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Our Housewarming

November 18, 2016

I love this picture of Dave Hatfield, Ken, and Mark Thomas. We had bought our first house and had a big housewarming party in 1995. We were so surprised when Ken & Margie showed up at the front door lugging a Meyer's lemon tree for us! But that wasn't enough...Ken also hauled in big bags of fertilizer and some other magic growing stuff as well! We've been eating from, juicing, cooking with, and sharing bags of lemons for the past 20+ years from that awesome lemon tree, Jim even has a group of folks that have a "lemon subscription" with us. Both Ken and Margie always give so much from their hearts, pressed down, shaken together, and running out all over! Jim and I are thankful for these two children of the Lord. 
Jim & Kris 

Mr. Harris

November 17, 2016

Mr. Harris was cool person, so nice, kind and always had a smile when I would see him.  I remember one year @ Mission Springs Family Camp in Santa Cruz, CA - all us kids were in the pool , joking, playing, swimming and laughing and Mr. Harris was playing with us in the pool and propelling us from his knee -  like a jumper into the waters.  It was sooooo much fun!   I rememeber that like it was yesterday. Those type of moments are so special. 
Mrs. Harris, Sarah, Mary, Joel, Tim- my condolences to you all during this time.  May God's peace bathe you, as you remember your husband...your daddy! 
#Rembering Mr. Harris 

Humor in The Fall

November 17, 2016

My Dad's favorite story during the last week of his life was about one of his recent falls. In November his health was declining to the point that it was difficult for him to stand up and walk around he and my Mom's apartment. My Mom had gone to the store and told him, “do not try to walk, you may fall!” But, my Dad decided to walk and collapsed. Lying on the floor, he started to cry out, “Help... help...” and in telling the story he'd change his voice to imitate himself in an almost comedic manner, expressing how weak his voice sounded in these last few days. He then said, with a smile, that from behind him he heard a voice that said, “Well, I'm not a nurse, but I'm a pastor!” It was his good friend, and senior pastor of he and my Mom's church here in San Antonio. This pastor is in his 80's and has cancer himself, so he was not able to lift my Dad off of the floor. Then, my Dad would say that he pointed to the window and said to the pastor, “See if someone is outside that could help.” Thankfully, by some miracle of perfect timing, there were two strong apartment maintenance workers outside that same window! The pastor waved them down and they came to help my Dad back into his chair, a chair he would be confined to for about a week until he passed away. My Dad loved telling me this story every morning when I'd come visit after working overnight and he would smile and laugh about it, thankful for his good friend's perfect timing. To me it showed that he was able to keep his sense of humor, that everyone who knew him appreciated and adored, even through all of his difficult times struggling to stay alive and fighting aging, cancer, and all of the subsequent side effects of different medicines. His strength, kindness, and love will forever be remembered in my heart.  I love you Dad, your son, Tim. <3 

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