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"I did the basic jumbo group trunk bay"

September 16, 2023
Dick's retirement announcement

Storyteller Dick

September 16, 2023
We all know Dick could tell a story, even the Navy Personnel Office knew it! Here's a form attached to his (second) 1952 discharge letter. It lists two years at Brown in Physics, leisure activities woodworking and radio, college swimming, and as talent for public entertainment, story telling. Also, President of Hy-Y Club, a social club connected to YMCA for high school students


November 9, 2013

One story that Dad loved to retell happened when I was in college. I invited 4 friends to go spelunking in Weybridge Cave. It was Thanksgiving weekend. We were fairly well prepared with skills and equipment. The entrance to the cave involves climbing down 40 feet or so of cliff with freezing cold water splashing over you. We ended up spending a couple hours more than expected in the cave, and by the time we all climbed back out we were fighting off hypothermia, and the first snow of the season was falling with a couple of inches on the ground already.

We had dry blankets in the truck cab, so we all doffed our wet clothes and huddled together for the short drive home. Meanwhile, Dad got worried and recruited our neighbor Walt Sears to go after us. They passed us on the road, turned around and followed us back. When they pulled in behind us, their headlights showed 5 naked guys running out of the truck into the house.

It was a close call with a happy ending, just the kind of story Dad loved to tell.

Coolidge State Park

October 3, 2013

Charlie and I were lucky guys to go camping with RB and Dick and Pete Ken and Doug.....when all the Tuckermans and Bates girls went on a travel trailer trip out west.......we all had a great time, their trailering and us camping.  ........................???circa 1960???
       I remember we went down the mountain, on the hot afternoons, to swim in the stream which was dammed up. The dam was about 12 feet high.
       We would take soap with us to do some sort of bathing while we were there. SOOOO....Charlie would stand on the top of the dam and soap up with lather all over, even around his head. He would yell as to which way to dive to rinse off. RB and Dick as well as all of us boys would yell...over there...over there...Charlie would point and turn and have us think he was to dive over the dam down into the rocks.......we would all squeel.....he would turn back and make like he did not agree with that being the right way and turn to the rocks again.....we would all squeel again...he he he he......finally he would dive in and rinse off and we would all cheer.............................Love you Dick for that fun week...............miss Charlie too................what great to all..........  : - )

Trip to Miami 2010

September 28, 2013

Dad and mom visited Miami in 2010 for a week. I think it was the last time they flew anywhere far away.

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