,定澎兄的學術成就,在台灣管理學界可說是無出其右。


在「智」方面,我指的是他對事物的洞察力。記得二十多年前,我曾和定澎兄共同指導一位學生碩士論文,運用人工神經網路和套利定價理論來優化資產投資組合,這個主題當時定澎兄就洞察這將是建構資產投資組合很重要的未來發展方向,果然後來這篇論文深獲肯定,並在國際一級期刊Decision Support System發表,成為現在運用人工智慧建構資產投資組合的濫觴。



中庸有云: 「智、仁、勇三者,天下之達德也。」定澎兄在世時間雖不夠長,但已留給我們服膺並踐履「智」、「仁」、「勇」三達德的最佳示範,我們永遠敬佩他!懷念他!

劉維琪 謹誌

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