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Her Life

becoming mama 2nd time

November 15, 2013

The day i told my mum i was having a baby, she was watching the tv and i handed her a scan photo and she said aww is that craigs sisters baby? Then i could see her looking at the date. Its yours, Your not? are you? after 5 mins it sank in and then she said i had better get knitting . she came to the scans with me and we went for a meal after where we started talking about names. My mum is a very hands on person. She is just brill. The day i went into labour my mum was very worried as i guess most mums. Craig sent her a photo after i had nick as i was in the bath mum phoned she sounded shocked to find me on the other end of the phone. "Mich, how are you ? you sound really well not like you have just had a baby" the first day home i told her to come over and have a cuddle. with thanks to my sis i have a lovely photo of my mum holding Nick . I never would of guessed this would of been the last photo of my mum holding him .

becoming a grandmother

November 15, 2013

My mum was over the moon on 2nd oct after my sister gave birth to a lovely little boy jordan smith. Our mum helped in every way she could, Our mum loved children and she would do anything for them. He became her little man my sister went back to work and my mum and dad helped look after him and they loved every min