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To My Big Brother

April 4, 2019
by G M

It's hard to believe it's been years since you left us, seems just like yesterday. Remembering you on this sad day, but at the same time, I know you are at rest. LOVE and MISS you a whole lot! Rest in peace brother, may you be with God and at peace!

My Brother, My Care Taker, My Friend

February 27, 2019
by G M

Hey,  brother... sure do miss you lot's! Sitting here drinking a cup of coffee remembering the times we use to sit outside drinking coffee counting how many airplanes were passing in the sky over us... me,  you and Cano,  lol. Never thought i'd be missing those days. Dang bro,  if you could see your kids now... you'd sure be a proud daddy.  Of course,  there has been some problems, but  that's where you'd be proud of them... just the way they handle their problems (so adult now). I myself am proud to be their aunt! Well just wanted to write this down,  I know it was supposed to be about you,  but then again... it is about you,  your kids.  Your kids are you (those pieces of you that you left behind). We all love and miss you so much bro! May you be resting in peace.  Love ya much!  Your sis. 

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