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February 9
February 9
Dear Dr.Xie, Happy Chinese New Year! You always inspire us towards happiness and success. Forever in our hearts.
January 17
January 17
You are dearly missed by your scientific family, Jian. Remembering your legacy today and every day.
January 3
January 3
Happy heavenly birthday! Your angelic smile brings peace to the world you left behind!
December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023
Happy Birthday!!! You are deeply missed.
January 18, 2023
January 18, 2023
It was just one year a long time ago but it is a huge experience for a lifetime.
Shàngdì zhùfú nǐ
Miss you
January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023
Jian, you have left us three years. But I still feel that was happened yesterday. We deeply miss you and love you!
January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023
Jian, you are deeply missed by so many. Forever in our hearts
January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023
May you always send us your angelic smile from Heaven. May your memory remains eternal
December 28, 2022
December 28, 2022
Happy birthday! Dr. Xie
December 27, 2022
December 27, 2022
Dear Jian,

Happy birthday! I know you are still with me. Let us cheer your birthday again.  I love you! Kiss you!
December 27, 2022
December 27, 2022
With all the best wishes above, Happy Birthday, Jian!
December 27, 2022
December 27, 2022
Happy Birthday in Heaven. You are loved and missed.
December 27, 2022
December 27, 2022
Happy birthday, Jian. I’m sure I’ll see you again.
December 27, 2022
December 27, 2022
Have a happy heavenly birthday, my dear friend. May your day be as Merry as the day you were born.
January 18, 2022
January 18, 2022
2 years since your smile left this earth. But, it never left our hearts. Miss you my dear friend
January 17, 2022
January 17, 2022
You are greatly missed. You left an impact on many people.
December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
Happy birthday, Dr. Xie. Wishing you a happy new year in heaven.
December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
May you have a blessed birthday with God's angels in Heavens.
December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
Dear Jian, happy birthday! You are always in my mind and I wish you be happy forever in heaven.
Your student, Yiliang.
December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
Happy Birthday in Heaven! You are loved and greatly missed.
January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
It has been a very long year without you, dear Zijian.
January 3, 2021
January 3, 2021
I hope you had a Happy Birthday and wish you a Happy New Year in HEAVEN, Dr. Xie!
We miss you more and still could not hold back tears. We are so thankful for the example you set in life. Your spiritual legacy will affect our lives for eternity.
December 28, 2020
December 28, 2020

Jian, Today is your birthday. Our kids and I celebrated your birthday. Can you see and feel us? I missed you a lot. Happy birthday!
Love, your Hong
December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020
Happy Birthday, dear Jian. Life goes by very fast but not without thinking of you often and praying for your peaceful eternal life in God's heavens.
December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020
Happy Birthday!! You are greatly missed.
December 9, 2020
December 9, 2020
Hi Dr. Xie,
I hope you had a good thanksgiving in heaven. The Christmas of this year is close. We miss you, especially in December. Each time thinking of you, I would work harder and smarter than usual because I know that you are still staring at me in heaven, and I can not disappoint you. No matter where I work and who I work for, I always thought to be well behaved because I know that we still represent you as being trained by you. Now you see how much influence you put on us! Yes, you just had this magical power. It's good to talk to you a little bit today. Merry Christmas!
December 9, 2020
December 9, 2020
December 8, 2020
December 8, 2020
We all miss you and it is not the same without your smiling face at Christmas!
You will forever be missed.
March 18, 2020
March 18, 2020
今日突然得知Dr. Xie去世的噩耗,彻夜难眠。我是三年前作为访学来到MIIR完成毕业实习的,从一到美国开始您就对我们百般照顾,请我们吃晚餐、给我们买球票、陪我们散步,帮助我们快速融入美国的新生活。你常常会在Lab meeting上停下来问我们问题,让我们积极参与讨论,还记得有一次你问到蛋白质加热之后会怎么样,我说precipitate,你夸我smart,之后每当我遇到困难时我总会想起这个画面,告诉自己我能行。MIIR这三个多月是我真正科研训练的开端,为我后来的研究生生活奠定了坚实的基础。一直想着找个时间回去看看,没曾想……愿您在天堂一切安好!

Rest in Peace, Dr. Xie!

March 14, 2020
March 14, 2020
Dr. Xie and his family have been some of our closest friends for literally as long as I can remember. I was in preschool when we moved into a house on the same street as them. I have fond childhood memories of having dinner with their family...I was a big fan of the pork ribs and cheese soup he made. Afterwards we would play board games or watch movies while the adults played cards. Without fail, Dr. Xie would always have a humorous comment ready to share at our gatherings. For example, once I was in high school he often happily offered me a beer.

I am also one of those many family friends who made the rite of passage through his research lab. I was maybe a high school sophomore then. It was my first time learning what research was, and from my few weeks there I could tell that Dr. Xie really cared about his work. I was tired out by riding in the car for an hour each morning and evening, let alone driving it and doing a full day's work. I also realized that Dr. Xie wanted his students to succeed and improve. I recall him reading my first write-up on a research article and saying that as a professor he thought I did a solid job, but if he were my parent reading it would make him want to spank me.

Later, I did more lab research in college, and ultimately went to medical school. While there's no chance I would touch basic science research again, I've taken quite a liking to clinical research and hope he would take some satisfaction in that (but maybe not!). As I continue learning to take care of patients, I remember those who helped me get here, including Dr. Xie.

I had hoped to make it to the memorial but unfortunately wasn't able to attend, so wanted to say that I have cherished memories of Dr. Xie and his family. I won't forget them.

Andrew Chen
February 23, 2020
February 23, 2020
Dear Jian:
今晚晓亮打电话告诉我, 你们的paper 终于被Science Advances接收了。我的泪水顿时涌了出来....
你的新理论终于被人接受了。这是你30多年的努力和付出,你始终坚信你的理念,无论别人如何排斥你,孤立你,你告诉我,你不在乎他们。 你好坚强。 记得吗?我曾鼓励你 :Don’t wrong, you lost just a battle now, but you will win a war if you believe the trues. 你终于赢了。我为你高兴!为你自豪!
多想亲亲你! 看到你欣慰的一笑!

Dear Jian
Tonight, Xiao Liang called and told me that your paper was finally accepted by the Science Advances. My tears burst out.
Your new theory is finally accepted. This is more than 30 years of your efforts, you always believe in your ideas, no matter how others reject you, isolate you, you tell me, you don't care about them. You're strong man. Do you Remember? I encouraged you: “Don't wrong, you lost just a battle now, but you will win a war if you believe the trues.” you finally won. I'm happy for you! Proud of you!
I want to kiss you! See your happy smile!
My smile was replaced by tears. ...
Pour you a glass of wine.
Your Hong
February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020
It is so shocking and saddening to hear the news about Jian from Sandrine. Even though I've known Jian for only 2 years through work and remote collaboration, he has impressed me very much as a talented and brilliant scientist, a dedicated teacher, an effective collaborator, and a kind gentleman. My most heartfelt sympathy goes out to Yahong, Jian's family and colleagues. He will be truly missed. 
February 8, 2020
February 8, 2020
February 8, 2020
February 8, 2020
Jian,请允许我这样继续称呼您,当我抵达上海在酒店清晨醒来时,得知您的消息,瞬间觉得胸口很闷透不过气,原本以为回美后找机会再去陪您聊聊天,可这一切竟成为了一种奢求。2005年5月25日至2007年5月31日在您的实验室里做交换生,是我学生时代度过的最美好时光,您学术严谨、生活简单的态度令我受益匪浅,您的一言一行在我脑海里依旧是那样的清晰,能成为您指导的学生是我莫大的荣幸。记得2007年5月底离开实验室回国前一天,您带我去学校的shopping store让我选一件礼物,我说:“Jian,不用了,您已经送我非常精美的水晶玻璃球了,这个原本只有您的学生毕业答辩后您才颁发的礼物,我已经提前拿到了,这是您对我在您实验室里工作的最大认可了”。完了,您说:Changjun, you do not want to make my life to be complicated, right?我说:“那好吧,那我选一条带UT logo的领带吧,我回国答辩时可以带”。那是一条金黄色的领带,我依然保留着,因为它意义非凡。您知道吗,后来每当我送好朋友一些小礼物时,他们会说昌军好朋友间不用这么客气的。我就把导师您说过的话对朋友再转述一遍: you do not want to make my life to be complicated, right?一句简单的话,让彼此双方感觉是那样的舒服。所有的这些过往点点滴滴,想忘是忘不掉的,非常遗憾没有见上您最后一面,希望您在另一个世界一切安好,大家相见的那一天,您依旧是我最敬佩的恩师!
February 7, 2020
February 7, 2020


I have never thought, that I would have become one of those suffering from long, sleepless nights. I thought I had the good fortune to sleep anywhere and anytime, even during the heaviest thunderstorms. After Jian left, then I realized, it was because of him, that I could feel at peace and have sweet dreams. Jian, can you come back to me again? I miss you! 2/7/20.
February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020
It was a well-attended celebration of your life, Lao Xie. You would be very proud of Joe and all of your family members. I met many of your friends, neighbours, colleagues and former students. The vivid life of yours was relived.

Like Sheng and Wei’s comments, I recalled your peering gaze after you gave us a glass of wine to taste. As we murmured and could not express ourselves clearly, you would smile and encouragingly say, “Come on, you know better than this.”

You had impact so many people’s lives and we are very fortunate to be part of your life.

Liqun and Meiling
February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020
Jian, we celebrated your life yesterday at a place you are familiar with. I met so many old friends, each one of them reminds me of you. They are your friends, colleagues, and students. I worked with you for 22 years. 22-year is not a short time in a person’s life. I don’t know how much you influenced me, I remember one time David told me “you talk like Jian”. I know even at the last few days of your life, you still cares me and my work. I know we gathered here yesterday, not to say goodbye to you, but to celebrate your beautiful life. We know we will see you again and we will remember all you have taught us.
February 1, 2020
February 1, 2020
This is Yaqi, Yahong’s high schoolmate even though we didn’t know at the time until we became friends in Ann Arbor. On behalf of my husband Ying Yuan and several our former Pfizer colleagues and friends, Xiaodan Ren, Xianxian Zheng and Ling Li, I would like to say few words. Today we are celebrating Jian’s extraordinary life, at meanwhile we have to say something about Yahong. Yes she is Jian’s loving wife, they raised two wonderful sons, she also has her own career as a biologist. This is a happy family, husband achieved huge success in science, two kids became or soon become medical doctors. As we all knew, Yahong is not aggressive but quiet. Quietly made all the family business done, quietly took good care of her husband, her sons, her and Jian’s nephews, quietly support them in all aspects. She is a great contributor to their family’s happinesses. Can’t imagine all the family success if without Yahong’s efforts and supports. Yahong, Jian is the lucky one to have you as his wife. He is in heaven now, eventually we’ll be all united there. But in this moment and coming days, months and years, you still have all of us, your good friends. We’ll be here for you. Be strong! We all love you and will forever miss Jian.
January 31, 2020
January 31, 2020
亚红,真不知道用什么方式来安慰你。任聪和我每天都在念叨你们一家人。30年前在Toledo 与子健和你及家人度过的那些时光让人难以忘怀。我们的孩子们在一起摸爬滚打,大人们钓鱼,包饺子,聊着家常话,打地铺的曰子也过得欢乐无比,一幕幕就像发生在昨天一样!让我们怎么会相信子健走了?他的音容笑貌时时都浮现在我们面前。What we once enjoyed , we can never loss; All the time we spent together becomes a part of us. 让绽放的鲜花带去我们的思念,子健永远活在我们的心间!

January 30, 2020
January 30, 2020
January 29, 2020
January 29, 2020
We first met Zijian and his family in 2006. We are neighbors and good friends since then. We always see them walking in the neighborhood. Zijian,we call him 老谢,in addition to his success in science, will be remembered forever as a gentleman with a smiley face and a character of deep humor. He was a fine wine lover, and created arts displaying the numerous bottle corks he collected. We talked a lot about organic gardening, and loved him to come to our garden for a few hot peppers or anything he liked. We enjoyed his 高超的厨艺 at dinners in his house. Just a couple of months ago, we had the pleasure to be invited to have dinner with him and his wife, Yahong, in their house. As always, we enjoyed the dishes he made, stat of the art of cooking. We cannot believe he will not come to our backyard garden for a bunch of hot peppers or other vegetables he liked. 老谢,you will be remembered forever by us.

Haiming Chen and Nulang Wang
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