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February 25, 2011

I do not believe my words will adequately express how kind, generous and loving my grandmother was but I will try.  With her many layers, pure essence, simplicity and beauty a white rose may describe her if I had to compare.    

 Her nature was both pure and simple.  She treated everyone she met with kindness and respect.  She deeply loved her family, which is a whole lot of love given how large the family is.  My grandmother didn’t just love her immediate family…..she embraced all of her nieces, nephews, great-grandchildren, great nieces and nephews, spouses of her children and grandchildren and everyone in between.  My father told me just a couple of days ago how welcomed he always felt in her presence even after my parents divorced.  He remembers her with love and fondness. 

 She was tiny but mighty.  As a child I can vividly recall her loving but stern discipline.  Don’t even dare back talk her.  She would put you in your place so fast it would make your head spin.   My brother Tommy was of a particular nuisance to her as the moment she turned her back, Tommy was up a tree which drove her insane with worry.  Grandma let him have it every time but he still would climb those trees.   As a mother of 6, she knew all of the stunts children would attempt so us grandchildren didn’t stand a chance of getting away with anything around her.   She always knew.  Always!  On the flip side she ruled from a place of love.  She was love.   Tommy and I remember fondly massive family Christmas Eve parties at her house and Easter Egg hunts in her yard.   The drive to Slidell with our mother to go to Grandma’s house was always a thrill.  

 In her latter years it was the simple pleasures in life that she enjoyed the most.  Spending time with family, going to the casino, a good cup of coffee and flowers.  I also recall a time in her life when she enjoyed cooking.   Ok, let’s face it….she had 6 kids to feed and then all those grandkids to feed.  I’m sure at times cooking was a chore but some of my fondest memories of her were when she would give me cooking lessons.  She taught me everything I know about being a southern cook.  Our time in the kitchen together I will treasure forever. 

 My grandmother will be greatly missed by all who knew her.  She was loving, beautiful and caring.  It is time to celebrate her life as we mourn her death.  She has joined the kingdom heaven where her daughters Jody and Vicky welcome her with open arms.  She who lived a long life surrounded by love is truly blessed.  


The bestest cook in the Universe

January 14, 2011

My Grandmother taught me everything I know about being a down home Louisiana southern cook.  She helped me perfect my Gumbo by teaching me the secret to making the perfect roux (almost burning it).  Her green beans were to die for.  My absolute favorite dish of hers was her stuff mirlitons.  When I was about 18 years old I insisted she give me her recipe.  To my shock, she did not have a recipe.  She just "did" it.  So one day I went to her house to watch her in action and write down everything she did.  My written recipe was hysterical after all was said and done.  The ingredients looked something like this:

- 2 palms full of breadcrumbs

- As much garlic as you can tolerate

- The more shrimp the better

You get the picture.  I still have the original recipe I wrote down on notebook paper all those years ago.  Cooking with her was absolutely our boding thing.   I miss those days.

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