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May 22, 2019
by Min Li



730个日夜: 变与不变

March 21, 2018




March 18, 2018

两年时间就这么匆匆过去了。以前每次想到当时陪你坐火车,吃饭,还车的情形都觉得胸口发闷没法回忆下去。现在能把这一段旅程串起来了,越发后悔当时太傻,没有想到先要个轮椅再出门。我们一起看的电影Everest 里,登山者在冲顶时缺氧的情况在看电影时感觉还没有那么深。看了小说以后,那一段登山的旅程和你的旅程慢慢重合在一起了。


August 7, 2017
by Min Li




relay for life

June 24, 2017

今年是翊帆第二年参加Relay for Life 的活动。 所有的思念都在其中。希望人类能彻底战胜癌症。

March 21, 2017
by Min Li



July 28, 2016


May 16, 2016



May 15, 2016


和靖衍熟悉之后,我才算对闺秀这个词有了感性的认识。在我的印象里,靖衍总是不急不缓,温婉细致,充满善意,又理性条理清晰。当时公司刚进中国,团队很小,同事都很年轻,相处得颇close,靖衍也是深受大家欢迎。曾经一起去南京出差,因为关系好,我们就share room。晚饭后她一边整理第二天seminar要用的资料,一边和我聊天,井井有条。那次我好轻松,只管第二天做个presentation就好了,其他什么都不用管。有一次当时的首代要去无锡出差,靖衍安排好出租车,细心地递上一个小袋子,里面装了水和一点点心。柔而不媚,体贴又淡然,这细微的一幕,让今天的TEEC主席、基金掌门在多年以后回忆起来仍赞赏不已。





March 27, 2016

大约2004年的夏天。我公公婆婆来帮我们带年幼的儿女。他们在小区里认识了国栋的父母和女儿Helena。三个孩子很快就成了好朋友。作为孩子的父母, 我们也很自然成了朋友,不知不觉的十多年过去了。随和的靖衍和国栋也走进了我们的朋友圈。他们俩的真诚和热情很快成了朋友圈里一对受人欢迎的夫妇,人称小周和小高。

靖衍啊,冬天里我们一起去威斯康辛Dells滑雪,过圣诞节。夏天我们一起去郊游,camping。 我们一起去参观林肯故居;一起去墨西哥度假。我们一起参加孩子的生日聚会。我们一起盼望着孩子快点长大。我们一起操心孩子的学习,交流对付小家伙们的心得。祖兴和我都在外工作,每次有困难找你帮忙,你总是轻轻的说一声 “好的呀”。你也深受孩子们的喜爱。无论天气不好,还是学校放假,小孩不得不在家时。你家自然就成了我们孩儿最爱去的地方。无论孩子们怎么折腾,你从不会生气,还总是做好吃的好喝的给他们。在孩子们找不到我们的时候,第一个想到的就是找你。女儿称你The second mother。11月14号是Helena和祖兴共同的生日,每年我们都要在一起为这一老一少共庆祝生日。是何等开心!

靖衍啊,你对朋友总是那么热情,慷慨。但对自己是那么严酷,不让朋友知道你的病痛,不让朋友为你操心。那怕近在三个月前,自己病痛很严重了,还主动要求为朋友值夜班。你带给我们那么多的温暖和阳光, 我现在明白了,你是在无私地,无畏地燃烧自己美丽的生命!




March 27, 2016

My mom was a true fighter
She really was
To battle breast cancer for 14 years, since I was 1
To hold on for this long
She's so brave
I cannot put it in words
She battled it for so long
To stay with us a little longer
For us, my family, and me
She was tired from fighting
She wanted a break
The least we could do is to give her
Her well deserved rest
You promised me you'd be there when i graduated
You sat there
in that chair
at the train station and promised me.
You were only three years gone to early
You had such an early death
was it just a trick of time
That made me believe that you could live forever?
The last thing i want to do is to say good bye
The last thing I want to do is to describe you using past tense
I want to say “she is”
Not “she was”
I wish it wasn't so soon
Why couldn't you have had more time
We still have so many adventures to go on
You won't go away,
You’ll always be in my heart
Unseen, unheard
But still missed dearly and still loved
Now i know you're in a better place
Where you are free
Where you are no longer restricted
Where you no longer have trouble breathing Where you can ride a plane without fear of not having enough air
Where you can walk up the stairs
Where you can do anything
And free





爱的确据 - 怀念靖衍 Seal of Love

March 26, 2016


我写悼文时七岁的小女儿在一旁玩儿。回想靖衍恍如昨日的音容笑貌我不禁落泪,她问为什么,我一时想不好怎样跟她解释死亡,就说,你不在我身边的时候,我太想你就难过。她跑开又回来,在我胸前贴了一个她自己画作的贴纸,温柔地摁着说: “Mommy, when I am away, this is the seal of my love, you will feel better until you see me again.” (妈妈,当我不在时,这个就是我爱你的凭证,你见到我之前拿着它就不难过.)这真是神借着她说的话。叔叔,阿姨, George, Helena, 我深愿这话也成为你们的安慰。靖衍有幸受洗归主,她心中有主爱救赎的确据,有一天,所有的眼泪都会过去,带着这爱的确据, 你们必欢聚在神的国度里。愿往日温馨美好的回忆温暖你们的心,圣灵亲自的安慰就在悲伤中赐下盼望。愿靖衍我们的好姐妹在主的怀抱中安息。

words to auntie from Timmy Tu

March 26, 2016

Dear auntie Jingyan,

 Do you remember the time when we went to Wisconsin Dells and you got my sister and me two Webkinzs? When I opened the package, I felt so excited and I couldn’t wait until I could finally play with it. My sister and I always begged my mom at the store to get them, but she never did because she thought it cost too much and did not think it was worth it. After you got them for us, we played with them 30 minutes a day because my dad always knew how to control our time on the computer. I still have the two stuffed animals in my room. Although I don’t play with them anymore, I will always cherish the memories of you looking at me with a big smile when I opened the box.

Do you remember how I always followed you around at your house, holding your hand and pointing at the place where you always kept your goodies.  You would give me treats that my mom would never give us like fruit roll ups, sun chips, and fruit snacks. She thought they cost too much and at that time we did not have much money, but you helped us through those times. I will always remember how whenever we left your house you would load our car with toys, food, cloths, and so many fun memories. Every time we left your house, I would always ask my parents when we could come back to visit you. The last time I went to your house, I saw a bag of dried fruit and you urged me to try it. It was the first time I tried Durian. It didn’t taste really good to me, but I tried it anyway and now I am trying as much new foods as I can.

Do you remember how you played with me on the Wii and Ping-Pong? You would watch me when I played the Wii and show me how to do it. You also showed me how to use your ping-pong machine that automatically serves to you. That was one of the coolest things I had ever seen and It was very fun being able to use it. When I was playing, you always left treats down there and told me I could have as many as I wanted. Those were some of my best memories because it felt like everything was perfect. Now I still play ping-pong with my dad and sister in my basement. I now play some video games but not a lot. When I do, I play on my computer. Whenever we went to your house, I asked, “can I play on your Wii?” I thought it was the coolest thing ever because the answer was always yes.

Do you remember when I was one years old, we went to your house for a few days. The night before we left, we had a big dinner. My mom told me how much I loved the pork feet soup you made. It was my first real dinner that wasn’t baby food. The pork feet soup was so good that you sent the rest home with me. My mom told me that I ate the soup for 4 days straight. As you can see, I have been loving your food since I was a toddler. I guess my mom has already told you that I enjoy cooking and you have been an inspiration to me. My mom tells me how whenever you go to a restaurant, you see what you can learn and apply it to your own cooking. I am doing the same! Whenever I go to a restaurant, I try to get something that I have never tried before and when I get a chance I will try to make it. I also learn from watching videos.

I hope I can learn from you. I have started cooking a lot lately and I hope I can make your delicious hong shao rou.  I have been cooking at least 2 meals a week and I have made kung pao chicken, apple pie, French silk pie, twice cooked pork, chicken wild rice soup, poached salmon, grilled salmon, scallion pancakes, etc.  

My mom and sister always like it when I cook because I always try to make new things although they complain that it gets too messy. On the other hand, my dad thinks it is a waste of my time and I should be studying math the whole time. I am sure you will be on my side because you understand how fun it is to make people happy with food.

I am writing this as my dad joins your family and friends to bid you a farewell. I am sorry I cannot come and say goodbye. I was mad at my parents earlier this week because for my whole life they did not tell me you had cancer. I asked them why and they said they wanted me to enjoy spending time with you to the fullest extent.

Although I cannot give you anymore hugs, I will always have you in my heart. Thank you, auntie Jingyan, for giving me all these wonderful memories and making me feel special.




Smells of Roses

March 24, 2016

去年夏天结伴去女友的生日聚餐品尝美食,回来的途中我有些不适,靖衍邀我到家中小憩。我又得以有机会和靖衍聊起室内装饰,庭园绿化景观。我们又不禁想起以前一起去参观Open House,只为了看看主人的装饰和家居品味。待到室内完工后,喜爱玫瑰的靖衍又把新家前种满了最爱的David Austin 各色玫瑰。我们比划着设计前院的花坛,我们相约一起秋季时剪枝扦插玫瑰⋯是我来迟了,还是你失约了,靖衍?但我知,你在天父那里,在芬芳的满是玫瑰的园中⋯微笑,漫步,轻语。

Footprints in sand

March 24, 2016

记得在墨西哥度假,难得小孩子随爸爸们出岛游玩,靖衍和我几个妈妈们乐得清闲几个小时,相约海边散步,喜爱自然的我们踏着柔软的白沙,象少女般嬉笑,闲聊。  还在当地人停在海边的一艘快艇上轮流拍照,那里满是我们美丽的足迹和开心的笑声。

March 24, 2016



March 23, 2016

I am listening to the background music, browsing through the photos, and drinking tea with the hot water boiled in the tea kettle you gave me last May.

Rongqing made a silly mistake when he went to Chicago to get Timmy’s visa to go back to China. He got everyone else’s other than Timmy’s visa because I—the mother—had to be present to secure a visa for Timmy. Looking back, I am immensely grateful for the mishap this otherwise perfect man inadvertently brought to our life. Maybe it was God’s will to bring me to see you?

We swung by to the fitness center to see you and then went to a Chinese restaurant with your family. Timmy, the little boy that grew up with all kinds of fun memories of auntie Jingyan feeding him, complained to you about how mom’s cooking could never be compared with auntie Jingyan’s. You gently patted him on his shoulders and said, “Next time when you come, I will make your favorite Hong Shao Rou.” I am sure you will be happy to know that this little foodie is developing a passion for cooking and has been cooking for the family on a regular basis twice a week since two years ago. Now he is adventuring into all kinds of uncharted territories in cooking—especially ethnic cooking—and baking, which I have been trying to avoid as much as I can. Can you believe it, Jingyan? He enjoys it so much that he has to do extra homework to try a new recipe! Like you, he enjoys seeing the satisfied looks on people’s faces with the food he makes. Seeing tears in my eyes, he reminisced about the good time he had with you, “Mom, auntie always asks me to try new things. Remember last year when we were at her house, she asked me to try dried durian?” I do remember that! Jingyan, this is so quintessentially you! Your curiosity about the world, your enthusiasm to share your adventures with other people, and your fun-spirited laughter over my resistance to novelties will be missed with throbbing intensity, especially when I need a reminder to be fearless, carefree, and adventurous regardless of consequences.

Then you brought us downstairs to see the newly installed pin pong machine, packed up some sun chips for Timmy on the road for the next day, and then you took out a glass tea kettle for me. “Use this in the future since people say it is healthier,” with your trademark smile and soft spoken voice you told me all the benefits of using glassware utensils. The next morning, we had a quick breakfast with you and Guodong before we left your house. When Rongqing backed the car out of the driveway, I saw you and Guodong standing there--hand in hand--and waving goodbye to us. What a classical scene of you two—standing next to each other, supporting each other through the thick and thin of life, and looking forward to a future together!

In the deepest corner of my heart, this scene will be gently framed and tenderly cherished.

Zhenzhen and Timmy ask me to say hi to auntie. They will talk to you soon! So will I…

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