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Her Life
August 26, 2023
August 23, 2023
November 8, 2017

A Pavia, she was three years old.

November 8, 2017

il mio 21th compleanno

November 8, 2017

al mare con papà.aveva solo due anni.

November 8, 2017

The good time we had, al mare durante school vacation, lignano sabia d'oro.

November 8, 2017

Asmara 1987, la mia piccola aveva solo nove anni. God bless her soul!!!

my short life story

November 14, 2012

This is my story.

I was born on october 23 1978 Monday morning at 07.40 in Dessie HospitalEthiopia. in her early childhood
her family moved to Italy,where she completed her elementary school.
She matriculated from Edenglen high in South Africa and she joined the Tecnicom wits for business management .in 2000 she joined the computer science course.
at the executive college,passing several courses including systems support,web
design,web master.This proved to be  the seminal work of her carreer.her last job was at Canon Europe as a Technical consultant.

Manuela,worked for Telekom,Pirelli,South-African airways,and for Italian consulate:as well as volunteer job work for Croce Azzuro of Belgioioso.

She had a great passion for arts:especially  painting.She work in oil and water
colours.She had a talent for design,photographs and music,she was self tought person, she enjoyed playing the piano, she loved to cook and bake cakes.
 She always had a great curiosity and loved to read books,
Books were her best friends.

She used to play sports including softball,jogging,swimming and she won a compitation for scubadiving..
Manuela,was smart with great talent,she had a love for new technology,she was lovely with a friendly good manner,she was generous,kind,cheerful and always
In accordance with her wishes,she was buried next to her cousin Danilo.  

La Storia della mia breve vita.

November 7, 2012

Manuela è nata a Dessie (Etiopia) il 23 ottobre 1978,nella sua prima infanzia la
la sua famiglia si trasferi in Italia dove frequento le scuole elementari e media.
successivamente ottenne la maturità a Edenglen High in Sud-Africa.
Manuela  ha completato i suoi  studi presso Technicom college per il corso di Business management.nel 1999 ha fatto il corso di computer presso executive college,
passando per vari corsi tra cui il systems support,web designer,web master che 
in seguito diventerà la base per la sua carriera lavorativa.      

Manuela,ha lavorato per Telekom,Pirelli,southafrican airways e consolato Italiano.
inoltre ha lavorato come volontaria presso la Croce Azurra  di Belgioioso.

Manuela aveva una grande passione per l'arte in particolare la pittura, ,lavorava con colori ad olio e acqua.Aveva talento per il desegno,la fotografia,e per la musica.

Suonava il pianoforte da quando era piccola,e amava leggere i libri scientifici,era una autodidatta, e i libri erano i suoi migliori amici.

Amava viaggiare, praticava sport come softball, jogging, nuoto e pattinaggio. E ha avinto una gara di immersione subacquea.    

Manuela era intelligente e con un grande talento e amava la nuova tecnologia.
Secondo la sua volontà riposa accanto a suo cugino Danilo.