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"As you step out on the road I'll say a prayer. So that in my heart you always will be there.This is not goodbye, I know we'll meet again. So let your life begin because this is not goodbye. It's just "I love you" to take with you until you're home again"

January 27, 2020
January 27, 2020
It was with great sadness that we received the news that Jian has passed away. One of us (Souad) know him for 20 years, while attending a meeting on his most passionate work on Na/K-ATPase (pumping or not pumping). I introduced Jian to my husband (Raul) later and we both were fascinated by his warm personality and his ingenuity to pursue new ideas on how pumps worked. We will certainly will remember Jian with great affection and will never forget him. Our deepest condolences to his family,

Souad R Sennoune & Raul Martinez-Zaguilan
January 26, 2020
January 26, 2020

January 26, 2020
January 26, 2020
我们生活在美国中西部一个人口不到一万的小镇,中国人很 少。为了方便儿子上学,1999年的一天,我们到一个新区看房子。看到一个亚洲模样的父亲和他的两个儿子在家门前打蓝球,而且他的小儿子看上去与我们大儿子同龄,7,8 岁的样子。虽然当时没有说上话,但这画面让人感到温馨,安全。我们立刻决定在这个小区买房。这是我们第一次见到子建。




We live in a small Midwest town with few residents of Asian descent. One day in 1999, we went to a new subdivision to look for a house. As we drove through the neighborhood, we saw an Asian looking man playing basketball with his young sons in their driveway. The younger son was my older son’s age, 7, 8 years old. Although we didn’t talk, the scene gave us a sense of warmth and safety. So we decided to buy a house in the neighborhood. That was the first time we saw Zijian.

Later on, Zijian and his family became our neighbors and friends. Together, we played cards, walked, hiked to enjoy the spring flowers and fall colors, played volleyball, golf, and took the kids camping on Lake Michigan…

Zijian, you have been our friend for over 20 years and have left us many beautiful memories, you will be forever in our heart!

Jianzhen Xie & Xiaolu Chen
January 26, 2020
January 26, 2020
舅舅 小时候第一次见面 觉得你带着墨镜很帅 后来长大了一点 更觉得你聪明幽默 总能对我有所启发 更长大一点以后 才渐渐感受到你对身边所有人的关爱 不论是你实验室的学生同事 还是对你的亲人 在美国十多年 你把我当作你的孩子一般关怀 在我人生中的几个关键点 都有你的操劳 舅舅谢谢了 愿你一路走好 也愿我能在未来继续你对家人 同事 和 生活的这份热情和关爱
January 26, 2020
January 26, 2020

My Best Friend Zijian

The picture of smiling Zijian brings vivid memory of his trademark, yet a deep sadness creeps in my heart and I couldn't help blaming him for presenting such a heavy topic to me, life and death, only this time Zijian isn't there to help me.

Zijian is one of my best friends, which I have much stringent criteria more than just dining, wining, partying, which are important for being friends. Zijian is really an excellent party animal, he has the ability to enjoy the finer things in life and he can bring his friends into the enjoyment as well, an quality not too many people possess.

A best friend is more, a best friend has the ability to impact your life journey, like Zijian.

Zijian was ahead of me for 2-3 years in graduate school, so when I graduated, he was already joined the ranks of junior bosses. At that time, the Chinese economy just began to take off and Zijian was quick to feel the excitement and explored the feasibility of a biotech venture in China with local business leaders. I was part of the team Zijian had assembled and had opportunity to witness his business acumen in first hand. Although the venture didn't fly for various reasons and Zijan decided to focus on his academic career instead. But this invaluable experience with Zijan planted an entrepreneur bug in my heart. I eventually started my own biotech company after I left Toledo.

That shared experience with Zijian was instrumental for my career selection and changed my life forever. Thank you, Zijian.

A best friend can help you to understand and enjoy life better, like Zijian.

Zijian is known for his bourgeois taste even in graduate school. Yet I was completely dumbfounded years later when we met again to dine in a restaurant. Zijian was already a professor then and he proudly showed off his knowledge and taste for all kinds drinks, martini for appetite, white to match with seafood, red to match with steak, the difference and beauty of whisky, rum, gin, vodka, and when to drink these. Last, but not least, dessert wine. To me, Zijian must have mastered the drinking, no wonder he became a productive professor. It also clarified my confusion i had since I started graduate school, when my advisor expressed his serious concern that no one in the lab was enjoying drinking. Now I understand, a good professor isn't measured by how many papers he has published, rather, he is judged by his appreciation of drinking culture.

Well, jokes aside, the simple fact that Zijian enjoyed and knew how to drink was the reflection of his deep appreciation of what life can provide. He treated every moment as present, just as Master Wu Gui advised in Kong Fu Panda.  Even he was already ill, Zijian still organized a wonderful golf trip to North Michigan with a few friends. During the trip, he was the one to book the hotel, to show us the sites and local taste, to challenge us with golf course of various styles, to make sure every one was taken care of and happy. Best of all, to enjoy the time together. Yet he was ill and in pain the whole time.

That is Zijan I know, appreciate finer things in life and share his enjoyment with his friends.

I am greatly grateful with Zijian as our best friend. Now he moves on to somewhere else better, but we are still here to be just like him, to appreciate and to enjoy what life can and will provide.

William Lee and Hong Chang
January 26, 2020
January 26, 2020
I appreciated our talks, encouragement, wisdom, and for taking me in as a his graduate student. Dr. Xie gave me an opportunity and that’s all some people need and that’s what I needed. What you taught me I now instill in my students. This “Young Lady” as you called me has finally learned discipline :) You will be missed! 
January 25, 2020
January 25, 2020
Dr. Xie,


还记得在我们离开Huntington之前您在Country Club为我们送行。虽然重病在身,在我们面前您依然点着美食谈笑风生,还关心我们的生活和未来,我们牢记着您的每一句嘱咐和劝勉。您叫我们要学打Golf,我们现在已经在学习Golf了。真的不愿意接受那是我们见的最后一面。


January 25, 2020
January 25, 2020
前天Dr.Xie的学生打电话给我,告知他去世的消息,我和谭涛感到非常震惊和痛心!虽然我认识Dr.Xie时间不长,见面的次数也不算多。但他的儒雅和渊博的学识给我留下了深刻的印象。他是我合作过的最好的学者!他给我树立了我一生学习的榜样!愿Dr. Xie一路走好!天堂没有病痛!也请您节哀,千万保重身体!
January 25, 2020
January 25, 2020
近期太忙、微信刷屏、迟复为歉 去亲自送子健兄的愿望只能放弃,我们现在不能出武汉,只能遥拜他一路走好。我写了一首悼念子健的藏头诗,几天前已给吴淮亮,他让我找与子健的照片,一直没时间弄,子健离去、真的痛彻心扉

January 25, 2020
January 25, 2020
Words can’t express my deepest sorrow when I heard Jian’s passing. Jian is one of the people who had profound impact on my life. Thirty years ago, when I decided to come to the United States as many Chinese youth did then, Jian helped me to get enrolled in Medical College of Ohio starting a new life in the New World. He made my dream come true. Many years went by, I always remember the things Jian and Yahong did for me. I’ll treasure these memories in my heart forever. Jian, Rest In Peace.
January 24, 2020
January 24, 2020
January 24, 2020
January 24, 2020
Jijian was a wonderful collaborator, scientist and friend. I always admired his energy, his pioneering spirit, and his ability to think outside the box. His discoveries advanced a whole new field of Na pump signaling. He is greatly missed.
January 23, 2020
January 23, 2020
Dr. Xie was a brilliant scientist and one of the kindest men I think I've ever met. Even throughout his prolonged illness, he and his team continued to work toward treatments for diabetes, obesity, various cancers, uremic cardiomyopathy and retinopathy. I feel honored to have had the opportunity to work with him on his multiple patent applications. Rest in peace Jian. I have no doubt your research advances will continue to impact patients for years to come.
January 23, 2020
January 23, 2020
你是一位真正的科学家,最好的师长和朋友,不会忘记你谈起工作时眼里的光,明亮的笑容,那些满满正能量的话,会激励我一直努力着。你也是一位生活家,享受美食、美酒和golf,enjoy your life and your family,乐观的生活态度也会一直影响我。这不是告别,我们还会再相见。你不在的日子,大家一定会更努力的生活,虽然偶尔会哭泣,但会笑得更多、活得更坚强,这是对所受的爱的报答。 Miss u.
January 23, 2020
January 23, 2020
January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020
For Jian

Jian was Mozart.
His mind so rare.
And G-d laid down
The wonders of the universe
At his feet.

Born to understand biology
And define love.
He stayed as long as he could –
For us.

His ideas require we incorporate
Into our paradigm of understanding.

Jian took us to the edge of the known universe
And then one step beyond -
Where he wanted to be.
Science and wonder --
Shout for Joy!

He is not gone –
His love is alive in our hearts.
But the sorrow we bear -
The rain in our hearts-
Runs to the Ocean.
So deep,
The sorrow that we keep.

Be brave….darkness has its teaching.
Love never passes -
It is never gone.
It is alive in eternity.

We shall meet again, dear friend.

Composed by Mary Shapiro
January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020
We are deeply saddened by the news of Dr. Xie passing. The pump field just lost its greatest pump!
It's an honor to know you and have you as our dear colleague and friend. Please accept our condolences and we will truly miss you.
January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020
I met Dr. Xie in 2000 on my first trip to the United States. In 2004, when I returned for a period of 6 months in Toledo, I was able to have more contact with him. For me it was great to be able to work close to my heroes who managed to revolutionize the understanding of how Na, K-ATPase works. This certainly defined the way I think and had a profound impact on my training as a researcher and teacher. The last time I met Dr. Xie was in Kansas City in 2014 at a dinner party. As always he had a smile on his face and was discussing science with a lot of humor. The world certainly needs more people like Dr Xie and I hope he rests in peace.

Leandro Barbosa
January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020

Dear Dr. Xie,

When sending you an email, saying “Happy New Year,” your quick reply made me very happy because that indicated you were ok. Until now, I cannot believe I could not see you again. My husband and I planned to visit you during the traditional Chinese New Year. It is so sad that it could not come true.

I still remember your lecture, “No pump, no life” when I pursuit my Ph.D. degree at the University of Toledo ten years ago. That was so impressive! You are not only one of my committees, but you also are and will forever be one of my role models. I much appreciate you for recognizing me, encouraging me, and supporting me all the time. I never forget the Aha moment and the moment of truth when you came up with a fantastic idea. It is so touching that you always care about our time, our efforts, and my family that much. I have learned a lot from you, even if I missed some chance. Your enthusiasm for life and scientific research, your resilience, and your perseverance have been inspiring us. With all these incredible legacy, we will keep moving on------

The time we have is never enough.
The love we have is never-ending.
You are never forgotten, Dr. Xie.
May you rest in peace in heaven!

Dengyue and Yanling

January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020
The first time I met Jian was in the 1980’s when he arrived at the Medical College of Ohio (now part of the University of Toledo) as a graduate student. The last time I saw him was last summer, when as a proud father, he hooded his youngest son Jeffery as he graduated with MD and PhD degrees from the same school. Jian was always a very active participant in our department both as student and then faculty member. He was not only an accomplished scientist, but also an enthusiastic, effective and popular teacher both in the classroom and laboratory. Jian made many lives richer. He was one of the best.
January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020
Dr. Xie had a beautiful mind, heart, and smile. His smile could light up a room and all the souls in it. I remember thinking that Dr. Xie could choose to be intimidating to others because of his brilliant mind. He was anything but. His talent to make others feel comfortable in his presence while still challenging them to think and move forward was inspirational. I always felt comfortable recommending prospective students to learn from him and his lab because of his brilliance, demeanor and love for learning.

Over the last couple of years, I also got to see him out and about on campus and in the community with his lovely wife. Dr. Xie's smile and warmth will be missed by many, including me. I am grateful that I got to learn from him. Dr. Xie's impact in this earthly world was great and will be for years to come.

My condolences to Dr. Xie's family and scientific family. - Diana Maue
January 21, 2020
January 21, 2020
子建, 在我心里,你从未走远。我为你祈祷,愿你在天堂安息。你会被我们深深怀念,直到永远。
Dear Zijian, You have never left in my heart. I will say a prayer. May you rest in peace and comfort. You will be sorely missed, last forever.
January 21, 2020
January 21, 2020
Dear Dr. Xie:

   We just had a phone conversion with you on Dec. 28th. We scheduled to visit you in January, which now sadly became an impossible wish! You devoted your life to your loved science until the last minute. Your scientific wisdom, your never-stopping chasing truths' spirit and your full heart friendship are forever missed! 

  Dr. Xie, may you rest in peace.

               Your friends: Maosheng Duan, Yinghong Zhang
January 21, 2020
January 21, 2020
We were so saddened by the loss of Dr Xie. My wife and I met him around 2013 right after he moved to Marshall. We had several opportunities to interact with him and his sweet wife over dinner times. My daughter and I also met him at the Guyan for brunch, and he talked about how proud he was of his two sons and how he wished they were geographically closer to him. We are so touched by his contagious smiles and enthusiasm. I was very impressed by his exquisite ability to simplify the complex machinery of the sodium potassium pump, and his vision of how it has other function as a signaling molecule. I consider Dr Xie as a brilliant scientist. There is no doubt that his passing is a great loss to our University. Heaven has received a new son of Marshall, and rest in peace, Dr Xie!
January 21, 2020
January 21, 2020
It was with great sadness to hear. Although I knew Dr. Xie for just 2-3 years, I can tell that he is such a wonderful person. My thoughts and prayers are with Dr. Xie. May God give him the comfort and peace.
With heartfelt sympathy.
January 21, 2020
January 21, 2020
Dr. Xie was like a father to us, his students. He was an extraordinary scientist with great mind and wisdom, and an exceptionally kind person. He will forever be in our heart and mind. Rest in peace!!!
January 21, 2020
January 21, 2020
I first met Zijian in 2006, when I chose to spend my sabbatical in his lab at the University of Toledo. I was fascinated by the new way of seeing the function of a very old and investigated cell transporter, Na/K-ATPase. What I found there was a kind brilliant scientist, who had always new perspectives that made us think out of the box. He was also a great leader, and transformed controversial ideas into groundbreaking solid concepts. He left us too early, but his ideas will stay forever and his legacy will be remembered.
Here from Brazil we would like to offer Yahong and his sons our deepest and most sincere condolences 

Luis and Eliana
January 21, 2020
January 21, 2020
It was very sad news for my wife and I to hear that Dr. Xie had passed away after his battle with pancreatic cancer, and that we would no longer be greeted by his infectious smile and enthusiasm for life and his work.

He was truly a scholar and leader at Marshall University, reorganizing MIIR and bringing together a core group of exceptional scientists to further health research. He was respected by all who came in contact with him and has left his handprint on Marshall through the many successes that he had.

Beyond the science, he was a pleasure to spend time with. He introduced me to many of the teas of China and taught me how to enjoy them. We talked about a wide range of subjects in the times I met with him, and I always learned something new each time we met. I will miss those times together.

HIs passing is a loss to all of us. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
January 20, 2020
January 20, 2020
Unfortunately it’s time to say goodbye Dr Xie. During our years in your lab, you were very supportive and always there. Without Familly in USA, the lab was our family. You were part of this family, your kindness, your smile and BBQ salmon will stay in our memory. It’s was a honor for us to work in your lab.

Good Bye Dr Xie !

Our first thoughts go to Yahong, Joe & Jeff to whom we convey our deepest condolences.

Aude & Yoann
January 20, 2020
January 20, 2020
子建:此时不知该对你说些什么,只是仍难以相信你已经离开。南药同窗四年,一起上课、自习、采药、做实验,学生时代一起登泰山时的囊中羞涩,离校之后同游园明园时老莫餐厅的“大餐”,毕业30年后同学聚会时的豪饮...... 一切仿佛就是昨天,时间虽流逝了40年,但记忆中的你没变。愿你在天堂不再有病痛,继续研究你所痴迷的钠钾转换。—- 时涓
January 20, 2020
January 20, 2020
It was a pleasure to have Dr. Xie as a mentor during 3 years. I will remember him for his love of science and the scientific projects in progress in our lab. I learned a lot with him. He was very generous in every day life by sharing his passion like the golf. He tried very hard to convert me but I was more interested in driving the golf cart. He also enjoyed sharing good meals and drinks and helped me discover the American lifestyle. All my thoughts to his family and scientific family.
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
Dear Jian:
It is so hard to believe that you are gone home, but it is easy to imagine you in heaven looking down at us with your angelic smile! Rest In Peace my dear friend ! We will miss you so dearly!
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
不愿相信你走的消息,三十多年前一起在北京读研究生院,十几年前你和夫人及孩子们来参观Yale, 过了几年你又来Yale作学术报告,又过几年热情招待我介绍的同学的孩子……,一切依然列列在目,仿佛就在昨天,时间和距离从不会淡化我们的同窗友情。敬佩你终身献给科学,硕果累累,热爱家庭,教子有方,热忱待友,你做了那么多,太累了,好好休息,我永远的同窗好友!钱荷英
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
I met Jian (as I always called him) about 10 years ago, initially through mutual love of golf but quickly became very close friends. Jian was a fine scientist and a true gentleman. He treated his friends with gentleness, respect and true love. Jian will be forever remembered for his love of life and appreciation of fine wine. Jian was a most wonderful husband and great father. Jian was a superb mentor and has trained a large number of scientists, who will undoubtedly carry on his scientific legacy. Jian left us with a great amount of love and many fine memories. Jian had a wonderful life and was a true winner.

Jian: You will be forever remembered and missed by me and my wife Julie and all of your friends!

Your friend, Shaomeng Wang
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
Dr. Xie was a path finder. He devoted his last ten years to the discovery of alternative mechanisms for Sodium-potassium conversion and had made important breakthrough. He left us too early. We will miss his bright smile at parties and his lab will miss his brilliant leadership.
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020

January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
我和子健是大学四年室友,又是同乡,在北京三年读研时相距只一街之隔。Acadia, Ann Arbor, Boston... 来美后的每次见面都渡过了美好的时光。我无法相信一周前的见面竟成永诀!子健一生勤奋学术成就斐然。他深爱家人教子有方。他真挚待友乐于助人。子健安息吧!永远怀念你!姜庆平
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
I meet Dr. Xie since 2015 and have been working with him since then. He introduces me into the NKA Pump field and guides me to establish the new direction where my background in cell, molecular and developmental biology can be fully exploited. I am deeply impressed by his broad knowledge, sharp insight as his sharp tongue. Although I studied animal embryo development for years, I was shocked and stumped by his question about “primitive streak”, which took me a long time to dig in Google and PubMed. He is full of energy and always first come in and last leave the Lab. Always, he comes up with new ideas and puzzling questions which challenge me, push me and enrich me. He teaches me what is life about through his work and always stays with us.
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
Jian,我记得有一次我们在Ann Arbor吃饭的时候,一个韩国高尔夫球队进来。你和亚红兴奋地站起来,像小粉丝一样对着他们拍照,一脸的喜悦。我好希望那一刻可以永留!
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
我所见到的谢老师永远都是幽默的,亲切的, 睿智的,云淡风轻的;就像这张照片一样。59年太短暂了,愿您仍在别处幽默着,亲切着,睿智着。。。。。。
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
回忆里第一次见到您,是我去合肥新桥机场接您的那一天,我去的一路上都在纠结说英语还是说中文的问题,很紧张,但是见到您的那一刻我感觉很亲切。我带您到lab参观,中午我带着您去学校餐厅吃饭,一路上的谈话对我影响很大,您的一句话我受益终生,you must read! 我很羞愧当时的自己多么的无知,也很感谢您在我不知方向的时候指引了我。我很感谢人生中遇到你,令我的思维有了很大的转变,改变思维的意义太重大了!


再见了,Dr. Xie!

January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020
It’s so hard to say goodbye. I still feel your present beside me in the Lab. I will continue the project in which you helped mentor me. You were my mentor for six years and I want to say thank you for sharing your knowledge and your passion for research with me. You will be missed. Good bye, Dr. Xie, may you rest in peace.
January 18, 2020
January 18, 2020
大约两周前,做了一个关于您的梦,梦中狂风暴雨,电闪雷鸣,您来和大家说要开车回Ann Arbor, 大家挽留您,说天气不好,您休息一下,住一夜,等天气好了再出发,您答应了。现在想来,您这是来和大家做最后的告别。再见了,我的导师,希望您的另一个世界充满了阳光和笑容。you will be forever missed! 
January 18, 2020
January 18, 2020
It is so hard to say goodbye to a man and a scientific mind of Zijian Xie’s caliber. One shall feel so blessed to meet one like him in a lifetime, let alone enjoy as much of the time and the thoughts he so generously shared with us. May you rest in peace, Dr Xie, and keep smiling as we continue to honor your name and scientific contributions for generations to come. 
January 18, 2020
January 18, 2020
January 18, 2020
January 18, 2020
一日为师,终身为师。谢老师在学术和生活上总能给我们带来莫大的启发和帮助。愿您在天堂一切安好,来世还做您的学生。 —王彤
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Recent Tributes
February 9
February 9
Dear Dr.Xie, Happy Chinese New Year! You always inspire us towards happiness and success. Forever in our hearts.
January 17
January 17
You are dearly missed by your scientific family, Jian. Remembering your legacy today and every day.
January 3
January 3
Happy heavenly birthday! Your angelic smile brings peace to the world you left behind!
His Life


January 19, 2020
Dr. Zijian Xie. Ph.D, passed away on January 17 th , 2020 at the age of 59 after a long and
courageous battle against pancreatic cancer.

Zijian was born on December 27 th , 1960 in Changzhou, China, as the oldest of three siblings. He earned a Bachelor’s degree from Nanjing College of Pharmacy in Nanjing, China, in 1982, followed by a Master’s degree in toxicology at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing in 1984. He was the first in his family to earn the opportunity to travel to and study in the United States and received his doctorate in pharmacology at the Medical College of Ohio (now University of Toledo) in 1990.

At the University of Toledo, he served as a tenured Professor of Physiology, Pharmacology and Medicine, and co-director of the M.D./Ph.D. program. His laboratory became internationally recognized for its work in elucidating the mechanism of several cellular pathways and their association with renal, heart and vascular disease, and cancer. In 2013, Zijian was recruited to Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia to be the Director of the Marshall Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (MIIR), where he continued his ground-breaking research.

At the time of his passing, he had authored or co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters. He also served as the principal investigator or co-investigator on National Institutes of Health-sponsored research totaling over $10 million and international projects totaling more than $1 million in funding. His work also led to several patented applications for medical inventions and spin-off companies. However, throughout his illustrious 30-year career in academia, he most cherished the friendships he formed along the way with hundreds of former colleagues, collaborators, students, and staff.

Zijian is survived by his wife of 35 years, Yahong, and their children, Joe and Jeff. His
immediate family also includes his mother, Liu Yan Qing, his sisters Min Min and Yong Hong,
and his nephews and niece, Xiao Liang, Li Xin, and Xin Rui. He will be deeply missed by all.

A memorial service will be held on Saturday, February 1st, 2020. Further details on the event location and time can be found on this website.

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June 19, 2020
那是一九八九年的秋天我先生褚衍芳,被MCO录取了。只有25岁的他只身面对种种困难,要到MCO来求学。我们全家人在国内焦急地等待他的回音。他写给我的信当中详细描述了子建大哥和亚红姐去Toledo机场接他,然后带他到家里留宿。之后又帮他安排一系列的学校里注册,找公寓,直到把他安顿了下来。我们在国内都觉得非常非常的欣慰,幸运有如此的好学长。等到我来到MCO读书的时候我们都在一个系,天天可在走廊里或者是Lunch Room看到子建大哥高大的身影,和蔼可亲的笑容,听到他朗朗的笑声。记得第一次被邀请到他们家去开party,那时他们已经有两个孩子,还有房子。他们的生活就是我们这些初来乍到的学生的梦想。他们为我们做了一个非常好的榜样,让我们看到生活在这个国家也是可以非常美好的..... 很快三四年的学习就这样子结束了。毕业了我们都各奔了东西,过去的美好记忆像陈年的酒,都留在了心底,总想等时机,再回首再相聚,时间过得真是太快了,一晃都30年了,真的也没想到子建大哥就这样快地离开了我们。相聚易难,别亦难,在此真心的想告诉子建大哥,谢谢你,怀念你。
June 6, 2020
Dear Jian,
你最崭新闪烁的生命科学理念今天 终于公布于世了。

Science Advances/Molecular Biology

Sci. Adv. 2020; 6 : eaaw5851 27 May 2020

A caveolin binding motif in Na/K-ATPase is required for stem cell differentiation and organogenesis in mammals and C. elegans

Xiaoliang Wang1*†, Liquan Cai1*, Jeffrey X. Xie2, Xiaoyu Cui1, Jue Zhang1, Jiayan Wang1,Yiliang Chen3, Isabel Larre1, Joseph I. Shapiro4, Sandrine V. Pierre1, Dianqing Wu5,Guo-Zhang Zhu1,6, Zijian Xie1

Several signaling events have been recognized as essential for regulating cell lineage specification and organogenesis in animals. We find that the gain of an amino-terminal caveolin binding motif (CBM) in the subunit of the Na/K–adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) (NKA) is required for the early stages of organogenesis in both mice and Caenorhabditis elegans. The evolutionary gain of the CBM occurred at the same time as the acquisition of the binding sites for Na+/K+. Loss of this CBM does not affect cell lineage specification or the initiation of organogenesis, but arrests further organ development. Mechanistically, this CBM is essential for the dynamic operation of Wnt and the timely up-regulation of transcriptional factors during organogenesis. These results indicate that the NKA was evolved as a dual functional protein that works in concert with Wnt as a hitherto unrecognized common mechanism to enable stem cell differentiation and organogenesis in multicellular organisms within the animal kingdom.

Submitted 7 January 2019

Accepted 2 March 2020

Published 27 May 2020




Dear Jian,
Congratulations! Your newest and brightest concept of life science has finally come out.

(Sci. Adv. 2020; 6 : eaaw5851 27 May 2020)

I believe that in the near future, people will rewrite the meaning of Na/K-ATPase to life and apply it to treat diseases for the benefit of mankind. In the psalms for human life, you can finally draw a full stop.

Love and miss you

February 5, 2020



我们并肩走过了35年的日日夜夜,我们分享着数不尽的欢乐时光,我们有太多的共同爱好。你还是我第一个高尔夫球教练,也是最好的教练。我们共同养育了2 个儿子和2个侄儿,在你的精心培养下,他们个个聪明善良,像你一样对生活有理想,有追求。






昨天,当我清理我的书桌时,发现了一封不知你何时留给我的最后一封信。你写到:“ 亲爱的亚红:你是一个坚强的人。太多的爱在环绕着你;太多的心在保护着你,特别是我,特别是现在。”



亲爱的建,你知道吗?今天有106位亲朋好友来自不同的地方用鲜花和香槟庆祝你光辉灿烂的一生。你会为自己的一生而骄傲! 我们会永远爱你!永记心中!



To my Darling-Jian

Thank you to my Dear parents-in-law, for raising a son who was confident, optimistic, warm-hearted, ambitious and aspiring. A loving gift to me, that’s you, my darling Jian.

Thank you, Jian, for having me as your wife. There were so many girls who admired you. But you chose me and gave me a happy loving home. Your love never stopped from our first kiss until the end. You kissed me all the time in front of our kids and friends even though you knew this was not customary in Chinese culture to show your love openly. You took care of me.

We walked on this earth shoulder to shoulder for 35 years, we shared many happy moments and so many hobbies together, including golf. You were my first and the best golf coach. But you did get mad when I beat you. We also raised 2 sons and 2 nephews who grew up to be kind, intelligent, and aspiring just like you.

In our time together, wherever you were, you were surrounded by many, many dearest friends. You opened your heart to them, and they filled our lives with affection and love.

You were an intelligent and aspiring scholar. You loved your work. Your passion for science was fierce and never stopped until the end. You told me, your love for science was what you could hold on to when you fought for your life.

You fought a brave battle with cancer to make the most of your time. In the last phase of your life, you worked tirelessly day and night. You cared for every student and employee who worked for you. You mentored them and helped guide their future.

You were such a tough person. When you were in the hospital, you were afraid the painkiller would have clouded your mind. So, you refused to take them until the end.

You always put others before yourself, especially me. After you made all the proper arrangements for others, you held my hands in the last moment of your life, and said: “Hong, I can’t stay with you anymore. I am sorry, I am sorry….”

Yesterday, I found a card you hid on my table. You wrote: Dear Yahong: you are a strong woman. So many loves surrounding you, So many hearts are caring for you, Especially mine, Especially now. Love, Jian

Dear Jian, I know, we all know, you were too tired. You shall rest.

Don’t worry. We will continue the path you wished. You will forever live in my heart and our hearts.

Dear Jian, today, your family and friends, either here in person or in thoughts, are here to celebrate your life and achievement. You should be proud for yourself. We all love you and will remember you forever in our hearts.

I am so lucky to have you, Thank you, my darling Jian!

Yours Hong

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