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June 19, 2020
那是一九八九年的秋天我先生褚衍芳,被MCO录取了。只有25岁的他只身面对种种困难,要到MCO来求学。我们全家人在国内焦急地等待他的回音。他写给我的信当中详细描述了子建大哥和亚红姐去Toledo机场接他,然后带他到家里留宿。之后又帮他安排一系列的学校里注册,找公寓,直到把他安顿了下来。我们在国内都觉得非常非常的欣慰,幸运有如此的好学长。等到我来到MCO读书的时候我们都在一个系,天天可在走廊里或者是Lunch Room看到子建大哥高大的身影,和蔼可亲的笑容,听到他朗朗的笑声。记得第一次被邀请到他们家去开party,那时他们已经有两个孩子,还有房子。他们的生活就是我们这些初来乍到的学生的梦想。他们为我们做了一个非常好的榜样,让我们看到生活在这个国家也是可以非常美好的..... 很快三四年的学习就这样子结束了。毕业了我们都各奔了东西,过去的美好记忆像陈年的酒,都留在了心底,总想等时机,再回首再相聚,时间过得真是太快了,一晃都30年了,真的也没想到子建大哥就这样快地离开了我们。相聚易难,别亦难,在此真心的想告诉子建大哥,谢谢你,怀念你。
June 6, 2020
Dear Jian,
你最崭新闪烁的生命科学理念今天 终于公布于世了。

Science Advances/Molecular Biology

Sci. Adv. 2020; 6 : eaaw5851 27 May 2020

A caveolin binding motif in Na/K-ATPase is required for stem cell differentiation and organogenesis in mammals and C. elegans

Xiaoliang Wang1*†, Liquan Cai1*, Jeffrey X. Xie2, Xiaoyu Cui1, Jue Zhang1, Jiayan Wang1,Yiliang Chen3, Isabel Larre1, Joseph I. Shapiro4, Sandrine V. Pierre1, Dianqing Wu5,Guo-Zhang Zhu1,6, Zijian Xie1

Several signaling events have been recognized as essential for regulating cell lineage specification and organogenesis in animals. We find that the gain of an amino-terminal caveolin binding motif (CBM) in the subunit of the Na/K–adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) (NKA) is required for the early stages of organogenesis in both mice and Caenorhabditis elegans. The evolutionary gain of the CBM occurred at the same time as the acquisition of the binding sites for Na+/K+. Loss of this CBM does not affect cell lineage specification or the initiation of organogenesis, but arrests further organ development. Mechanistically, this CBM is essential for the dynamic operation of Wnt and the timely up-regulation of transcriptional factors during organogenesis. These results indicate that the NKA was evolved as a dual functional protein that works in concert with Wnt as a hitherto unrecognized common mechanism to enable stem cell differentiation and organogenesis in multicellular organisms within the animal kingdom.

Submitted 7 January 2019

Accepted 2 March 2020

Published 27 May 2020




Dear Jian,
Congratulations! Your newest and brightest concept of life science has finally come out.

(Sci. Adv. 2020; 6 : eaaw5851 27 May 2020)

I believe that in the near future, people will rewrite the meaning of Na/K-ATPase to life and apply it to treat diseases for the benefit of mankind. In the psalms for human life, you can finally draw a full stop.

Love and miss you

February 5, 2020



我们并肩走过了35年的日日夜夜,我们分享着数不尽的欢乐时光,我们有太多的共同爱好。你还是我第一个高尔夫球教练,也是最好的教练。我们共同养育了2 个儿子和2个侄儿,在你的精心培养下,他们个个聪明善良,像你一样对生活有理想,有追求。






昨天,当我清理我的书桌时,发现了一封不知你何时留给我的最后一封信。你写到:“ 亲爱的亚红:你是一个坚强的人。太多的爱在环绕着你;太多的心在保护着你,特别是我,特别是现在。”



亲爱的建,你知道吗?今天有106位亲朋好友来自不同的地方用鲜花和香槟庆祝你光辉灿烂的一生。你会为自己的一生而骄傲! 我们会永远爱你!永记心中!



To my Darling-Jian

Thank you to my Dear parents-in-law, for raising a son who was confident, optimistic, warm-hearted, ambitious and aspiring. A loving gift to me, that’s you, my darling Jian.

Thank you, Jian, for having me as your wife. There were so many girls who admired you. But you chose me and gave me a happy loving home. Your love never stopped from our first kiss until the end. You kissed me all the time in front of our kids and friends even though you knew this was not customary in Chinese culture to show your love openly. You took care of me.

We walked on this earth shoulder to shoulder for 35 years, we shared many happy moments and so many hobbies together, including golf. You were my first and the best golf coach. But you did get mad when I beat you. We also raised 2 sons and 2 nephews who grew up to be kind, intelligent, and aspiring just like you.

In our time together, wherever you were, you were surrounded by many, many dearest friends. You opened your heart to them, and they filled our lives with affection and love.

You were an intelligent and aspiring scholar. You loved your work. Your passion for science was fierce and never stopped until the end. You told me, your love for science was what you could hold on to when you fought for your life.

You fought a brave battle with cancer to make the most of your time. In the last phase of your life, you worked tirelessly day and night. You cared for every student and employee who worked for you. You mentored them and helped guide their future.

You were such a tough person. When you were in the hospital, you were afraid the painkiller would have clouded your mind. So, you refused to take them until the end.

You always put others before yourself, especially me. After you made all the proper arrangements for others, you held my hands in the last moment of your life, and said: “Hong, I can’t stay with you anymore. I am sorry, I am sorry….”

Yesterday, I found a card you hid on my table. You wrote: Dear Yahong: you are a strong woman. So many loves surrounding you, So many hearts are caring for you, Especially mine, Especially now. Love, Jian

Dear Jian, I know, we all know, you were too tired. You shall rest.

Don’t worry. We will continue the path you wished. You will forever live in my heart and our hearts.

Dear Jian, today, your family and friends, either here in person or in thoughts, are here to celebrate your life and achievement. You should be proud for yourself. We all love you and will remember you forever in our hearts.

I am so lucky to have you, Thank you, my darling Jian!

Yours Hong

February 1, 2020
此时此刻,应是悼念会召开之时,为兄者抱着巨大的遗憾因十多天努力的冶疗腰尖盘突出而还是开车不成去不了Ann arbor 与你最后的告别,只好借助这个平台表示淑英,Robert 及我对你思念和爱!
God love you so do I 

January 30, 2020
by Yao Pei
Lao Xie is our dearest friend for over twenty years! It is still hard to believe he had left us. Lao Xie was always fun to be with. His humorous and intelligent talks, his appreciation and passion for the finest quality of life are forever our admiration. He was a man with a beautiful family and successful career, he had a fulfilled life to celebrate!
Lao Xie, we miss you! You will be always in our hearts! Rest in peace!
Yao and Heping
January 26, 2020
我们生活在美国中西部一个人口不到一万的小镇,中国人很 少。为了方便儿子上学,1999年的一天,我们到一个新区看房子。看到一个亚洲模样的父亲和他的两个儿子在家门前打蓝球,而且他的小儿子看上去与我们大儿子同龄,7,8 岁的样子。虽然当时没有说上话,但这画面让人感到温馨,安全。我们立刻决定在这个小区买房。这是我们第一次见到子建。




We live in a small Midwest town with few residents of Asian descent. One day in 1999, we went to a new subdivision to look for a house. As we drove through the neighborhood, we saw an Asian looking man playing basketball with his young sons in their driveway. The younger son was my older son’s age, 7, 8 years old. Although we didn’t talk, the scene gave us a sense of warmth and safety. So we decided to buy a house in the neighborhood. That was the first time we saw Zijian.

Later on, Zijian and his family became our neighbors and friends. Together, we played cards, walked, hiked to enjoy the spring flowers and fall colors, played volleyball, golf, and took the kids camping on Lake Michigan…

Zijian, you have been our friend for over 20 years and have left us many beautiful memories, you will be forever in our heart!

Jianzhen Xie Xiaolu Chen

January 26, 2020
Words cannot express my sorrow about the death of a friend like Jian.  I met Jian in September 2009, while we worked together while I was Chair of Physiology/Pharmacology at Ohio State Medical School at Toledo. I was impressed by Zijian’ screativity, kindness and his helpful attitude and his discovery of NaK ATPase signaling pathway and along with Dr Shapiro , were able to identify role of these signaling in many organs and able to raise an international funding for future human therapy ( one Million $)

As I remembered, I was alone in Zijian asked me let us dinner, of course,Chinese food.  Then he would ask me about what we eat if I liked it or not, really, I did not remember what I ate, but keep tell me how can you forget what we ate 2 weeks ago and he would tease me.  I enjoyed my time with Jian as a friend and as a great scientist, but he was also a great family man, who made time and work hard for his lovely wife and son.

I must say the best legacy in the world as Zijian leaving the world , Zijian is “leaving and living” investment through productive children, Jeff and Joe , Zijian always claimed he had the best son in the world, and loving family and I agree with him. Yahong, you have given Jian support and care.  I admire your strength and ability to face each day’s challenges, especially the last 2-3 years.  Even though Jian’s death must be overwhelming to you and your family, I am certain that God is with you and you will find the strength and faith to face this great loss.

I hope you will take comfort in the relief of his suffering and know that his miseries eased by your tender care and deep devotion to helping him through every turn of his medical treatment.

Yohon you will feel him near you in the seeds he planted at home and at work, as mountain climber never dies, they just peak out.  My heart goes out to you and your family and to all Zijian’s dear friends especially Joe Shapiro, who was next to him during his medical therapy and consultations.

Zijian’s memory will stay with us forever. I know Zijian will be in heaven next to God with no suffering. For unknown reasons, one dies before another, but actually depart faster to be next to God. Zijian Jian still alive next to God and I am sure he is looking at us with peace and he has no more suffering and love to you (Yahong) and his family. Again, please forgive me for not being able to attend the ceremony service in West Virginia due to my illness but I will see you in the family service ceremony in Ann Harbor.  I cried a lot during my lifetime, first my father, my mother and now my dearest friend, Yahong my condolences to the children Joe and Jeff , remember, Zijian  departs TO LIVE NEXT TO God but Zijian lives in you, the children and me, Shapiro and all his friends as we will miss Jian every day.

~Nader Abraham


January 24, 2020

Very Unique Scientist and a Great Man

January 20, 2020
I first met Dr. Xie several years ago, the time that we were applying for COBRE grant at Marshall University. I was presenting a summary of the work we have done to get his input. I was fascinated by his character and the fund of knowledge he had. What I found unique at the time of this interaction was his ability to judge and criticize then teach all at once in a very smooth and brilliant way while maintaining his honest and beautiful smile. He represented a version of the highest caliber scientists with the addition of his kindness, something not routinely present in the world of science...

I am certain that his work and achievements will last and continue to find its place at the highest levels in the world of science for many decades to come. He surely will be missed physically but will stay with us for many years to come.

Thank you for the chance

January 20, 2020
My first job in science was with Jian.  He hired me straight out college with no lab experience.  He took a chance on me.  Not only did I love learning in his laboratory (then, MCO), I loved being around Jian.  A fews years later I completed a thesis in his lab.  Thank you Jain for helping me launch my scientific career. I will forever remember you.  Love, Angie
January 19, 2020
I met Zijian in 1997. I was introduced to him because I had just moved to the Medical College of Ohio, and Zijian was using an instrument I wanted to use. So began the scientific journey of my life.

I rapidly realized the Zijian had a unique way of thinking, and his understanding of the mammalian Na/K-ATPase was different from the 50,000 (or more) other scientists that studied it. Zijian saw a scaffolding function for the pump, and he was correct. His work revolutionized our understanding of signaling as well as established therapeutic targets for augmenting health or fighting disease. Among a number of discoveries, his opus is pNaKtide, a peptide formed from the interaction between the Na/K-ATPase and Src which he first imagined, then demonstrated, and finally applied. His absolutely unique insights will benefit humanity for the foreseeable future. 

It was an incredible 22 year journey for me to be able to work with Zijian. It is no exaggeration that his brilliance, his unique insights allowed me the incredible opportunity to participate in cutting edge Science these past 2 decades. From his death bed, he was still creating beautiful Science. I will still learn from him long after he has passed.

Zijian and I became very close friends. His children call me uncle. My children refer to him with the same honorific. In addition to being the most brilliant and exciting research partner anyone could wish for, he was a fierce and loyal friend who supported me in all endeavors.  I can't tell you how much I'm going to miss him, because I can't quite get my mind around the fact that he has passed.  

January 19, 2020
I have worked for Dr. Xie for several years now and he has been a great mentor and friend.  I will miss him very much.  My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

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