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The photo found across the world

October 4, 2014

We knew nothing about my grandfather Peterson's family roots in Sweden until a couple of years ago. I had tried back in 1990 but found nothing except the name of the county where he was probably born.

However, cousin Kim Delich has been diligently researching of the Peterson family tree for some time. With and lots of hard work, she succeeded in locating living relatives, Kjell and Allan Landgren, in Sweden a couple of years ago. She contacted them and a lively exchange of many emails ensued. This past summer, Kim and her children traveled to Sweden to visit them. 

Upon her return, she sent me this photograph of an old page from the Landgren family album - of my mother and me! Apparently my grandfather had mailed it to his sister, Anna-Märta, back in the "old country" long ago. I had never seen this picture - but these people I hadn't even known about had had it for over 50 years. Thank you, Swedish cousins, for being such good record keepers.

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