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The Helmet

October 23, 2013

Buster was always very good to my family and me.  Once when we visited, Buster had bought himself a new motorcycle and wanted to take my oldest son for a ride.  Rick was only about six years old and no way was his mom going to allow a motorcycle ride and especially without a helmet.  With obvious disappointment in his face, Buster rode off without saying a word.  About an hour later, he returned with a very expensive child’s blue motorcycle helmet.  The helmet fit Rick perfectly and Nancy could not resist after such a generous gesture.  Off Rick and Buster went for Rick’s first and maybe only motorcycle ride.  I know Rick talked about that ride for months.

That day was about 37 years ago and both my boys, Rick and Matt wore that helmet until it no longer fit their growing heads as they enjoyed many hours of imagined thrills thanks to Buster.  For some reason, I actually kept that helmet until about seven years ago.  I gave it to a neighbor’s six-year-old grandson and to this day, I remember him riding his big wheel off into the sunset, blue helmet shinning. 

I do not remember the youngster’s name but cancer took his life only about three months after I gave him the helmet.  Maybe now he can thank Buster for all the happiness Buster unknowingly gave to many of us.

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