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A Year Later

May 30, 2015

So, a year has passed since you left.  I have felt your absence every day, sometimes with painful pangs in my heart and other days with wistful nostalgia.  Some of your memories brought me to tears while others made me giggle and smile.  My heart hurt a little bit when anybody spoke about their mom and my voice cracked slightly whenever I had to tell anyone that you had passed. 

I wait for you at night to show up in my dreams.  You have appeared only twice, both times you looked at me with sad eyes trying to comfort me.  In one of the dreams, I had gotten a drastically short haircut and was feeling insecure and a little anxious.  You rubbed my head and told me that it was going to be alright.  I woke up crying that morning because I realized how much support you provided to me over the years and that I would never hear those words again.  You looked at me with those sad eyes because you knew that I was struggling with life without you. 

Umma, I want to you to know that I am doing well.  There were some very difficult times after you passed and I am sorry that I worried you in heaven.  I am stronger now and I pray that you will appear in my dreams with your beautiful radiant smile and tell me that you are at peace and you are proud of me.  Thanks for loving me unconditionally and for the extreme sacrifices you have made in your life for my sake.  I miss you every day.  I love you so much.  I wish I said these words more often to you out loud when you were alive.  Let’s meet again in my dreams…




November 20, 2014




        어머님을 추모하며


        사월의 어느 날이었지요

        어머니가 세상을 떠나신 날은

        아직도 산등성이에 유채화는 하늘거리고

        맑고 따뜻한 날 이었습니다.


        일본치하의 어려운 시절에 태어나셔서

        육이오를 치른 힘든 시대를 살아오셨습니다.

        제게 빈 젖을 물리며

        함께 울었다고도 하셨습니다.

        노상 먹이 걱정만 하였었지요.

        삶의 모든 염려를 놓으신 후에도

        마지막까지 어머니를 붙드신 것은

        자식들 배고플 걱정 이였습니다.



        그렇게도 사랑하시던

        오빠와 저를 뒤로 하시고

        홀연히 떠나신 어머님

        50 이 넘은 내 얼굴을

        그리도 쓰다듬어 주시던 따뜻했던 손길


        그리움이 사무쳐 가슴이 멥니다.



        지금은 버겁던 육신을 벗어나셔서

        93세의 삶을 끝내시고

        천국에서 평화롭게 쉬고 계시리라 믿기에

        슬픔을 달랩니다.


오는 4월7일이면 엄마가 돌아가신 일년이 되는 날이다. 엄마가 미국에

오신 것은 1983년 봄. 내가 미국에 들어 온지도 10년쯤 되던 해

아버지가 돌아가시고 난 뒤 많이 힘들어하시기에 막내딸집 구경이나

하시라고 모셔왔다.  날 보신 엄마는 많이 우셨다. 아이 셋을 혼자

키우는 것이 대견하면서도 불쌍하시다 하면서 자꾸 우셨다. 그 이후

돌아가실 때까지 20년, 오로지 딸의 육신을 편하게 하시려는 끈임 업

는 노력을 하셨다. 일 나갈 준비로 꾸물거리면 엄마는 내 점심가방


을 들고 차 문 앞에서 기다리곤 하셨다. 아이들 기르느라 밤일을

오래 했는데 오빠네 사시는 엄마는 30분을 걸어오셔서 내가 잠자는

동안에 부엌을 말끔히 치워 놓곤 내가 일어나기 전에 가셨다.

엄마는 차타고 시원한 바람 쏘이는 것을 좋아해서 내가 노는 날

이면 우린 언제나 차 속에서 길 위에서 시간을 보내곤 했다.

오빠네 부부가 이민 왔을 땐 당연히 아들하고 사셔야 한다며

뒤도 안 돌아보고 보따리를 싸시던 엄마. 아이 셋 키우느라,

직장일 하랴, 남편 밥 해주랴 바쁘기만 한 나를 무척이나 그리워

하셨다. 아들 부부야 매일 보니 궁금한 건 딸. 딸이 와야 시장에도,

공원에도 가시고, 외식도 하실 수 있으니 매일 기다리셨다.

연금을 타시는 날에는 미국에 와서 이렇게 호강하시는 것이 딸 덕분

이라 하시며 한 턱을 쓰시곤 했다. 엄마는 미국을 참 좋아 하셨다.

편리해서, 깨끗해서 좋고, 수다스러운 동네 여자들 없어서 좋고

또 아들 딸 다 자가용이 있어서 타기만 하면 가니까 좋다고 하셨다.

내가 나이를 들어서 보니 엄마는 미인이었다. 얼굴도 예쁘시고,

깔끔하시고, 여성다우시고, 정이 많으시고ㅡ.그러나 쉽게 노여워

하시고 슬퍼하시고 쓸쓸해 하셨다. 난 엄마가 계신 오빠 집을 

수시로 드나들며 엄마가 해 주시는 옛날 음식을 즐겨했다. 올케도

조카들도 별로인 그 어려웠을 때의 음식을 오빠와 나는 맛있게

먹어 엄마를 기쁘게 해 드렸다. 90 이 넘으신 후에는 차츰차츰

체력이 다 하여 정신도 오락가락 하시더니 오빠도 나도 알아보지

못 하셨다 그렇게 세상사를 다 내려놓으신 후엔 노래도 부르시고

춤도 추시고 항상 웃으시며 귀여운 할머니가 되셨다. 내 나이

50 이 넘도록 내 곁을 지켜 주시던 어머니 ㅡ.갑자기 돌아가시면

우리 두 남매가 힘들어 할까봐 3년이란 시간을 주셨다. 그리고

정말 조용히 애기 같은 얼굴로 세상을 떠나셨다. 그렇지만 내 마

음속에 계시는 엄마는 언제나 나와 함께 하시고 나를 사랑 하신다.

나 또한 세 딸의 엄마이고 난 그들에게 어떤 엄마인지ㅡ.

엄마 사랑해요.





자축의 글

November 8, 2014

자축의 글

                                                        신 연 옥


재외한인간호 60년의 역사를

문전에 두고

먼 길도 마다치 않고

함께 모였습니다.


모국의 어머니로서

이민으로 떠난 간호사를 품어 앉고

오랜 세월 지켜본

대한간호협회와 함께하는

오늘 이 자리는


재외 한인간호사들이

든든한 성인으로 성장하여

모국을 향한 문을 열고

서로 다독이며

협력을 다짐하는 날입니다


뜨거운 가슴으로

서로의 손을 맞잡고

반가워 껴안으며

한국인임을 자랑스러워합니다.


간호사들의 헌신과 전문지식의 교류는

건강한 삶을 위함이요

건강한 사회를 만드는

따뜻한 사랑입니다


튼튼한 연합으로

보다 성숙한

한인간호사 모임으로 거듭남을

격려하고 기대하며

자축의 파티를


November 3, 2014

살아가야 할 삶

                                      신 연 옥

아름다운 삶만 있을 줄 알았던 시간들이 있었습니다.

중간고사 기말고사의 악몽만 끝나면

실컷 잠자고 책 읽고 뒹구는 행복한 날 들을

어머니의 정성스런 음식을 먹으며

푸른 하늘이 마냥 아름답기만 하던

싱싱하고 풋풋한 젊음이

그냥 이어지는 줄 알았던 날 들이었지요.


지난 36년이란 세월을

넓은 태평양을 건너온 이 낯 선 곳에서

직장과 가정이란 틀 속에서

아이 셋과 살아 냈습니다.


다 큰 아이들이 떠난 곁이

흐름을 멈춘 듯이 조용합니다.


잔주름 드리운 낯선 얼굴을

가만히 드려다 봅니다.

숨을 들이쉬고 내 쉬며

살아가야 할 삶을 생각합니다.


이제야 두리번거리는 눈과 귀에

소망 소사이어티의

아름다운 삶과 마무리에 대한

진지한 말씀이

함께하고자 하시는 사랑이

바람처럼 실려와

따뜻함과 편안함으로

가슴에 스며듭니다.


아름다운 삶과 마무리를 생각하는 소망 소사이어티의 창립 일 주년을 진심으로 축하드립니다.




November 3, 2014

생명 살리기 소망 갤러리

                                        신 연 옥


사랑의 씨앗으로

소망을 꽃 피웁니다.


나눔의 아름 다음으로

생명을 살립니다.


먼지 아래 숨겨진 애물을

빛으로 밝히며

희망을 선물합니다.


마음 한 편에서 망설이는

사랑의 심지에

어려움 속에서 간절히 구하는

누군가의 생명을 향해

먼지를 털어내고

촛불을 켜야지요.


생명 살리기 소망 갤러리는

사랑과 소망으로 다져진

나눔의 장입니다

희망의 꽃입니다.


한 걸음으로 시작합니다.

이 모두의 걸음걸음이

생명으로 이어져

소망의 열매를 맺으리라 믿습니다.


전시된 이 모든 애장품은




아름다운 마무리

June 27, 2014

흐르는 세월 속에

일상도 흐릅니다.

부모님의 사랑으로

세상에 태어나고

정성으로 길러져

순간순간의 선택으로

이어진 삶입니다.

사랑하는 이들에게

도움이 되고자

온 힘으로

하루하루를 살아

오늘에 이르렀습니다.

삶의 마무리는

언제 어디서 어떻게


아직 푸른 하늘이

머리위로 보일 때

소망을 적어 봅니다.

너무 늦기 전에

잠시 멈추어

마음에 귀를 기우립니다.

아름다운 마무리를 위해

서로를 감싸는

따뜻한 이들이 있기에

혼자가 아니기에

용기를 내어 준비하며

안도의 미소로 감사드립니다.

June 27, 2014

세계의 천사

        재독 간호사들께 보내는 축시            신  연 옥         

1966년 128명의 하얀 간호사들은

낯 선 프랑크프르트에서

애국의 각오로

한국의 딸임을 자부하며

그 첫 발을 내 디뎠습니다.

세계를 향한 천사들의 움직임

오로지 대한민국을 등에 짊어진

여리나 힘찬 행군 이었습니다.


깊은 뿌리 속에 숨겨진 애환들이

35년의 열매로 익어

서로의 가슴을 위로하며

환 한 기쁨으로 얼싸 안습니다.

하얀 빛은

세상을 밝히는 힘이요

생명을 부각 시킬 수 있는

진정한 희생입니다.



그리고 계속하여

세계를 품어 다독거리는

따뜻한 행진을 기대 합니다.

June 16, 2014

나의 투병이야기

                                                                        신 연 옥

 “왜 하필 너냐?”

전화 저편에서 안타까워하시는 노스승님의 말씀에 송구스러워 눈물이 흐른다.

  세 딸을 모두 출가 시키고, 늦게 공부를 시작한 둘째 딸도 학교를 졸업하여 무겁게 조여 오던 양 어깨가 훨씬 가벼워지던 지난해 12월 중순이었다. 오랫동안 병원에서 일을 해 왔기에 누구보다도 건강의 중요성을 알던 터라, 나는 내 건강관리에 신경을 쓰는 편이다. 아침에 조깅도 열심이고 직장을 쉬는 날이면 가까운 산에 등산도 다녀 체력 관리를 하였다. 그래서인지 별 아픈데 없이 남편과 둘 만의 평범한 생활에 익숙해지고 늦게나마 취미생활에 재미도 붙여 그럭저럭 마음이 평온해 지던 때였다.

  그동안 왼쪽어깨 목 아래 근육이 땅기고 아파서 의사를 찾은 적이 있는데, 장거리 운전과 직업으로 인하여 근육이 뭉쳐 그렇다며 근육완화제와 물리치료를 처방하여 주었다. 임시적으로 풀리는가 싶더니 또 뭉치곤 하여 어깨 마사지를 받으며 일 여년 고생했지. 그러면서 먹어가는 나이 탓으로 돌리곤 하였다. 그러던 어느 날 목 쇄골 밑으로 밤톨만 하게 살덩이가 치솟아 올라 놀라서 의사를 찾은 결과 폐암이라는 진단을 받았다. tumor가 커지니까 쇄골 밑으로 퍼져 자라다가 눈에 뛰었지. 조직검사와 CT를 통해 확인 하였으며 이 악성 tumor가 왼쪽 폐 맨 꼭대기에서 자라고 있단다. 그 크기가 내 주먹만 하다고. tumor의 위치가 호흡에 지장을 주지 않기에 자각증상이 없어 많이 크도록 몰랐던 것 같아. tumor가 근육을 밀어내서 그렇게 왼쪽 어깨가 아팠는데 나이 탓으로 과로 탓으로 돌리며 오랫동안 키우지 않았나 싶어.

  내게 한 발 거리로 바짝 닦아선 죽음에 뒷덜미를 잡힌 체 많이 당황했지만, 그 와중에서도 최선책을 찾아야 하기에 항암치료에 열심히 적극적으로 임하고 있다. 우선은 2월에 방사선치료를 끝냈고 3월부터 시작한 항암치료제는 알약이며 4주 먹고 2주 쉬고 하는 6주 cycle로 목숨이 붙어 있는 한 먹어야 한단다. 약에서 올 수 있는 부작용을 잘 넘기고 약과 tumor와 나머지여생을 살아야 한다는 이야기. tumor가 위치한 곳에 뇌로 올라가는 신경이 집중적으로 모여 있어 수술은 해당이 안 된다는 의사의 이야기.

  사랑하는 친구 가족들을 이렇게 떠나기에 조금은 이르다는 생각으로 마음이 무너져 눈물을 흘려 보지만 그것 또한 내 뜻으로는 어찌할 수 없는 일이라는 것을 잘 알기에 이제는 마음이 많이 안정 되었다.

  그 동안 보여준 이곳 58친구들의 따뜻한 격려와 또 멀리 서울에서도 보내준 우정어린 친구들의 사랑과 관심으로 더욱더 용기백배하여 조금 더 친구들 곁에 오래 남고자 노력 한다.

  아직 직장도 다니며 일상을 이어가고 있으니 병석에 누운 내 모습은 지우고 씩씩하게 환자 옆에서 그들과 함께하는 나를 떠 올리렴.

 친구들 모두 사랑한다.

Dear Mama Park

June 15, 2014

Dear Mama Park,

Like many of the people who have known you, I too feel lucky to have enjoyed your amazing cooking. Your meals not only fed Helen during pharmacy school but Andrea and I as well! The joy that your family gives you and the love you have for them has no bounds- I was lucky to have witnessed it and be a part of it for some time.

Pharmacy school was a fun but stressful time. As Helen and I grew closer as friends, I was able to get to know you and your family. You would work many days straight then drive to Vegas to help take care of Emma while we studied for exams. I remember how you reminded us to study when we fooled around and how you reassured us when we thought failing an exam was the end of the world. You celebrated with us when we all passed and you encouraged us if we would have to reassess. I remember how surprised you were at how much Korean food I could eat. With my family being so far away in Guam, you always made sure Helen fed me when I stayed over...which was pretty much every day. You not only supported her, but me as well.

When Helen was going through one of the hardest parts of her life, you were there without hesitation. You gave her the support and the love that only a good mother can give and I saw how she breathed a little easier when you were there. Though I didn't see Helen as the precocious teenager everyone has been talking about, I did get to see Helen as the amazing mother. She attributes a lot of what knows, she's learned from you. She's an amazing mother because she learned from the best!

I am honored to have known you. I am honored to have Helen as a friend. Your memory and your values will live on through your daughters, your grandchildren and the people whose lives you've touched. You are missed but you will never be forgotten.

With love, Angie

삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.. by 이영희

June 12, 2014

 삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다..


     저희들이 졸업 35년주년 모임을 ,2004년 2월 16일~23일 LA 에서 갖었지요..

     졸업후 처음보는 친구들도 ..그곳 미국친구들의 환대에 ,이내 가까워졌습니다..              그곳 친구들의 환대와 사랑속에서,,                                                                         저희는 "신연옥" 친구의 존재감에 모두 공감했답니다...

    35주년 모임이 성공적으로 우리의 기억에 남게 해준 , 친구중의 친구, "신연옥"..


   그후..우리 58회는  , 진명 카페를 만들게되었고..모임이 더욱 활성화되었습니다..

   저희 58회를 오늘까지 이르게한  ..친구라고 감히 말하고싶습니다....


  친구들이 미주 LA 지역에 가면,, 더욱이 저도 아들과 여동생이 있어, 가게되면...

  낯선 친구에게 스케쥴을 확인하고는..몸소 차를 몰고와  친구의 발을 자처했던  친구...

  집에 초대해 몸소 가꾼 화초를 보여주며 좋아했던  친구...

  그곳 미주지역에서도 , 친구들의  언니같이 자상히 모든것을 챙겨주던 친구...

  연옥이 없는 미주지역의 58회는  의미가 없을 정도였다고 들었습니다...


   이곳 한국에 와서도~많은 친구들에게 폐를 안끼치려고 했던  친구...


   친구가 나이고 ...내가  ..친구였던...우리 58회의 영원한 친구...


   이번 여행전,2009년 5월 말, "카나다 록키"여행을  소수의 인원으로 갔을때, 저희와.

   45주년 여행에 대해 우리의 의견을  나누면서..좋아했던 친구...


   몸이 따라주면...45주년 여행에 동참하기를 원했지만....


    그의 마음을 알기에~~ .....


   이번 45주년 여행 중간 중간...스마트폰으로 ~우리의 여정을 찍어 ...

  "김승록"에게 보냈고...'승록"이는"연옥"에게 우리의 모습을 보여주었습니다..


  '연옥"에게  사진으로나마..저희 58회의  사랑을 전해주었답니다 ...


   그것이  "연옥"에게 조금이나마,, 힘이 되기를 바랬었는데...


   우리는  그를  고통없는 하늘나라로 보냈지만...


   우리 모두의 가슴속에 영원히  남을 것입니다...




   고통없는 그 곳에 먼저 가있으려마....


   우리 모두 다시 모이는  그날 .... 다시 한번 58회의 언니가 되어주렴....


우리들의 친구 by 이창명 | 조회 119 |추천 0 |2014.05.31

June 12, 2014


연옥이가  갔습니다.

어려서는 어른 같았고

어른이 되어서는 어린애처럼 잘 웃고

쉽지 않았던 그의 삶을 눈치 채지 못할 정도로

넉넉하게 살았습니다.

사랑은 나눌 수록 커진다는 걸

그에게서 보았고

또 그 커진 사랑이 다시 연옥이에게

돌아 오는 것도 보았습니다.

연옥이를 아는 사람은 다들

연옥이를 아는 걸"특별한 기쁨"으로


모두에게 든든한 위로와 각별한 사랑을 주던 그가

이제 가족과 LA 친구들의 더 할 수 없는 보살핌속에

외롭지 않게 떠났다고 믿습니다.

그럼에도 흐르는 눈물은

연옥이를 위한 기도와 봉헌으로 여기렵니다.

다음은 연옥이가 친구들에게 남긴 작별인사 입니다.




그러니까  벌써 28개월 전이네.

내가 초청을 받은 것이.


많은 믿음의 이야기들 가운데

이런 날이 오리라 짐작 했었는데

그 놈의 게으름 때문에

떠날 채비한 게

아무 것도 없네.


솔직히 털어 놓자면

작은 희망을 품고



온 몸으로 퍼진 암덩어리

진통제 치료만이

나를 편안히 할 수 있노라고

의사는 담담히 얘기한다.


모든 것 내려 놓고

새처럼 훨훨  날고 싶다.

아픔의 고통으로 지새운

그 밤을 알기에.



진심으로 고맙고

너희들의 친구라 행복했었다.

그리고 영원히



연옥  2014, 4,11






Good morning Mrs. Park...

June 9, 2014

Even before the sunrise, I would look forward to greeting a beautiful morning.  It was something about the morning crisp air, the calmness, the smell of a freshly brewed pot of coffee and the stillness of my surroundings that I really felt comfort from within.  As the minutes would go by I would hear the pitter-patter of little feet scurrying on the second floor and the giggling and chatter of the girls (Annabelle, Emma, and Noelle).  

 I wasn't the only one who enjoyed the early morning sunrise; I was always accompanied by you, Mrs. Park.  The memories I will always treasure is coming down those stairs and knowing that you were already there having your morning cup of coffee and I whispering to you, “good morning Mrs. Park” making sure not to wake the rest of family, who were still sound asleep.  I can still picture you standing there and gazing out the sliding glass door with steam rising from your cup.  It would be those times that you and I would have our morning conversations. Those times felt like time just stood still.  Just like those beautiful mornings, you gave me that comfort from within. 

I will always remember your beautiful smile and your witty jokes that made me laugh.  Mrs. Park, it made me feel like I have known you all my life, learning about your childhood and the love and fondness for your three beautiful daughters.  I was very fortunate and privileged enough to know what a wonderful, loving, and affectionate wife, mother, and friend you are. Those times with you have gone by so fast…I miss you Umma.  You really have been like a mother to me, like you have been to many others.  You even let me practice my Korean (sorry for butchering it).  Just like a mom you loved me and fed me…I know everyone talks about the great food you made to this day, but what I enjoyed most was being able to cook for you and the family.  It may not have been as great as yours, but it was my way to show you how much I loved and cared for you. 

 I have to be honest with you, as the days have gone by after your passing; it has been difficult to greeting a beautiful morning without you, it has almost been impossible to get out of bed.  I have been trying to be a rock for the girls, but my heart has been breaking.  Even though you may not be here physically I see you in Helen, Julie, and Lisa and I know your memory will always live on.  I remember how you told me how very proud and lucky you were to have such a wonderful family who loves you, but I believe you have that all wrong…it was your family and friends around you, who were the lucky ones.  There is not a day I wish so very much that you were still here to greet me, and there is not a day that you are far from my thoughts.  Mornings will never be the same without someone like you in my life.  If I had a chance to change one thing, it would be to begin every day that was spent visiting you, saying “good morning Mrs. Park…I love you!”

To Helen Umma, With Love, from Jane

June 8, 2014

Dear Helen Umma,

I don't know how to say goodbye to you... I feel like I probably had the chance when you were here, but I just didn't have the words then.... What I want to say now, what I hope you already knew, is this: I love your daughter Helen very much and I will be a good friend to her for the rest of my life. Also, I love your dear friend, my mom, and I will be a good daughter to her and care for her as she has taken care of me.

I think that our 3 generational family friendship is so special... how you and my mom became friends in high school, immigrated to the States with your husbands, shared the joys and trials of raising your daughters, and ended up being each other’s confidant all these years…  
Because of your friendship…. and sharing fun times between our families during roadtrips, birthdays, playdates and sleepovers, Helen and I started our own friendship that modeled yours. We went to school together, were pregnant together, and had Emma and Christian one week apart! Every time they see one another, even after a long while, it's just like me and Helen…they enjoy each other's company and play so well together!

On the day I saw you last, I told Helen, “This could be us in 30 years…” One of us at the other’s bedside, holding hands and talking for hours, just like you and my mom.

I see you in quick snapshots throughout my entire life… how Helen and I would beg for sleepovers… you made the best corned beef hash for breakfast! And you’d cook an onion-free batch of potato pancakes just for me. Even in my youth, I knew you to be understanding and patient. I appreciated how you offered your ear to me on many occasions. How you cared deeply your family. Your heart was filled with sacrificial love.

Your legacy is with your children and grandchildren. Helen is beautiful and strong in spirit, just like you. She has your wit and sense of humor, courage and grace. I see you in Julie and Lisa who are intelligent, considerate of others, slow to anger, and patient.

I saw how Emma’s laughter brought smiles to your face even through your pain, how you tenderly kissed her face through the iPad as you Facetimed with her. I remember when you were in good health, how you looked so contented sitting on the beach watching as Emma played in the waves. You and Emma had your own inside jokes, just for the two of you, so precious and sweet...

I wish that we could have more 3 generation playdates together.

I miss you. I love you. I’ll remember you often.




June 7, 2014

당신이 우리 곁을 떠난지 벌써 1주일이  되는 날이오.

아직까지도 시도 때도 없이 울컥 울컥 하여 전화도 받지  못하고 있오.

아이들이 처럼  외출 이라 당신이 좋아했던 음악을 크게 틀어놓고 통곡을 하며 쓰고 있오.  조금 처움으로 점심을 혼자 먹다가도 설움이 복바쳐서 먹는등 마는등 끝내 버렸오.  잠자기 당신이 옆에 없고 .아침에 일어나 당신이 보이지 않고 , 밥을 먹을 함께 하지 못하여 서글프기 그지  없구료.  태여 때는 후배가 있지만 저승 가는 길은 선후배가 없다는데 그래도 너무나 빨리 떠나 버렸오. 못난 남편 만나 고생만 하다 이제부터 살만하여 좋아하는 글도 쓰고 ,당신이 좋아하는 여행도 부담 없이 다닐 있게 되고 무엇 보다 손주들 무럭무럭 자라는 모습을  보는 것만 남았는데 안타깝기 그지 없구료. 당신 기억나지? 수술 바로 직전 직계가족을 면담을 시켜 마치의사가 외과의 2신경외과의 2그리고 마취 의사와   5명이  팀을 이루어 수술을 하게 되며   10시간 이상 걸린다고 설명을 하였고 마지막으로  당신과 대화시간을 주어서 암을 완전히 떼어 내고 돌아와 지금까지 도와주신 분들에게  만분에 일이라도 갚고 죽자고 약속. 그때는 얼뗄결에 사랑한다고 말도 못하고 눈물만 흘리고 나와 후회를 많이 하였소.

떠나기 20전부터 처방밭은 수면제를 복용을 하여야  잠이 들었는데 이제는 점점 약효가  떨어 지는 것  구료.  약사는 내가 잠을 못자는것을 알고 엄마가 복용하다 남긴 약을 먹으라 하는데 애들이 떠나고도 잠을 이를 없게 다면  복용  할까 하오. 어제 Emma와서 한참 눈물을 억제하며 안아 주었소. 주진이는 오늘 새벽 시카코로 떠났고 현미 발아 압력밥솥을 라인으로 주문하여 당신과 나의 이름으로 보내고 확인 이멜을 받아놓았소. 주형이가 오는 금요일 토요일에 온다고 연락이 왔고  요일 오후에 모두 떠나면 마음 놓고 통곡을 하오.  당신 몰랐지 ? 둘째가 새집을 계약 했다 하오.  오는 9월경에 입주 예정이라 하오. 당신이 떠나기 알았다면 흐뭇해 하였을 인데….

잠자기 전에 항상 당신이 좋은데 가서 펀한 삶을 보내게 하여 주시기를 기도 하고 있고  당신이 빨리 나를 데려가기를 매일 빌고 있소. 당신이 나의 건강을 챙겨 덕으로 여지것  덤으로 살았지만 앞으로 심장의 한태는 가지  않을려 하오. 엣날에 급살로 죽으라는 욕이  요즈음에는 나에게는 축복의  말로 들리고 았오.  내가 오래 살면 살수록 애들에게 부담만 주게 되고 제일 가까이 사는 주형이만 부담을 것이 아니겠소. 이름도(VASCULAR SURGERY) 생소한 다리혈관 수술을 해준 의사가  신장 전문에  refer해준 것이 마음에 걸리는 구료.

주형이의 일정으로 이달 말에 신장전문의와 예약이 되었소.  스캔결과 이상이 있어 신장전문의 한태 보내 는것 같구료. 이제는 부위별로 망가져 건강 걱정 때문에  편하게 가지 가게 미안할 따름 이기만 따름이오.

오래 애들과 당신 이야기를 적이 있엇소. 결론은 당신을 Wonder Woman이라 말을 하면서 자기들은 엄마같이 이라 하여 너희들도 결혼하여 애를 낳아 길러 보면 엄마 같이 된다 더니  자기들은 아빠나 자기들에게 엄마 헌신적인 삶을 따라 갈수 없다고들 하였오.  

셋이 엄마를 위하여 추모싸이트를 만들었오. 당신의 억척이 셋을 전문인으로 만들어 놓아 엄마에게 고마움을 가지고 있고 역시  고맙기 하오. 경황이 없어 미진한 감이   없지 않치만 계속 보충하겟다 하오. 배경음악은 당신이 좋아 하는 Piano곡과 당신의 18옛시인의 노래 곡만 하다가 주형이가 엄마가 줄겨 들었던 들을 포함 시켰으면 하여 당신이 듣던 곡들을 생각나는 되로 보충 예정이오.. 아침 저녁으로 새로운 일거리가 생겨 Slide Show당신이 좋아  곡을 들으며 눈물을 흘리고 있고 당신을 보려  매일 들어 가기를 약속하오. 작년 1내내 건강이 허락하면 꽃피는 4한국에 가고 싶다고 하였는데 꿈을 이르지 못해 가슴이 기만 하오. 한국여행을 가게 됫다 면  한국에 있는 친구 부부들과 합류할 계획이었소. 이제 당신이 투병 하는 동안 물심양면으로 도와주시던   모든 분들 에게 당신을 대신하여 감사의 말씀을 드려야  같구료.

40여년간 근무했던 Coastal  Community Hospital  동료 분들, 가주 간호협회 현직 회장단 임원님들, 서강 초등학교 친구들 , 진명 여고 은사님들 및 58회원님들 과 LA거주하시는 동문님들, 중앙대 적십자간호대학 부총장님 교수님들, 선배님 동기 그리고 후배님들  , 에서 인연을 맺은 모든 분들, 당신을 살리려고 애를 쓰셨던 모든 의료진들 ,한국에 있는 나의 친구들께  당신을 대신하여 감사의 말씀을 드리겠소. 원로 분들 에게는 전화를 드려야 하는데 자신이 없구려 .  여러분 정말 고마웠습니다. 사랑합니다. 생명이  때  까지  잊지  안켓 습니다.

2014년 6월 5

                                신연옥 남편 박시영


PS: 책상을 정리하다 친필로 것이 발견되어 추모 싸이트에 올리느라 지체가 되었소.

     주형 ,주연 Emma, Novert’s,  Annabelle’s ,Noelle’s 함께 당신이 좋아 했던 중국집에  갔었는데

    음식 주문을 받던 분이 왜  당신과  함께 오지 왔느냐고 묻기에 세상으로 갔다고 대답 했더니 몹시   당황을 하였고 나는 되로 울컥 하여 손주들 에서 눈물을 보이게 되었소. 음식을 젓갈 당신 생각이 나서 도저히 음식을 먹을 없었고 가장 붐비는 시간 이라  주위 손님들에게 폐가 같아 먹다 말고 밖으로 나가  버렸소.  5월 25수술부위 Staple뽑고 집에 오다 들러 마지막으로 당신이 있게 먹던 곳이고 다음 날부터 상태가 악화되기 시작하여 5월 30당신의 소원 되로 손과 딸들의 손을 잡고 나서  조금은 위안이 되는 군요. 

옛날 젊은 시절 굳게 당신 사랑해? 때마다 말로 해야 되냐 하면서 보면 모르느냐고 대답 하곤 하였는데  당신 알지?   정말로 사랑했고 고맙기만 하였소. 신연옥씨 정말 정말 사랑 해요.    





진명58 졸업 35주년 기념 서부 관광

June 6, 2014

진명 58회 졸업 35주년 기념

                     미주 서부관광을 끝내고----



           하얀 빛의

           그리움으로 이루워 졌을때



           Grand Canyon에서 들려오던

          천년의 바람소리에

           태고의 신비로움에

          마움도 눈도 비웠다네

         더욱더 순하고 착하게 살리라



           하얀 눈꽃을 머리에 이고

           당당하게도 인사를 하던

          전나무들도 웃었다네

           Sedona로 가는 마음 마움이

           너무나도 재미 있어서….


           평원의 푸르름은 한없이 펼처 지는데

           인디언 복순이 할머니의 이야기는

           또 다른 삶으로

           마음에 남았다네

           Walnut Canyon 어딘가에서

          아직도 고국을 그리워 할

           그 영혼을 만난다면


           나도 한국이 이라고….


           낮은 하늘 때문 이었을까?

           예술가의 마을이 내려다 보이던

           Sedona의 붉은 언덕위에서

           몹시도 웃었다네

           이리저리 뛰어 다니며

           사진 찍히는 재미에

           아직도 아이인가 싶어서….


           간밤에 내린 눈길을 피하여

           구비구비 돌며 들어간

           Yosemite의 아름다움은

           우리를 일깨웠다네

           산에 걸린 한조각의 구름처럼

           한줄기의 폭포처럼

           겸손히 살라하며….



          파아란 연두색 속으로 빠져들던

           오후의 피곤함도

           하하하의 함성으로

           활짝 웃고 말았다네

           친구들이 그냥 좋아서….


           아 – San Francisco !

지는 해 금빛 바다위에서

의연함을 자랑하던 금문교

이유야 어쨌던

많은 이들의 슬픔을 담았던

작은 섬위의 감옥

잠시 우울이 스쳤다네

삶의 희노애락이 새삼스러워서….


부슬부슬 내리던 봄비와

밝가오던 하늘이 함께 할 즈음

우리는 다소곳이 머리숙여

기도하며 찬양 했다네

우리에게 내려진

축복을 감사 드리며…




펼치면 펼칠수록

진솔하던 자서전

가슴으로 들으며 머리를 끄덕였다네

거울 앞에 선

우리들의 모습이

너무 닮아서….



남긴것은 아무것도 없다네

사랑으로 열린 마음과

배려의 따뜻함과

깔깔 거리던 웃음 소리와

건강을 약속하던

어릴적 친구의 목소리 밖에는….


                     2004년 3월 7일

                     미국 Los Angeles에서

                     신  연  옥


PS: 여행을 함께 한 사랑하는 친구 모두에게

    이 글을 보낸다.

To my Mom (from Lisa)

June 5, 2014

Dear Umma,

Thank you for being the consummate role model – a strong and loving mother, caring wife, adoring grandmother, dutiful daughter, affectionate sister, steadfast friend, inspiring leader, compassionate nurse, avid reader, writer, poet, painter, nature lover and joker, all while working full time and even double shifts on occasion.  You always seemed to have enough time and energy to maintain and nurture the numerous relationships in your life.  It became apparent to all of your daughters after your diagnosis just how much you were loved and respected. 

After I found out about your diagnosis, I once tried to apologize to you for all of the long nights that you had to work and hours of sleep that you had to forego to provide for us, and you stopped me and told me that I should never apologize because it was “your pleasure” to be our mom and to raise us.  Umma, it was (and still is) my pleasure to be your daughter, and I feel fortunate every day that I had (and still have) the honor of you being my mom.  Thank you. 

I always felt your love no matter how far apart we were, and I hope that you felt my love across the many miles that often separated us.  And I still feel your love when I see a beautiful flower, when I’m with my sisters, when I eat certain foods that remind me of you, and when I crave something sweet first thing in the morning. 

I recall you sharing with me that you thought of your mom all the time after she passed away in the spring of 2003, which made me realize that the strength of the bond between mothers and daughters is unbreakable even in death.  You will forever be on my mind and in my heart, and I will miss you every single day.

I promise to follow the words of advice that you often gave to me – I promise that I will “stay safe”, “stand up straight,” “get some rest” and “be positive”.   I promise to also tell my future children just how much you loved each and every one of them.     

On a final note, I wanted to thank all of your friends on behalf of our family for the love and compassion that they provided you during the last two and a half years. Thank you for visiting, calling and writing letters and emails to our mom.  It broke our heart that we couldn’t always be with our mom, but it gave us great comfort to know that when we couldn’t be there for her, you were there to listen, do laundry, take her out for a meal, make her laugh and to allow her to momentarily forget her pains and worries.  We are truly grateful for your friendship with our mom.

Love always,


First memories and recent conversations...

June 4, 2014


My first memories of my aunt (고모) was when I was just a child... still living in Korea, when my aunt, uncle, and their kids came to Korea.  Although it was odd seeing my dad's "baby sister" (since he was the youngest still living in Korea) it was even more odd meeting my "dark" cousins for the first it was the first time I had seen such tanned Asians.

Little did I know at the time that I would be living in their home as my family moved to the States.  Soon we were settled in and having Thanksgiving dinners.  Funny how life is… with everyone busy with their own lives… that despite being the only relatives in the US, our families didn’t see each as much as we could have. 

It’s sad and regrettable that it took my aunt being sick for me to see her more often.  However, I’m also grateful for the time that we did have…  I’d tell her about stuff going on in my life and she’d talked to me about her thoughts and fondest memories.  Few that come to mind are how as children my dad was “mean” to her but loved how she tagged along with him wherever he went; and regarding her 3 lovely daughters.

I'll miss you 고모.

To her 3 daughters (Julie, Helen, Lisa)

Julie: She was so thankful to have you close, taking care of things.  She saw a lot of herself in you… dependable, responsible, and strong.  She thought it took her too long to realize that she didn’t have to be the rock all the time… that she can lean on the loving people around her… hoped that you would as well.

Helen:  She was very happy that you are where you are now.  You were a handful as a child and pained her to see you during the hard times as an adult but so proud of you for making it out on the other side.

Lisa:  She worried about you the least.  Precocious as a child, always so sure of what you wanted and wanted to do.  She expected that you will continue to live life to the fullest.

One of her wishes (more command than wish…LOL) was that we stay in touch and see each other more often.  Let’s do that… we share a bond through your mom (our aunt) that cannot be broken and should not be forgotten.  We are after all, family.

Love of Music from Julie

June 4, 2014
When we were young, my mom started us all on piano lessons. As many of you can relate, I started to dislike them. I had to practice each song 10 times which meant playing for at least a full 30 minutes. Usually, I tried to play through each song quickly so I could hurry up and play outside. She would complain that I didn't put feeling or soul into my playing. She was right. I didn't appreciate or enjoy music at that age. My mom loved many kinds of music. She especially enjoyed classical music and would love to attend concerts. When I attended UCLA, we had the privilege of attending the concerts of Itzhak Perlman and Yo-Yo Ma. Those were special times that I will cherish forever. She also loved Korean pop and folk music. She loved 세시 봉 music, especially a Korean folk singer named Yang Hee Eun (양희은). Her music reminded my mom of many memories of her student days. Mom didn't sing much during karaoke but I remember that the one song she would sing was 옛 시인의 노래. Towards the end of her life, she found comfort in listening to the beautiful piano music of Yiruma. This week, my mother's close friend told me that my mom loved the song 서른즈음에. Just today my father told me my loved the music of Nana Mouskouri. It was a bittersweet experience for me to set up the audio for this website. Music tugs at our hearts and although it was painful to listen to these songs, it was also beautiful in the way that it reminds me of my mom. Mom, there was so much beauty in your life and you taught me to appreciate and enjoy the beautiful life that you help provide for me. Thank you mom for making me continue to learn piano and for instilling the love of music in my heart so I can see the beauty that surrounds us.

Toys "R" Us and the Volvo Station Wagon

June 3, 2014

On March 26, 1988 my family immigrated to California from Korea in my parents’ hopes of providing their kids with opportunities for a better life. We kids were sporting full-body thermal underwear underneath our toasty winter clothing due to an unusually brutal and long-lasting Korean winter only to step off the plane and pack into 고모’s Volvo station wagon which had been baking in an equally brutal and long-lasting Southern Californian heat wave.


“What is this blisteringly hellish place we have come to? I wanna go back to Korea where it’s nice and snowy! America isn’t the paradise I was led to believe,” I recall thinking.


고모 must have noticed the looks of displeasure on our faces because she told us, “It’ll get better, hang in there!” 


After a quick lunch we were taken to 고모’s air-conditioned, palace-like house which would be our home for the next few months while we found a place of our own.  The following day, we took another ride in the sauna-on-wheels which turned out to be very enjoyable after 고모 yelled, “Everybody 오줌!!” as we passed over a particularly hilly section of the road which made it feel like being on a rollercoaster. We ended up at Toys “R” Us where 고모 let us pick out a bunch of toys, at which point I completely forgot about the heat and decided I love America after all.


That is the earliest of the many fond memories I have of 고모.


I deeply regret that it was only after learning of her illness that I began to visit and spend time with her on a regular basis. And even then I expected any day to hear the news of her miraculous recovery.


고모, there are too many things I wish I could have said to you when I had the chance...


고모, I will miss you. You were loved by all those whose lives you touched.


I will miss the warmth and love with which you always treated us.


I will miss your hilarious childhood stories of the sibling abuse you suffered at the hands of my dad.


I will miss the delicious Thanksgiving turkey dinners you always invited us to come and enjoy.


Thank you for taking us into your home and being our guide when we didn’t know a thing in a strange, foreign land.


Thank you for being our 고모.


We will take comfort in knowing that you are now in a much better place.


Until we meet again…

My Dearest Friend Helen

June 3, 2014


My dearest friend Helen,
We have been friends for over 2 decades now, went through high school, college, marriages, children, careers, and losses together....through every life event, the memory of your mother's support was evident and present as always.
When I was throwing rocks at your window in high school, it was your mom who opened the door and told us we can come embarrassing but she opened her home to us even when it was late at night.
It was your mom who allowed you to have that cool white Toyota Camry that we drove everywhere in high school and parts of college around in. 
When we came to visit you in AZ, I remember you making us soup for breakfast and we Helen moved to AZ and learned how to cook Korean soup!  But nope, we opened the freezer and there were bags and bags of frozen Korean food.  Of coarse it was all your mom's cooking....and we were lucky to have got to eat some of it and discovered your cooking trick, we knew we can just open your freezer and have home cooked meals from your mom!
You have moved half a dozen times through our friendship and often putting us thousands of miles of the times being when I loss my in-laws.  I knew that distance couldn't bring you to comfort us in person, but your mom was the one who came and mourned with us. She helped us get through a difficult time with her supportive words of wisdom.  I always knew that you were like family to us, but the support that your mom showed to both Kevin and I, affirmed it all!  I still remember her observing me greeting other Korean elders at my father in law's funeral and corrected my bowing etiquette, I was so grateful for her being there and providing me the guidance so I was able to give the proper respects and save me from embarrassment.  
When I had my first born, she sent you over with a bag full of formula and baby necessities.  Withy my second born, she sent you over with her yummy "Korean" enchiladas. 
We can go months without talking to each other and when life brings us back together, it's like we never loss all that time.  We are able to just pick up where we left off, as if we were back in high school again!  You have always been my closest friend with a heart of gold, all attributes that I know you learned from your mom.  I know how your mom supported you through some difficult times these past years and I remember telling you that we are both very lucky to have mothers that do what they do for us and their grand kids.  Your mom always had that loving smile when I saw her and a great big hug and like you and I, even though I didn't see her often, when I always felt like family and no time had been loss. 
Helen, you are a glorious person, which means you came from a mother that taught you many great lessons and I was lucky enough to have experienced and witnessed some of them that I still carry with me today.  And I thank you for allowing me to have a little part of your mom.  Her legacy will not be forgotten and lives on through you, your sisters, her grand kids, and all that were fortunate to have met her.
With deepest sympathy, our condolences and prayers are with  you and your family through this difficult time.  We are here for you if you need anything. 
Love, Kevin, Margaret, Calvin, Connor, baby Cayden, and the Ngo Family


Brick Bread

June 3, 2014

Dear Julie's mom,

I was very lucky to have roomed with Julie one summer at UCLA.  Lucky not only because Julie was an awesome roommate- but also because you were a FABULOUS cook.

After a weekend home, you would send Julie back with food for all of us to enjoy.  I specifically recall a loaf of bread you made- I think Julie said it was honey wheat.  That loaf looked like a brick, weighed a ton and was as dense as a politician.  I had a slice with jam and it was the best bead I had ever had.  I think I thought about that bread more than was healthy.  Julie probably wondered who kept sneaking slices... yes, it was me.  I probably spent a lot of time in front of that loaf embarassed because I wanted to eat the whole loaf and because I knew that something that weighed that much could not have been low in calories.  I still don't understand how you got that bread to be so soft and tasty while being so heavy and dense.  I think Julie said that you didn't understand why that loaf was so heavy.  Maybe it was all the love your crammed in to it.

You had also sent Julie home with a big bowl of shrimp filling for eggrolls.  I knew it was going to be epic.  Unfortunately, I had to go home for something and I knew I was going to miss the eggrolls.  I actually contemplated not going home so I could have some of the eggrolls!  Yes- your cooking was that good.  When I returned, the eggrolls were all gone and I didn't get to have any but they linger in my head.

Thank you for the awesome memories Julie's mom.  You were always a pleasure to run in to and you always had a kind word for me.  I know my mom loved you dearly and she always spoke so fondly of you.  We are all so lucky you graced our lives and made us better people.  We will all miss you and when I see you in heaven, I'm going to ask you for some recipes.





Dear Mom (from Helen)

June 3, 2014

Dear Mom,

One of my earliest memories of you is when you would wake me up in the mornings.  I know that most children don’t like being woken up from sleeping, but it was something that I looked forward to with you.  You would sit beside me and gently touch my cheek and tell me how much you loved me. But you didn’t even have to say a word, because I knew and have known, without a doubt, that you loved me so much.

I loved watching you cook and you were such a wonderful cook.  You took so much pleasure in feeding everyone.  Every day, growing up, you would show us your love by feeding us. Well into my 30s, I felt your love every time I opened my freezer.  You would fill it with home-cooked meals so I would never go hungry.  You always made me feel loved.  I was convinced, and still am, that your secret ingredient when cooking was love. 

You made it a point, along with Dad, to take my sisters and me on a family vacation every year.  You instilled the love of nature and the value of family time in all of us.  We didn’t have a whole lot growing up, but we had each other.  We always had each other.

You were a doting mother.  Everything you did, you did for your kids.  You worked the night shift for years so you could be with us during the day.  You often worked two jobs so we could go on our vacations and take piano lessons, gymnastics, painting, cooking classes, swimming lessons, you name it – we took every single class imaginable. You helped us with our homework. You attended every single parent-teacher conference, piano recital, violin concert, volleyball or track event – you were there for us growing up.  You were our own personal cheerleader: encouraging, motivating, inspiring and always pushing us to do our personal best.

During my college years, I would get frustrated with you because you would stay up at night, sometimes as late as 3am, and wait for me to get home.  I’d get upset because I felt I was no longer a child and I didn’t want to be treated like one.  I didn’t understand at the time that I’d always be your child.  I didn’t understand how much you loved me, that is, until the day I became a mother myself.

When Emma was born, I thought my heart was going to burst with love.  I remember thinking that I loved this baby so much and the love I had for her was so great, that no one could possibly love their child as much as I loved mine.  It occurred to me then, that this is how you felt about me.  I finally understood why you stayed up every late night that I had, why your heart bled with mine during my divorce, and why you held your breath every time I took an exam during pharmacy school.  You were there for me - without me asking - you were always there to pick me up and make me whole again after I was so broken.  My heart aches when I think about all the painful times I put you through. 

But I made it through.  I graduated from pharmacy school in June 2011.  You were so proud and I was so happy to begin a new chapter of happier memories.  I finally had a chance to begin replacing some of those tough memories with better ones, happier ones.

You loved spending time with Emma, and Emma loved her Halmoni.  You were such a wonderful grandmother.  You drove out to Arizona without hesitation when she got sick.  You drove out to Las Vegas every other weekend to give her love and stability when her world fell apart with the divorce.  But most of all, you two shared a special bond.  You loved her so selflessly, so wholeheartedly, so unconditionally.

Finally, after years of worrying about me, I was ok. You breathed easier knowing that I was ok.  I could see you finally breathe.  You spent more time doing the things you really enjoyed, such as quality time with the grandkids, family and friends, hiking, reading and writing.  You did all of these things, until you couldn’t…

It was on my birthday in December of 2011.  You and Dad came out to visit and took me out to dinner.  I knew something was wrong, but you wouldn’t say.  Later that night, Emma showed me the recording she made with her new toy.  There were pictures of you on the phone crying.  I asked Emma who you were on the phone with and she told me it was Emo (my older sister). 

My sister told me what my mom couldn’t.  None of it made any sense.

In a way, the last two and a half years have been the longest two and a half years.  It was so hard to see you in so much pain.  But mostly, I feel that time went by too fast.  None of us were ready to let go.

I’m grateful that I was there, with our family, when you took your final breath.  I’m grateful for all the love and sacrifices you’ve made for me.  You were such a beautiful person. So loving, positive, selfless, and charming.  I was so lucky to have you as my mother.  You taught me what love really means.  And you didn’t even have to say a word, because I knew and have known, without a doubt, that you loved me so much.

I’m struggling right now. But it’s ok.  I’m told things will get better in time.  Plus, now I have you as my guardian angel.  But then again, I’ve always had you as my guardian angel.

I love you, Mama.


Nursing Is...

June 1, 2014

몇년전 남가주간호협회 쎄미나에 한국간호계 VIP숙소마다 예뿐 카드에 Nursing은을 써서 놓았는데

김모임박사님이 본 쎄미나를 시작전에 알려줄것이 있다며 낭독하였는대 청중들이 또요를 요청하여

세번을 하시어 알려졌고 한국의 간호신문기자가 양해를구하여 간호신문에 개제되었고 원고료는

모교로 지불요청을 하였다. 


                        신 연옥(재미 동문 24회)

Nursing은 머리입니다.                          Nursing은 다리입니다.

    전문지식으로                                     튼튼한 두 다리는

  어려운 상황 속에서도                          간호의 재산입니다.

빠르고 바른 판단을 해야 하니까요.        누군가의 미소를 위하여

                                                               종일 종종거리니까요.

Nursing은 눈입니다.

    환자에 관한 건                                      Nursing은 인내입니다.

  하나도 빠뜨리지 않고                               고통을 함께하고

섬세하고 정확한 관찰을 해야 하니까요.       그들의 짜증을 받아야 하는

                                                                   스펀지 같은 참을성이 필요하니까요.

Nursing 입입니다.

   분명한 의사소통으로                          Nursing은 사랑입니다.

  괴로움을 보살피고                                위급순간이 닥치면

희망과 확신을 줄 수 있으니까요.               생명을 구하기 위하여

                                                                나를 잊은 채 모든 것을 주니까요.

Nursing은 가슴입니다.                                  

   따뜻한 체온으로                              Nursing은 지혜입니다.

사랑을 가득히 담아                                 고집스런 병상도

그들의 고통을 녹여야 하니까요.                까다로운 환자도

                                                               때론 돌아가야 하는

Nursing은 손입니다.                            융통성이 필요하니까요.

   숙련된 테크닉으로                            

  아픔을 어루만지고                           그래서 Nurse는

  그들을 잡아 줌으로써                       마음이 예쁘고 따뜻하지요

용기를 주어야 하니까요.                     몸도 튼튼하고

                                                           머리도 영민하여


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