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Share a special moment from Leslie's life.

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Vikings game

December 16, 2015

So I had the opportunity to go to the Vikings game in phoenix.  As we were waiting for kick off the dome was open and I looked up and there was the most beauiful sky..I know it was my dad looking down on us.  He loved his vikings and he was there with us that night.  Love you daddy!  ❤️

November 22, 2015

My dad was strong, caring, loving, understanding, stubborn, funny, handsome, respectable and the most amazing father and grandfather and husband you could ever ask for.  I am so thankful for all the memories I have with my dad and the memories that my boys will have of their grandpa.  He loved those boys with all his heart and they love him.  There is not a day, hour, minute or second that he is not on my mind.  As Thanksgiving is nearing I am thankful that I had all those moments with my dad but always will feel like there should have been more.    So, Dad, thank you for standing beside me through all my decisions and giving me advice when I needed it. Thank you for loving my mom so much and for treating all of us girls like we were the most important daughter. Thank you for playing all those girlie games with us because that's what you do when you have daughters.  Thank you for fixing my car multiple times and for always changing my oil.  Thank you for having our occasional argument because we both love arguing.  ;)  Thank you for loving me no matter what choices I made.  Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for being there for Kellan. Thank you for playing with my boys and showing them all the love you have to give.  Dad, I am so very thankful for you.  Love you more than words.  

Russia- The Hermitage

November 12, 2015

One of my favorite stories about Les comes from our many travel adventures.   On one of our trips, we stopped in St. Petersburg, Russia.  A ground tour took us to the Hermitage Museum.  As we were walking through the many levels and exhibits, Les began to get tired.  He selected a very nice statue, perched on a tall podium to "lean" on as he rested.   Almost imediately, several angry Russian "guards" surrounded Les, telling him in obviously frustrated Russian to "get away" from the statue!   Needless to say, we were watched very closely during ther rest of our visit!   We laughed so hard about the entire adventure, that I am sure our tour "friends" thought we were crazy!   

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