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January 16
January 16
Nin Hao Nai Nai,
I wanted to let you know that it has been approximately one month since I found out that I was accepted to The University of Chicago! It was my top choice. This was a big life event that you were unable to see from earth. But I know for certain that you are happily watching from Heaven in God's arms. I will be the first one in the family to graduate from such a prestigious research institution. I couldn't have done it without you. From the values you instilled in me at a young age to the struggles you faced coming to America, I couldn't have done it without you. The acceptance rate last year was only 4% and it is consistently ranked top in the nation, above most Ivy League institutions. I know you are beyond proud of me in Heaven. You truly valued education, and you were driven to succeed. I also scored in the top 99th percentile on the ACT test. As I plan to complete my high school journey, I wanted to let you know that I am on track to graduate St. John's with high honors: a 4.0 GPA and mostly honors/Advanced Placement courses. Also, happy belated birthday. Don't worry, we celebrated for you!

1 John 4:16 "And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love. Whoever remains in love lives in God, and God in them."

We miss you and we love you so much Nai Nai! We will see you again one day.

With Love, Evan and family.
January 6
January 6
Dear mom,

Today is your 81st birthday. I wish you a very happy birthday . We miss your cheerful energy that you brought with you wherever you were. We thank you for watching over for us from up above, since you left Earth. I love you and miss you very much. 

Love, Your son
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
It's been four years since my loving mom passed away, but I still think about her every day. She was such a loving mother and grandmother. She was always there for us, no matter what. She taught us the importance of hard work, perseverance, and family. She showed us what it means to be kind, compassionate, and forgiving.

I know that my mother's spirit lives on in me and in my children. We will continue to carry on her legacy of hard work, perseverance, and love.

Thank you, Mom, for everything. We love you. 
May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023
Dearest Mom,

Happy Mother's Day! I know it's been a few years since you've been gone, but I still think of you every day. I miss your smile, your laugh, and your hugs. But most of all, I miss your love.

You were the best mother anyone could ask for. You were always there for me, no matter what. You taught me so much about life, and I'm so grateful for everything you did for me.

I know you're in a better place now, and I hope you're happy. I love you always and forever.

On this Mother's Day, I wanted to take a moment to remember all the love and happiness you brought into my life. I know that you are always with me in spirit, and I will never forget the sacrifices you made for me.

I am so grateful for the gift of your love, and I will cherish it always.

I hope you are resting peacefully in heaven, and I know that I will see you again someday.

Love always,

April 23, 2023
April 23, 2023
April 9, 2023
April 9, 2023
Hi Nainai,
Thank you so much for being the best grandma ever. Thank you for teaching me how to write my name in Chinese. You cared about education and being a good person so much, and you were an exemplary example of how to be a follower of Christ. You were kind and forgiving person to all people, and helped everyone. You loved and cherished your family and friends, and you preserved nature. I wish you were still alive so you could enjoy our home out in nature in North Carolina and the Dominican Republic. Junior year at St. John's is hard and stressful but you motivate me to do better. Ian is very successful at the Awty International School. Everyone in the family is doing well and we wish you were here with us. We adopted a new dog named Mumu. Happy Easter Nainai, wo men ai nin!
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Dear mom, today is your 80th birthday! We wish you were here with us. You will always be in our hearts and we will celebrate with you in our hearts and minds. With love, Ning+family
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Dear Mom, on your 80th birthday we are celebrating your beautiful life and creations. Evan is now a Junior at St John’s, busy getting ready to apply for colleges. Ian is a sophomore in Awty and on the school teams for golf and basketball. He works out daily, is lean and strong. They are in the process of starting their first franchise business together with a good friend. Lulu is great at managing the kids, home, business and me. I’m playing lots of pickleball and co-chaired the most successful pickleball charity event raising nearly $200k for the kids at BigBrotherBigSister. We know you would be very proud of us. Your kindness and smile are always with us. Happy Birthday mom, we love you so much. Hugh, Lulu, Evan and Ian. 
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
Dear mom - it's been three years since you passed away. We wish you were still with us. We love you and miss you very much. We have many photos of you with your beautiful smiles around our house and constantly reminded of you.

You will always be in our hearts, where ever we are. 

Your grandkids are growing up beautifully.

Love you always.
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
Dear Mimi,
Although you left us too early on a day like this 3 years ago, your contagious smile and happy memories stay with us. We cherish the lucky moments we spent with you. We miss you dearly!
Matthew, Emily & Ramon
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
Mommy dearest, it has been 3 years since we last saw your smile. We miss your warmth, laughter and kindness. 

Evan finished second year in St John’s high school, he won the school’s top foreign language student award. He ran track, wrote for the school newspaper,popularized the Pig Club. Ian finished freshman year at AWTY, played basketball and golf, high honors and becoming a gym rat. You would be so proud of the young men they have become. 

Lulu and I love each other more than ever, and forever grateful for you. 

We miss you, but we know you are with us everyday and looking after us from heaven. 

We love you❤️❤️❤️❤️. 

Hugh, Lulu, Evan and Ian

January 6, 2022
January 6, 2022
Today would have been your 79th birthday. We miss you dearly and think of you all the time.  With lots of love from your son and family.
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021
Dear mom - I wish you a very happy birthday! We miss you very much and think about you all the time. Love you!
June 30, 2020
June 30, 2020

Mom, It has been a year since you were taken away, yet we feel your presence around us always. Whenever there’s a rainbow, I can see you standing at the end smiling at us. We love you and miss you. 
June 30, 2020
June 30, 2020
I cannot believe it has been a year now.
Mimi, you are greatly missed. 
June 29, 2020
June 29, 2020
My dear wife Mimi: You have left us a whole year today! How time flies! I miss you so much! Wish everything is good for you in heaven and wait for me to reunite with you there!
Your husband C Y
June 29, 2020
June 29, 2020
A year has quickly passed since you passed away...

Your face, smile and laughter are still remembered clearly in our heart, though we miss you very much, and which you were here with us.

We love you and miss you!
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019
I am so sorry for your loss. It is one of the most difficult experiences when losing someone so near and dear to your heart.
I hope you find can find some comfort the way I do when I read Ecclesiastes 9:5, "the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all". It brings me great comfort knowing that my loved one is not in any pain or suffering from anything.
I look forward to the day I can meet them again!
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019
Mimi, yours is a life lived the fullest. You set a good example for me and my new resolution is -- travel more, and take more pictures together with friends.
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019
Lost for now but loved forever!
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
咪咪你一路走好! 天堂没有病痛。 你的笑容和歌声永存!_____钟玲
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
Only met Mama Zhang few times but my memories of her is always cheerful and friendly. Always love her energetic move and big smile and telling of her stories, adventures etc... Mama Zhang lived a great life and groomed a wonderful family ! Take care Papa Zhang, Ning, Ju Ling and families !
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
Mama Zhang, we will cherish your everlasting memory in our hearts. The smile and cheerful presence that you carried and shared anywhere you go .
We will always remember the great memories of you, singing, dancing, volunteering, styling, but most important the kindness, love, humility and willingness to help others on all you did.
 “O God, creator and redeemer of all faithful people, grant to the soul of your faithful departed your mercy, light and peace. Amen”
We Love you,
The Bernal -Tran Family.
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
(Dr. Chang)
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
廿载涛涌同聆,一朝花落独行。茣道殊途无相伴,有歌送长亭。悼咪咪,愿一路走好 ------ 周方方
屈指祘来,自八十年代末,我们来休斯顿,不久就和长印夫妇和他们二位公子熟识,巳经过了卅十年 ........... “同龄挚友三十载 ,喜爱歌咏常相聚。咪咪驾鹤天堂去,音容笑貌存人间。” --------- 唐嘉千
我與 Mimi 不熟 但幾年來每周五的黃河練唱下來也不算陌生 還記得(兩三年前)黃河搭大巴去達加斯參加合唱活動並在市中心觀光行 回程時我與咪咪正巧坐同排座位 隔著走道聊天 談到中美 兩岸文化及家庭教育等 半個多小時似乎大部分是我在發表己見 咪咪很耐心地聽我説話 是個很有風度的對話者。這也是我多年來唯一一次與她超過兩分鐘的對話 不料人也離我們而去 不禁感傷。 謹附上下面一首歌做為紀念 : 我知誰掌管明天 I Know Who Holds Tomorrow  --------- 楊為行
前辈老去,后辈成长;逝者不朽,生者坚强!愿Mimi安息...  ---- Randy 宋
张先生和儿孙们,望你们节哀保重。相信她在天堂也会和她生前一样快乐!她的笑容永远刻在我们的脑海里。咪咪一路走好。 ------ 梁揚燕
咪咪,一路走好,天堂有音乐有快乐没有病痛。安息吧,你的音容笑貌永远刻印在黄河歌友心中!张先生请节哀顺变,保重! ------ 顏佳英
得知咪咪的消息。心中十分难过。他的笑容永存我们心中。一路好走。天堂安息。張先生请節哀。------ 康世慧
听到这不幸的消息,感觉好突然、好难过。咪咪,一路走好、天堂安息。------- 張红亚
咪咪甜美的笑容永驻!?一路走好,在天堂继续唱歌跳舞,开心快乐! 在黄河2017年庆祝元旦的晚会上,咪咪一如即往,笑得多开心啊!咪咪一路走好!张长印先生节哀顺便!  -------- 李家玲
忘不了咪咪甜美的笑容。咪咪,一路走好,天堂安息!  ------- 王宏敏
咪咪阿姨最后一次和我说话,在我群里。当时忙的都没有回复她,现在想想还真过意不去。 一路好走。永远活着我们心里。 --------- 李文一
真不相信她就走了!前不久看演出时还热情地帮我们找坐位......一位热心善良的老人家—安息!张老节哀顺便!保重!  --------- 李平安
咪咪,天堂里没有病痛。你留给我们的永远是灿烂的笑容 ,你的音容笑貌永远定格在我们心中。咪咪的歌声与我们同在 ......  王薇
Mimi 是我們的好朋友,你離開我們太突然了,太急了。我們很懷念你,願你天堂之路走好。 ---------- 沈以力
月初去探望时还说争取参加年底的演出,真是太突然了!咪咪一路走好  ---------- 王青
咪咪安息,一路走好 ---------- 翟玉熙
来团里晚,与咪咪交往不多,每次见到,她总是笑眯眯的说 “让你太太来唱歌”,和善可亲,多好的一个人,怎么说走就走,这个人间太残酷了。咪咪一路走好,天堂安息!我们会永远记住您的!请张先生节哀保重! ---------- 李平
咪咪安息,一路走好!只见过你几面,但对你印象很深,因为你总是笑咪咪的,和你的名字一样。 ---------- 郝苏陽
听到这个突如其来的消息,好难过!好心痛!咪咪你没走远,永远在我们心里,愿你一路走好!  ---------- 陳憲民
咪咪安息,一路走好  ---------- 倪大剛 田玲
Mimi 走了? 怎么可能? 不久前还见到她。 我们会永远记住她的微笑。 Mimi一路走好。一曲 ”Amazing Grace” 为Mimi送行。------- 佟友東
忘不了咪咪甜美的笑容。咪咪,一路走好,天堂安息! ---------- 刘俊秀
Mimi, 不敢相信的是事實,心裏很難受⋯⋯記得六月五號,冒著頃盆大雨去探望妳,妳還是那麼甜甜笑容。妳跟我說了一句話是我不會忘記的;(Anna,我跟你都是一樣的天真啊!)Mimi 安息願天父與妳一起。---------- 張麗燕
非常吃惊地听到这不幸的消息。愿咪咪一路走好,天堂安息 ---------- 季春群
咪咪大家永远怀念您。愿咪咪一路走好安息,望张先生保重。 ---------- 陳華夫
咪咪,一路走好,永记你的笑容  ---------- 刘艳
还记得十七号再去探望咪咪时还在一起哼唱“城南往事”,真没想到,安息,一路走好  ---------- 商為群
真没想到,咪咪走了??? 总记得笑咪咪的咪咪。一路走好,来日天堂一起唱。---------- 梁建华
不敢相信,記起放假前那甜美的笑容,相識一起唱歌廿年,这就永别了!走好,安息吧! ---------- 何君英
永远忘不了咪咪甜美的笑容,几年不见,记忆犹新。咪咪,一路走好,天堂安息!  ---------- 周平
刚开始认识您, 好羡慕您这个年龄还坚持唱歌。歌声永驻天堂 ----  李軍
于颖敏歌友安息!一路走好! ---------- 袁宇生  朱佩珩
咪咪,我们是你的老邻居,前天在北京上飞机时,我还说回来第一件事就是去看你,可是昨天在旧金山下飞机就得知你刚刚走了,怎么这么不巧?你是不是选择了不要那残酷的癌症晚期治疗?经历过的人都,知道,在78岁的年龄,这未必不是一个最好的选择,现在痛苦过去了,你留在世间的是青春焕发,健康快乐的笑脸,这是你留给大家的珍贵记忆。---------- 曾健君
忘不了咪咪甜美的笑容。咪咪,一路走好,天堂安息!  ---------- 黄慧敏  魏桂芬  朱彤
咪咪,天堂无病痛,一路好走永远怀念你的音容笑貌   ---------- 陳瑜
忘不了咪咪甜美的笑容。咪咪,一路走好,天堂安息!  ---------- 王冰冰
咪咪,一路走好,天堂安息! ---------- 祝盛華  李美霞
,Mimi 安息,忘不了你甜美的笑容.....   張憑
咪咪,一路走好,天堂安息! ---------- 殷輝  黄健怡
太难过了,回国之前才一起去Buffalo Bayou Park玩过,他们也计划回国,本以为还可在中国一聚。谁知会这样。昨夜难以入睡,今天老早又醒了,眼前都是她的影子  ---------- 楊慧珍
笑容可掬的mimi就这样的离开我们,我们都很怀念你,愿你在天堂里继续唱歌,跳舞。 ----------- 李鉄春
好花不常開, 好景不常在, 今宵離別後, 何日君再來. ----------  裴彩雲
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
I remembered when I first join Happy Dancers group how everyone welcome me. I will never forget Mimi’s big smile. I don’t know ‍♀️ what it is but whenever we all meet for practice I could feel a special unique bond among us. She was my dancing partner & never scolded me for my endless mistakes. I will miss her dearly.
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
Auntie Mimi was a loving and kind person, whoever met her loved her instantly. She always helped others and never said no. Thank you Auntie Mimi for all you have done and you will be missed greatly and we will miss your big smile the most.
Tan’s family
July 1, 2019
July 1, 2019
My mom has always been a kind and gentle hearted person. Anyone who has met her knows that she talks to everyone, and wants to help everyone... 
My brother and I are fortunate to learn from her traits, which we will forever remember, and pass on to our future generations.
We love you and will miss you very much.

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