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April 19, 2015

First cabinet up! David helped with the reno of mine and his dads house. Like his dad he enjoyed working with his hands. He liked working with his dad and I know Bobby was happy when David came around. He was a good guy and I will miss him. RIP David.

My first "Dave" experience

April 15, 2015

So, when i met Dave, I was 24, he was 16. So, heres how it went, I had been working at A plus bowling alley, and was, umm, "lucky" enough to meet Petro, Dave, Guido, the whole crew. So after a few weeks of me bein around, meetin Bob Fox, etc... Dave proceeds to tell me that, he got in trouble in school, and needed a ride to Saturday detention, ok, cool I think, no problem. Now, here comes the "Dave" part... After I drop them off, I HAVE to go meet Becky, have breakfast with her, and explain how it wasnt Dave's fault, Now, here I go, the 24yr old, goin to meet the mother of some kid, who, I am keeping out of trouble.. This Effin Kid I think to myself. I knew then, that I had found a special friend, even though he was younger, and everyone said I was crazy, I looked at all these crazies, as my brothers. Dave, however, took the cake. Our friendship blossomed, into so much more. I am honored to call David my brother and my best friend, no matter how much time, how many miles between us, we always just picked back where we left off, and I know when it's my time, we'll pick up again.. I love you kid...

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