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Her Life


June 11, 2011

She was ready for it all, she wrote us a letter telling us she was pregnant. She was so happy, she drew a picture of her with a big belly and a baby inside. Inside the picture was her first beloved Ashley. She craved everything, from pickles and icecream to marshmallows. She didnt care that she gained so much weight, she was happy her Ashley was on the way. Ashley was here and proud grandma gave her the first bath , ONE WEEK after she was born. Laura was scared to hurt her baby and waited for mom to help her. Two yrs later Ashley suffered a terrible car accident and my sister never once doubted GOD would protect her little Ashley. Her strong faith and brave spirit proved everyone including the doctors wrong. Next came Genesis her curly haired big eyed girl, she became the baby of the house but not too long her 3rd child Osbaldo Jr was born. He was the first to be dark skinned and resembled grandpa Chente. My sister received this beautiful child the same day I lost mine, she was scared and did not know what to say  to comfort me but she called me to tell me she was there for me. We shared a bond that day. Then came Nathan, adventurous like her. She tried to have more children with her second husband but it was not ment to be.

Teenage yrs

June 11, 2011

She loved to sleep all the time, at times we worried she was up to no good because she never wanted to leave the bedroom but she was just a lazy teenager. She fought alot with her oldest sister yet they became so close. They always hung out at clubs together and there she fell in love at a very young age. She decided she was ready to marry at age 15, one month after her quincenera. My mother attempted on several occasions to  make her understand it was not time, but she had made up her mind. She moved to Houston TX the city she would fall in love with and never wanted to leave.


June 11, 2011

She was born in Mission Tx she was the second child of 5, she was born with shoulder length black hair and full grown nails. She was a wild child, she learned how to cuss at a very young age. She was never repremended because everyone thought it was hilarious.

Nacida en Mission Tx  es la segunda hija de 5.Nacio con su pelo negro hasta los hombros y con unas largas. Desde chiquita aprendio a usar palabras inapropriadas pero nunca fue reprendida porque les causaba gracia a todos.

Un poema para una princesa

June 11, 2011

Mi Dios,

En este dia te quiero decir algo, que te doy gracias por haberme prestado a una princessa , una hija hermosa, una amiga que disfrute por 31 anos. Con alegria que la recibi, asi miso te la entrego. Con gozo y felicidad porque le permiteste procrear a cuatro hijos. Padre estuve contentamente con ella, siempre sonriendo, valiente , sincera , alli estara siempre para mi. Con dolor en la carne pero con gozo en el espiritu, te doy gracias mi senor.

Con amor,

tu madre