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His Life

my beautiful dad

March 25, 2016
<p>My father wasn't just a dad he was a father,mother,best friend . My dad was my hero growing up &amp; he is always sadly missed by all of us. We love ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ you. I just wish I could tell u just how much I love u &amp; miss u each &amp; every day.My poo bar was there for me no matter what happened dad was there always. Now that u are gone I still talk to you as u were still hear &amp; I wait for my answer but it never comes that's when I remember you are not beside me instead you are so far away in a beautiful &amp; peaceful place. Until that day comes were I'm hugging you again face to face. U will stay in my heart were u belong .l love u my daddy poo bar missing you always xxxxxx</p>