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November 23, 2014

Happy birthday Joey. My love for you is endless. I miss you each day. Thank you for making me a better person.  I will always love you Biff.  Love, Nell. 

Final Goodbye

June 21, 2013

Tomorrow we will lay you to rest. May you sleep peacefully in God's arms and sorrounded by the angels who joyfuilly await your arrival. Sleep peacefully my friend for you are deeply missed by those of us who love you. Love forever, "Nell".

June 15, 2013

Words cannot express my pain

You cannot see it in pictures

Nor read it in print

You can only

Trust me when I  tell you

That it is sharper than the sharpest knife

Yet leaves my soul dull and bleeding profusely

I am forever changed

And my soul will bleed forever

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