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Hey big brother lil sis here

February 8, 2020
Hey brother how is it like in heaven with God I know you both are watching down over me I can feel the amazing Love. You would be so proud of me. I have turned my life around and I'm living by God's words. I do have faith and believe in Jesus Christ. I hope I'm blessed one day to be in heaven with you and God where it's home and perfect. Can you tell Gene and Ray , grandma and both grandpa's, our uncle's and friends that I love and miss you all. Wish you were here to see how big your son is and how big my kids are you being a uncle. Until we meet again I will be here on Earth doing the Lord's works and duties and loving everyone. Love lil sister amen

My Heart

March 19, 2012
My darling Buddy, the kids and I truly miss you, and cherish the last few months we had together. And think of you every day, I will alway have our love in my heart. And know you are right beside God's side, some day I will walk with you both. And you would be so proud of me today on 3/20/2012 I will have a year sober, and working on a new life,if only you were here with me to share God's blessing on me. I walk every night looking up a the sky as you told me that night, and talk to you and God enjoy the peace in the sky. I love you and alway care you with me. Love Donna

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