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May 11, 2020
May 11, 2020
Time flies. It has already been a year that you left us. You will always be remembered for your kindness, enthusiasm, and support that you gave to your friends and colleagues. We will always miss you.

—- J. E. Lin
April 29, 2019
April 29, 2019
Xuejun friend, it is with heavy heart and great sadness we fare you well. It has been a great honor and pleasure to know a great person like you. We have been Ph.D. colleagues under Professor Ioannou. I remember when I first join the research group Xujeun was the first person took me around and showed me the lab and GMU campus. The first published paper I have in my Ph.D. was with him. He also helped me join AMD and was the first person to take me around AMD campus and took me to dinner in my interview. My first published work and patent in AMD was with Xuejun. There is a lot I owe him. I watched Xuejun in the good times with his great smile and happy spirit and in bad times during his first illness and while I was taking him for the radiation therapy after his first surgery and during all these times he was a strong, smiling and powerful. I admire you my friend and I hope you rest in peace and that one day we can meet in a better place. Farwell my friend and may God bless your family and provide them the patience and the power to endure in this life.
April 28, 2019
April 28, 2019
你的微笑,乐观,睿智, 豁达永远不忘。我们在一起的那么多欢乐时光:George Mason,庆祝香港回归,bush garden坐过山车(你脸都坐白了),吃饺子,蒸馒头包子.......永远伴随。
April 28, 2019
April 28, 2019
學軍兄,認識你的時候應該是在95年的Mason, 那時候你在Electronic Lab 當助教(TA),而我就是Lab裡一個學生。有一天你走過來跟我說一連串普通話,我一句也聽不懂,也不知道怎麼回答,然後你在紙上寫下”胸有成竹”,我就用廣東話說”胸有成竹”,就這樣我們開始認識(其實我本來都忘記了,是你不停跟其他朋友講這個故事:)
April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019
I know Dr Zhao since I was in Tsinghua University 32 years ago. Both Dr Zhao and I studied in the same physics major of Electronics Engineering department. We were in different classes. We took many lectures together during the college years.
Dr Zhao gave me a strong impression when he set up a committee across our four physics major classes and led the effort to plead our department adding electronics classes to our curriculum. I was part of the committee. He was brave, smart, confident, and he knew how to organize. He took a great personal risk helping us to achieve the goal. Eventually the electronics classes were added to our curriculum which benefited all our students in our physics major. He has great courage!
His class Electrophysics 87 has sent a wreath here. Now I will deliver eulogy on behalf of Dr Zhao’s class.
We, Dr. Zhao’s undergraduate classmates, Electrophysics 87’ of Electronic Engineering Department of Tsinghua University, were sad to hear that our dearest pal passed away after bravely fighting the cancer for the past decade. We always remember his unbridled laughter, humor stories, and most unforgettable of all - the delicious Ramen soups he cooked after 10pm at the university dorm, which made everyone jealous.
He was the General Secretary of our class for three years. Our class president recalled that Dr Zhao was always optimistic and friendly. He led us to win the 1st university level championship for our class; this was a big deal at that time, and such honor was featured on CCTV’s prime time. We were so proud of our collective achievement, and honored to have him as our leader.
He is a considerate husband and caring father. When we called him late nights, he always said that he needed to go to the study room; he’d lower his voice to ensure that our conversations would not be loud to disturb his family.  
We believe that he is taking a journey full of love and sunshine.
We will miss you, our friend and brother!  We wish the best for the family of Dr. Zhao.
Twenty seven years ago when we graduated from Tsinghua, we had said that the friendship we built during the 5 years at college would last forever. With this, let me relay our grievance on behalf of our whole class:
“永远的朋友” 清华大学电物7班全体同学,
Rest in Peace!
April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019
我的主内弟兄,我的邻居,我的校友,学军离开我们了。在他跟病魔搏斗的最后一年半多时间里,我所看到的学军,不是他由于日益加重水肿的双腿; 也不是几十斤肿瘤引起的腹肿; 更不是一下子苍老了二十岁的脸盘。我所看到的学军,是有一双明亮,和蔼,对与疾病抗争充满信心的眼睛。更可贵的是,一双像婴儿般纯真的眼睛。这就是他。
加拉太书 5:22-23 圣灵所结的果子,就是仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、 温柔、节制;这样的事没有律法禁止。 这些圣灵所结的果子在学军身上都有很好的彰显。
仁爱: 对妻子,女儿的爱。当体质越来越弱的他,晚上3点钟要起来吃东西时,他总是担心会影响第二天还要一早上班的太太。当太太出差时,他还记得要把没有气的汽车轮胎修好。常常对我说,太太一个人挑起一家的重担是多不容易。当每次他谈及女儿的时候,从他的声音,眼睛都能深深感到他的父爱。女儿努力,女儿的成就,女儿的懂事,都给他无比的自豪。
April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019
认识学军,海雁夫妻是在GMU读书的时候,那时候都是穷学生,口袋瘪瘪,但很快乐。学军是GMU CSSA的主席,我们诧异于他过人的精力。在非常繁忙的学业之外,和学校打交道,去使馆租借国内的电影录像,组织学生活动,他永远冲在第一线,做了大量别人未必能看见的工作。学军多年前不幸得病,但在任何时候都是非常乐观,他从不忌讳和我们谈论病情,那种平静似乎讲的不是自己。GMU时期的朋友李渭华夫妇,宁鹏夫妇,以及我们,沉痛悼念学军的离开,愿海雁及其家人节哀顺变,保重身体,愿学军一路走好。

April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019
Compassionate, smart and funny...Xuejun, you have left an indelible mark in all of us.
April 26, 2019
April 26, 2019
by 長虹
April 25, 2019
April 25, 2019
April 25, 2019
April 25, 2019
By Jie Yang

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