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i spose so

August 28, 2012

you who blessed me with your life
a life taken too soon
too me one who never gave me an ounce of pain
alot of worry
alot of love and laughter
my sweet child  who was the best of all meant the most to me
my friend and my "good" child
the one who never gave me any pain or grief 
aside from the pains you suffered and the trials you went through
of course i felt for you  too.. like a sister to me and a best friend
nothing could really say how much i cared for you and how much i shared with you what i had and you what you had.  we had it kind a rough without a dad around but we also had it kind of good   mostly good...  we loved it so should god bless you eternally to me he should.  and to most others too . i know you had friends too that i did not know who miss you.. oh well..               

I remember her

June 21, 2012

The prayer above the lord is my shepard is a prayer Melanie  often recited .

February 26, 2012

Lord our God . you are always quick to show mercy, Melanie was taken from us suddenly, come quickly to her aid, have mercy on her, and comfort her family and friends, by the power and protection of the cross we ask this through Christ our Lord amen.

a special prayer for you today melanie  you have passed almost a year now and i miss you but still feel you near me . i know that when i die i will see you and be with you again  so with this peace i live and will always be happy when my day comes to be with you again. your sister mary


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